Troy Meadows Annual Meeting Minutes April 13, 2010
Introduction of the board members. 1 new resident on Miracle introduced herself.
Ann Smith reviewed financials that were sent out and are available on the website.
When money for neighborhood events came up, some residents started questioning why do all homeowners pay for events that not all residents participate in. Several people chimed in and said that the events are good for the neighborhood, creating a sense of community for the residents.
One resident recommended a survey be done about events, possibly sent out with the annual meeting letter.
Someone asked about changing the by-laws for putting minutes and other information on the website only. She asked if we could also include in the survey about spending the associations money and how the residents would like to spend it.
Ann Smith talked about gator and the lawn cutting, including the addition of the Wattles and Livernois road cuttings now that the City of Troy will no longer be cutting them. Mary Ann Bernardi received quotes for lawn cutting as well, but their prices are higher than gator’s. Lawn mowings for the 2010 year will continue with Gator. Everyone voted on cutting the lawn on Wattles and Livernois for an additional $175 per cut. It was approved 23 to 8 to cut every other week as needed for the 2010 year.
Someone needs to contact Tom’s Landscape on Rochester Road about replacing the dead plants that were planted last year. They are warranted for one year. Tom’s also agreed to water for 1 year. One residents recommended a barrier be added to the landscaping to protect it from road salt in the winter. A couple residents said they do not like the small rocks and the pine trees at the Wattles entrance. It was suggested that a questions if whether the pine trees and rocks should stay or go be added to a survey for all the homeowners to decide.
One neighbor of the Livernois entrance likes the look but does not like the late dropping leaves on her lawn. She also said we need weed killer on the Livernois entrance lawn, which is currently sprayed for weeds.
A few residents said the Christmas wreaths are nice but need to be removed before the spring.
Cul-de-sac improvements were brought up. Anyone interested in planning the improvement of their or all the cul-de-sacs, please contact any of the board members to be part of the landscape/cul-de-sac committee. We could add cul-de-sac improvements to a possible survey. Cul de-sacs are not currently maintained.
Current activities sponsored by the homeowners association dues include movie night, the Halloween Parade and the subdivision sale.
Keep an eye out for garlic mustard growing wild.
Troy meadows still has a website, still maintained be Brett Houpt. The address is
Neil Yashinsky talked about the facebook group, “Troy Meadows Homeowners”, created and maintained by him and his wife. All residents are encouraged to join to keep current of sub related topics and events. Neil also talked about earthday 2010, getting residents to come clean up the park and entrances. He also warned about garlic mustard growing wild and advised all residents to keep an eye out for it.
Mary Ann talked about 25 mph speed signs and how they cannot be added to city property. They can be added to private property, like at 3880 Lawson. Please remember the speed limit is 25 mph in the neighborhood. If you know of any speeders, you can contact the Troy police department and they will contact the violators.
There are 3 residents who have put up signs in their front yards about dog owners not picking up after their dogs. One person in particular was named for not picking up after his 3 dogs that he walks.
Please clean out nearby storm drains of leaves and debris to prevent street flooding.
Trees and shrubs on sidewalks need to be cleared by the homeowner.
Watch for small red squirrels chewing on shingles. They could also get into your attic and home. There have also been skunk and coyote sightings in the neighborhood.
One resident who lives on the large park would like to see it closed at a designated time, like 12 am because some people in the park very late who were creating a disturbance for him. The police came out but are unable to do anything because it is not a city park which has a closing time of 10 pm, and one person there told the officer they were a resident of Troy Meadows.
The annual dues for 2011 to 2012 were voted on and $100 for the general fund was approved, with $0.00 going toward capital improvement.
The board members were voted in, and the only change is Charlie Hallick offered to join and was voted in, while Tom Calnen offered up his seat and is no longer a board member.