Troy-Hayner Cultural Center

100 Year of the House Celebration 2014

Based on the discussions of the Steering Committee, the following events and activities are being planned to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of Troy’s unique historic landmark in 2014. Each of these activities offer many fun opportunities for volunteers to become involved, either as planning committee members or volunteer helpers at the events. And, of course, every committee will function best if it has a volunteer chairperson as well staff support. Please look over the list below and let me know if you are interested and willing to help with any of these projects. As you can see this plan is ambitious and only those events that can be adequately supported by volunteers will be developed.

Linda Lee Jolly



1. Traveling exhibit, public outreach and education. This committee will be responsible for developing displays and material that will be used at the City’s Bicentennial Party on January 4 & 5 and throughout the year at other community events and off site locations. It will decide on the best ways to tell the Hayner story both inside the Hayner and beyond. Among the proposed ideas are a souvenir booklet about the Hayner (or possibly a cookbook), a virtual web exhibit and a public access TV program. This committee may also need to develop logo and marketing ideas as well as decide on commemorative items to be sold or distributed.

2. Bicentennial Party Booth – We will have a display booth (see above) at the Troy Bicentennial Birthday event in January. Four volunteers will be needed to man the booth and promote Hayner’s History & Centennial Celebration.

3. Hayner’s Exhibit Committee in collaboration with the Troy Historical Society will be presenting an exhibition about the History of Troy and The History of the Hayner House from February 28 through April 20. They may need help with the installation and dismantling of the exhibition.

For the Exhibit Opening on Friday, February 28 they may need hosts and tour guides.

4. Hayner Dress Ball on Saturday, March 8. This will be a ticketed formal dress ball with a band in the ballroom. In order to accommodate more people (about 200) it cannot be a dinner, but can be a whole house party with heavy hors devours. We need a committee of about five people to make this the most memorable party in the history of Hayner!

5. In April, we traditionally hold Mrs. Hayner’s Birthday Teas. The dates for 2014 are Thursdays, April 10 and April 17. We will be adding an additional tea on Sunday afternoon May 4. We are expecting to have an historic interpreter present the program “Mrs. Hayner Goes to Europe” and an extra special gift for participants. It takes about 15 volunteers to prepare, serve and clean up tea to 130 people each time.

6. Friday evening, May 9 is the Whiskey Run/Walk/Bike event. We are hoping to hire “Speedy Feet” to conduct the business end of this event, but there are many decisions to be made about how to manage what we believe will be a large event and how to make it uniquely Hayner. I would also like to add a health kid activity to the chaos. This event will need a planning committee plus many volunteers on the day of the event.

7. Float Committee – We would like to create an awesome float to enter into the Troy Strawberry Parade. It could be used again in September for the Troy Bicentennial Celebration. This project will require some people with creative ideas, but also some people with construction skills and resources. Anybody have a flatbed, a place to work on a float or a place to store a float from May – September?

8. Vintage Baseball game - It was suggested that the Hayner Center might sponsor an historic baseball teams exhibition game as a Strawberry festival event or a softball league event. This committee would be in charge of working out the arrangements for the game, promoting the event and for creating the “Hayner Connection.”

9. Old Fashioned Picnic on the Lawn either on July 4 or the next day, July 5. Music, picnic concession, homemade ice cream and historic lawn games are some of the ideas proposed for a leisurely afternoon of relaxing at Hayner. This committee will determine the best date, plan activities for both children and adults, line up musical entertainment, determine volunteers needed and recruit them. Decorate Hayner for the patriotic holiday.

10. Hayner Days, August 15-17 is being planned as our big public 100th Anniversary Party. We want to create a day or days with a wide variety of activities that will draw a lot of people. We are thinking of things to do and see during the day winding down to street closings and a concert in the evening and just as it gets dark, a grand finale light and music show that encompasses the whole house. We have already made contact with a stage lighting company to explore the possibilities. The Steering Committee already has a list of ideas to get this group started.

11. Roaring 20s Costume Ball, Saturday October 11. Mrs. Hayner had an early “Victrola” and built a stage for a live band in her ballroom. In 1920, their daughter Isabelle was 23 years old. We have heard many stories about the parties that were held for Isabelle and her friends. Help us recreate this heyday by donning period costume and trying out the popular dances of the ‘20s. This committee will help create a memorable historic recreation full of modern fun!

In addition, Hayner’s regular programming, including Valentine Dinner & Show, F.A.V.E., Concerts, Exhibits, Films, Antiques Seminars and Poetry Readings and Holiday Open House will take place.