The Lesson Agenda
Lesson Opener:
-Students will participate in active questions to assess prior knowledge.
-Students will listen to Promethean Board Activity and answer questions as asked.
Expectations for Behavior:
-Students will sit quietly during the Promethean Board Activity to learn about Jimmy Carter.
-Students will participate in active questions as they are asked in a discussion format (whole group).
-Students will with with a partner to put facts for flip book in order (small group)
- Students will color and paste picture in designated page of flip book. (Individual)
-All of the facts and concepts that we will be learning will also be the same facts that students will be researching. Student’s will then apply what they have learned to their activity of looking through a book and finding key facts about Jimmy Carter. Student’s will then apply the facts to a flip book entitled “Who am I.” Each tab will have a question that the student will come up with and a fact under each tab. Student’s will complete activity and then start preparing for dismissal. The teacher will then ask questions about what they learned or what they found interesting. The teacher will still relate it to prior knowledge.
Essential Question:
Why is this person an important person in Georgia History and what important traits does he demonstrate?
1. Learning: subject specific open ended questioning to spark discussion and attachment to prior knowledge. Direct instruction over famous Georgina's and contributions to history will be addressed in Promethean board activity.
2. “Who am I” flip book activity: students will be given a facts sheet where they will have to fill in the blank (page numbers will be provided). Students will practice inquire and research skills to find answers. Students will then put the facts in their flip book.
3. Students whom finish early will assist other students whom may be having trouble, or an option of a “Social Studies Weekly: Jimmy Carter” booklet to read through.
4. Lesson Closure will end with student’s turning in there assignment and cleaning their area in preparation for transition. The teacher will ask the students prior to dismissal what some important facts that they learned were.
Group Olivia Olson, Courtney Rae Collins
School: University of West Georgia Date of Implemented Lesson Plan: November 8, 2011
Block No. 2Subject: Social Studies Grade Level: 2nd
Teaching Skills Focus for This Lesson: Developing Thinking and AbilityStage 1 The Desired Results
Standards / SS2H1 The student will read about and describe the lives of historical figures in Georgia history.
-Identify the contributions made by Jimmy Carter (leadership and human rights).
SS2CG3 The student will give examples of how the historical figures under study demonstrate the positive citizenship traits of honesty, dependability, liberty, trustworthiness, honor, civility, good sportsmanship, patience, and compassion.
Specific Learning Objective(s) / Students will walk-out the door with understanding of who Jimmy Carter was and why he is important for Georgia history. The students will have a better understanding of what Jimmy Carter was able to accomplish during and after his presidency.
Essential Question: Why is this person an important person in Georgia History and what important traits does he demonstrate?
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Assessment Instrument
(Ex. Test, Poster, Presentation, Picture, etc.) / Flip-Chart, Verbal Discussion about topic
Evaluation (Grading) Instrument
(Ex. Point System, Rubric, Checklist, etc.) / ●Check list
Stage 3 Learning Plans
Materials / ●Promethean Board Activity
●Jimmy Carter Social Studies Weekly Booklet (extension)
●Construction paper
●Marker’s, Colored Pencil’s, or Crayons
●Jimmy Carter Facts research worksheet
Sequence of Teacher Actions
*Tie to Previous Learning
*Significant Actions to Introduce and Guide Lesson / 1) Teacher will begin the question by gathering students around Promethean Board for an interactive activity. Open ended questions will be asked to students throughout lesson to assess prior knowledge from students and to maintain student’s attention.
2) In this particular lesson the teacher will try and relate Jimmy Carter to prior learning by asking about leadership. The teacher will then explain to students how leadership applies to Jimmy Carter. The teacher will also link some of Jimmy Carter’s other important accomplishment’s into the lesson.
3) For this particular lesson due to time constraints we will have a Promethean board activity followed by a flip chart activity. Students in the class will use a provided hand out to cut and paste important Jimmy Carter facts in order in a flip book. We also have images that go with the facts that may be pasted in the flip book and colored.
In a normal classroom I would have students use a provided Jimmy Carter book to research for specigic facts and phrases and to answer questions that pertain to the topic. Students will then hand write the facts in the flip book and cut and paste pictures in the flip book.
The teacher will walk around the room providing additional assistance and answering questions for students whom are having trouble.
4) The teacher will end the lesson by collecting the activities and asking the students questions: “what is one thing you learned today,” for each student the teacher will ask for them to tell a new fact to help reiterate the assignment.
Sequence of Student Actions
*Explain How Students Are Engaged During Lesson
* Explain How Students Discuss or Present Results of What They Did During the Lesson / 1) Students will be called to gather around the Promethean board for an interactive activity. Students will raise their hands to answer questions that the teacher asks and try and relate to personal experiences or to prior knowledge.
2) Students will then engage in a research activity and apply their findings to a flip book. The student will come up with a question for each tab of the flip book that goes along with a fact. The fact that goes with the question will go in the flip book under the correct tab. The students will be asked again some open ended questions. During these questions the student’s will be able to tell the teacher what they have learned that day.
Teacher’s Lesson Closure/Wrap-Up/Transition / After the activity the Teacher will ask student’s to clean up in preparation for a transition into the next subject or activity. Teacher will ask students questions about the lesson as they finish cleaning up.
Adaptations for Exceptional Students (Anyone who requires modifications for their needs) / -For students whom may have trouble with this assignment the teacher will offer one on one help along with a modified fact sheet. Possibly one that is scrambled where the student only has match the right dates to the right event.
-For students whom are unable to stay on task due to distractions from other’s around them the teacher may separate those students from there group and locate them at the kidney shaped table so that they may still be able to complete their assignment with out having to be disciplined.
Related Activities/Extensions
(What can students do who need more than is in the lesson? Should be related to lesson.) / -Students will be given a “Social Studies Weekly: Jimmy Carter” booklet and asked to read it, and fill out the questions on the back.
-If students finish both of the extensions and still have spar time I may ask them to assist other’s with their work or help clean up the room in preparation for transition.
Connections to Other Disciplines / Development of Research Skills and Writing