Troop 789 Merit Badge Counselor Directions

What: Become a Merit Badge Counselor for our Troop

Why:To help scouts have a well-rounded program and enable them to advance in rank

When:At your convenience

How: See below. Any other questions: ask an adult leader

1)Fill out adult BSA application form-sign and turn into Troop (formsare in the Scout Hut)

2)Complete Youth Protection Training onlineat or go directly to the BSA National Council E-Learning Site: Call San Diego Imperial Council if your computer is not letting you access the E-Learning Site: (619-298-6121) –Council Name and Number: SDIC #049

print out online training certificate and turn in to troop secretary for record keeping.

3)Fill out Merit Badge Counselor application form. You can find the form on our Troop website- (under Hot Links on the bottom of the home page) and on San Diego-Imperial Council’s Website: on Forms link. Click on Advancement link. Go to MB Counselor Application link. List additional Merit Badges on the back of the page).

4)Mail original MB Counselor application to SDIC for processing (address below)Turn in a copy of application to troop secretary so your name can be added to the troop MB counselor list.

Questions?: Call/Contact our council office. Also,if any of your personal or contact information changes, please let council know:

  • Phone: 619-298-6121 or by Fax: 619-682-3858
  • US Postal Mail: SDIC Service Center, 1207 Upas St., San Diego, CA 92103 Attn: Traci Wagner
  • Hand Deliver to: 1207 Upas St., San Diego, CA 92103 - Council Office

MB Couselor Requirements: 18+ years of age, some experience and proficiency in the Merit Badge, a willingness to work with youth and abide by BSA policies (cannot add/delete from MB requirements) and to follow Youth Protection Guidelines (YPG) when meeting with youth and to be registered with the BSA.Term is one year. Counselors must submit new applications yearly (in early January).

Additional info:

  • You do not need to be an expert on the subject matter to be a counselor. The purpose of the merit badge program is to expose scouts to a wide variety of careers, hobbies, sports and personal growth topics to ensure a well-rounded scouting experience.
  • To become an Eagle Scout, a boy must earn 21 merit badges including 12 Eagle required badges. Without enough counselors boys will find it very difficult to advance in rank.

There are over 100 merit badges. Each one has a MB book/pamphlet (cost is around $4 and can be ordered on-line). The books give you discussion points and information for completing the requirements. Please use additional information (boys can print out free worksheets– but will need access to a MB pamphlet for information). The boys DO THE WORK.

The following are the 12 Eagle required MBs:

First Aid, Citizenship in the Community, Cit. in the Nation, Cit. in the World, Communications, Personal Fitness, Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving, Environmental Science, Personal Management, Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling, Camping and Family Life.

The Troop will be working on the following Merit Badges this year (Sept. ’09- Aug. ’10)

IF we have counselors (see the yearly calendar on the Troop website):

Emergency Prep (Sept.), First Aid (Oct.), Cooking (Nov.), Personal Mngmt. (Dec.), Cit. in the Nation (Jan.), Cit. in the Community (Feb.) Physical Fitness (March), Fish and Wildlife Management (April), Wilderness Survival (May), White Water (June), Backpacking (July), Small Boat Sailing (Aug.)

Finally, there are a couple of different ways to work on merit badges: in a large group (the whole troop, or several scouts)- setting up meetings as needed based on the counselor’s availability/convenience. The other way is for individual scouts to work with a counselor(follow Youth Protection Guidelines when setting up meetings).