Troop 28 Committee Positions ( * indicates Adult Registration required )
Committee Chairman *
Coordinates all other jobs, Organizes monthly committee meetings
Treasurer *
Maintain financial records for troop. Serve as collection agent.
Create and record and distribute committee meeting minutes. Arrange location for committee meeting.
Chartered Organization Representative *
Maintains liaison with the Pastors, the church council. Main communication link with church. Assist with resolving problems between the troop and the church, if any. Solicits the church council for potential service projects, including Eagle projects.
Newsletter Editor/Publisher
Prepare and distribute the Troop 28 Newsletter about once a month. This requires gathering information from monthly Patrol Leaders Meetings and Committee Meetings, and other troop sources of troop activity. Distribution is by US Mail. Convenient access to computer, fax, and e-mail services are required. Pick one item monthly and submit to church newsletter.
Scoutmaster *
Implements program designed by the committee and presides over weekly troop meetings.
Asst. Scoutmasters * / Patrol Coaches
Serve as an advocate and program coordinator for a patrol. Work with a patrol on a weekly basis and during camping to ensure a quality program.
Eagle Scout Advisor *
Coach Star and Life scouts on their progress toward Eagle, providing support as needed for merit badges, project, Eagle application, Board of Review, and Court of Honor. Eagle Scout Rank is preferred for this position.
OA Advisor *
Attend monthly OA meetings. Encourage OA scout participation and advancement. Coordinate annual election. Coached scouts who are tapped out to complete ordeal.
First Year Scout Advisor *
Coach new scouts on their progress from joining through first class, providing support as needed for meeting requirements. Work with PLC to insure the yearly plan allows for first class in one year.
Merit Badge Coordinator *
Recruit Merit Badge Counselors for Troop, Coordinate the application process with the Adult Leader Recruiter & Registration Chairman. Provide general counselor information to prospective counselors. Provide information to scouts about available counselors. Encourage participation in district and council merit badge programs.
Maintain status of partial merit badges from summer camp.
Advancement/Awards Chairman *
Maintain Troop Master records for Troop Roster, Scout Advancement, and activity participation. This includes tracking Scouts' progress and synchronizing their Scout books with the troop records as required. Provide advancement and participation reports, mailing lists, phone lists, etc, to scoutmaster and webmaster. Provide updated copies of the computer information to selected users. Procure awards to be presented.
Board of Review Coordinator *
Recruit and train adults to serve on Boards of Review as needed for Scout Advancement. Coordinate with Scoutmaster and Advancement Chairman.
Board of Review Member *
Participate in Boards of Review held as needed.
Scout Sunday Coordinator
Coordinate between pack 28 and troop 28 for scouts to be involved in a worship service at GSLC. Put a notice in bulletin and church newsletter about troop 28. Encourage all troop and pack members to attend a service together on the Scout Sunday.
Registration/Recharter Chairperson
Assist youth and adults with processing their applications. See that the applications are forwarded to the Pine Tree Council. Maintain troop copies of all applications.
Health and Safety Coordinator
Insure that troop conforms to all BSA safety guidelines. Maintain a file with current medical history forms for all scouts. This includes the yearly Class 1, Class 2 for summer campers, and Class 3 for Adults attending summer camp. Provide a "take-along" set of medical forms for each trip.
Cub Scout Pack Liaison
Coordinate the smooth Cub-to-Scout transition for the Webelos in local Cub Scout Packs to promote enrollment in Boy Scouts. Maintain contact with the pack leadership and second-year webelos scouts, and coordinate the dates for various pack/troop activities.
Adult Leader Recruiter
Be a "Welcome Wagon" to parents. Explain how it is necessary for each parent to play some kind of role during the year for the success of the troop. Find out parents' interests & Assist with maintaining our Adult Roster. Responsible for once-a-year interest survey, updating alternate emergency phone numbers, maintaining current driver’s information.
Training Coordinator
Organize a youth protection program at least once a year, using materials provided by Boy Scout Organization. Insure adults are trained as required using programs offered by the council or arrange training as needed.
Fund Raiser Coordinator
Identify appropriate fund raising activities with the support of the troop committee and the PLC. Secure necessary approvals to proceed with the project. Develop, organize and publish the specifics of the project. Report results.
Community Service Coordinator
Identify and coordinate quarterly service/good turn opportunities within the church, community or council. Work with scouts and parent to ensure completion of work and logging of hours. Generate Certificates of Completion.
Uniform Exchange Coordinator
Organize and maintain uniform inventory. Contact parents of boys who dropped out of scouting and solicit uniforms. Coordinate a periodic uniform exchange meeting. Could include equipment.
Class B T-shirt/hat Coordinator
Maintain inventory of Class B uniforms and bring to meetings when new scouts are arriving. Collect fees and submit to treas.
Troop Chaplain
Promote the pursuit of religious awards by all Scouts. Coordinate and promote religious observations during scout activities. Assist with planning religious component of Eagle Scout Ceremonies.
Ensure that troop equipment is inventoried and properly working. Manage storage of equipment in shed. Work with patrol quartermaster to maintain equipment,
FOS Coordinator
Coordinate with Council on annual FOS drive. Forward paperwork and donations to Council Office.
Roundtable Delegate
Represent the troop at the monthly roundtable meetings for our district, or arrange for a substitute. Collect all relevant handouts and information. Report to committee and scoutmaster.
Document the history of Troop 28. Maintain eagle plaque.
Court of Honor Coordinator
Organize the family food and arrange facilities for the 4 COH.
Trip Coordinator/Leader *
This is the person “in charge” on a scouting outing. Manage the coordination and implementation of a single troop event. This includes setting the date, planning the program, distributing permission slips, making reservations, maintaining attendance, BSA safety rules, medical release forms, maps, planning meetings, newsletter announcements, food purchasing, troop gear, other gear as needed. Also ensures that at least one Trained Adult attends each trip. Coordination with Scoutmaster and Newsletter editor is required.
Transportation Coordinator
Coordinates transportation for every trip. Collects permission slips, tracks payment, secures drivers, acquires Local Tour Permit. Assigns adult patrol duties.
Summer Camp Coordinator *
Promote the value of summer camp, Advise Pack Liaison of summer camp schedule to allow planning and participation by second-year webelos who are about to crossover. Maintain list of scouts that are signed up and payments made. Make sure all paperwork and medical forms are on hand at the first day of summer camp. Coordinate adult coverage and reserve following year's spot during camp week.
Coordinate activities related to maintenance of our website. Involves posting Newsletters, permission slips, calendar, activity plans, etc, collecting material from various sources.