May 2003 Edition
Can you believe that the school year is almost over?? You know the old saying, “Time flies when you’re having fun!” We’ve certainly had a lot of fun this year!! We started out this month with Scout Expo and camping at Bristol Motor Speedway. We then held a Court of Honor for our boys to receive rank advancements in Tenderfoot and Second Class. We finished out the month by attending Junior Leader Training and the Pack 226 Crossover and Family Camp.
Troop Dues: Just a reminder to all of our Scouts that dues are $5.00 per month. This money is used to cover the troop’s expenses for the materials needed to complete troop activities during our weekly troop meetings, troop insurance, cost of patches, ribbons, pins, etc. awarded to our boys, and for troop equipment needs (camping equipment, troop flag, etc.). Dues are to be paid to Dora Hill, who serves as an Assistant Scoutmaster and our Troop Committee Treasurer.
Upcoming 2003 Ocanosta District and Sequoyah Council Events: Our next district event will be Boy Scout Summer Camp at Camp Davy Crockett from June 15, 2003 through June 21, 2003!!
Troop 226 Planning Calendar for 2003-2004: Troop 226’s 2003-2004 Planning Calendar is ready. Let us know if you have any dates that need to be on our calendar. If you don’t have a copy, an updated copy is always available on our website,
UPCOMING EVENTS!! (see 2002-2003 Troop 226 Calendar for more information)
June 2, 20036:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Troop Meeting @ TCCS – Airport Campus
June 2, 20037:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Open Gym – JV Basketball (Grades 7-9)
June 9, 20037:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Open Gym – JV Basketball (Grades 7-9)
June 15-21, 2003Boy Scout Summer Camp - Camp Davy Crockett, Mountain Lion Campsite
June 23-27, 2003TCCS Soccer Camp – TCCS Airport Campus
June 23, 20037:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Open Gym – JV Basketball (Grades 7-9)
June 30, 20037:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Open Gym – JV Basketball (Grades 7-9)
July 7, 20036:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Troop Meeting @ TCCS – Airport Campus
July 7, 20037:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Open Gym – JV Basketball (Grades 7-9)
July 10-11, 2003Basketball Camp – TCCS Airport Campus
July 14, 20037:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Open Gym – JV Basketball (Grades 7-9)
July 21, 20036:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Troop Meeting @ TCCS – Airport Campus
July 21, 20037:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Open Gym – JV Basketball (Grades 7-9)
July 28, 20037:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Open Gym – JV Basketball (Grades 7-9)
July 19-20, 2003 ORTroop 226 TUBING Trip and Camping!! Possible locations
July 26-27, 2003Townsend, TN on the Little River
6th Grade Class Trip to Charleston – Six of our seven boys are in the 6th Grade and we all went to Charleston, SC as part of the 6th Grade Class Trip! We had a GREAT time! We enjoyed the playing in the ocean and sea breeze at the Isle of Palms beach, toured the he U.S.S. Yorktown and surrounding ships, toured Fort Sumter, and took a carriage ride tour of historic Charleston.
Scout Expo – We didn’t even let the troop catch their breath on this one!! After returning from their 6th Grade Class trip to Charleston, SC, the boys got off of the bus at TCCS – Airport Campus on Friday night (May 2nd) and we drove straight over to the Bristol Motor Speedway to camp as part of Scout Expo!! Alan Hill, Bobby Krtausch, and Josh Landers had went to BMS earlier that afternoon to get our campsite set up and also assist the Pack 226 Webelos in setting up their campsite. Josh Landers really worked hard for the troop and the pack!! Way to go Josh!! When the rest of the troop arrived, we then worked on fixing a late supper and getting our camping gear stowed.
Our campsite was called “The Cave” and “The Superdome.” Cameron tries his hand at pancakes!!
We got up Saturday, had breakfast, and then went over to BMS to set up our water rocket booth for Scout Expo. All of the boys worked VERY hard to get the booth set up and then got to go to the Trading Post early to spend their Scout bucks. 5 of our 7 boys PAID their own way to Boy Scout Summer Camp and another of our boys bought a FULL SCOUT UNIFORM!! That’s AWESOME!!
Our boys were GREAT at working their shifts at the water rocket booth and enjoyed Scout Expo. We received may compliments about our booth. The Bristol Herald Courier stopped by and interviewed Daniel Taylor and Alan Hill for a very nice article in the newspaper!! The weather was beautiful until about 2:30 p.m. when the rain and thunderstorms rolled in. Having a 10’X20’ canopy made us even MORE popular with folks trying to stay dry!! We packed up at 3:45 p.m. and went back to our campsite… just before the next storm rolled in to soak everything! The Superdome was dry!!
We had a surprise birthday party for Josh Baker after supper. Josh’s birthday was April 12th, but hasn’t been able to successfully celebrate it due to cancellations and rescheduling of his birthday party. Pack 226 and several boys from our troop went home tonight. Josh Baker, Cameron, Scott, Alan, and I stayed. We went to the Order of the Arrow Campfire tonight and were treated to a very nice Native American Pow-Wow complete with authentic live music, songs, dancing, and clothing!! Unfortunately it was too dark for me to get any decent pictures. Then the Order of the Arrow “called out” the new members, who are First Class Rank and above Boy Scouts who have been selected by their peers to become members of Scouting’s honor society. After the campfire, we went back to camp. Alan put light sticks on top of our flagpoles, which looked really cool!! Boys came by to enjoy our campsite and take pictures. Sunday morning came and we had a GREAT morning church service! The message was from Matthew 22 and stressed the importance of loving the Lord, loving others, and working together as a group to succeed. After the church service, we worked on breaking camp and going home. The adventures of the past 5 days were fun, but it’s time to go home.
Court of Honor – Troop 226 held a Court of Honor on Tuesday, May 6, 2003 to honor our boys for their hard work in 2003. Josh Baker and Josh Landers received their Tenderfoot Rank. Scott Hill, Grayson Krtausch, Casey Link, Cameron Morelock, and Daniel Taylor received their Second Class Rank. Scott Hill, Grayson Krtausch, Josh Landers, Cameron Morelock, and Daniel Taylor received their Swimming Merit Badge. Patches were given out from the Merit Badge University, the Klondike Derby, the Report to the State, 5-mile hike and compass course, the Virginia Creeper Trail bike hike, and for working Scout Expo and camping at Scout Expo. I was told to bring a change of clothes to this Court of Honor so the boys could do something to me for meeting their popcorn sales goals from last fall. I was expecting to be hit with pies or water balloons… but certainly not to be dressed up as a BALLERINA!! Hats off to Mrs. Link for the hard work on the costume to make me look so silly!! Cameron said that I looked much worse that what he had imagined.
Awards: Rank Advancement Awards
Tenderfoot RankJosh Baker, Josh Landers
2nd ClassScott, Casey, Grayson, Cameron, Daniel
Troop 226 Awards
Merit Badge UniversityScott, Casey, Grayson, Cameron, Daniel
Klondike DerbyScott, Josh L., Casey, Grayson, Cameron, Daniel
Report to StateScott, Josh L., Casey, Grayson, Cameron, Daniel
Swimming Merit BadgeScott, Josh L., Grayson, Cameron, Daniel
Hiking Patch Scott, Josh L., Casey, Grayson, Cameron, Daniel
Scout Expo Josh B., Scott, Josh L., Casey, Grayson, Cameron, Daniel
Scout Expo CamporeeJosh B., Scott, Josh L., Grayson, Cameron, Daniel
Welcome To The Troop!!Josh Baker
Introduction to the Troop (Josh first came on April 1, 2003 to our troop meetings.)
Put Josh Baker’s Totem on the Patrol Flag.
Presentation of “226” Letters
Presentation of Flying Eagles Patrol Patch
Presentation of Troop 226 Neckerchief
TCCS Honors and Awards Earned by Troop 226 – Our boys have had a very successful year in school as well as Scouting!! Make sure you congratulate all of our boys for their efforts. Not only have they worked hard with their scholastic studies at TCCS, they have also excelled in extracurricular activities at TCCS that include sports, music, fine arts, and Scouting. Below is a list of the awards earned by our boys in Troop 226!!
Principal’s Honor Roll:Grayson Krtausch
Honor Roll:Josh Baker, Cameron Morelock, and Daniel Taylor
Perfect Attendance:Daniel Taylor
Bible:Cameron Morelock (1st)
Reading and Spelling:Grayson Krtausch (2nd)
English:Grayson Krtausch (1st)
Social Studies:Grayson Krtausch (2nd) and Daniel Taylor (3rd)
Math:Grayson Krtausch (3rd)
“Good Sport Award:”Grayson Krtausch
Athletic Participation:Josh Baker, Scott Hill, Grayson Krtausch, Josh Landers, Casey Link, Cameron Morelock, and Daniel Taylor
Highest GPA (6th Grade):Grayson Krtausch (3rd)
Christian Servant Award:Josh Baker (6th Grade)
Christian Leadership Award:Cameron Morelock(6th Grade)
Boy Scout Junior Leader Training – Jeff Kleven hosted a Junior Leader Training (JLT) class all of our respective troops on Saturday, May 31, 2003 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Hale’s Community Ruitan in Jonesborough, TN. Troop 226 had five boys to attend and successfully complete this training. Everyone had a great time!
Pack 226 Crossover and Family Camp - Troop 226 camped at TCCS – Airport Campus on Friday night, May 30, and Saturday night, May 31. The boys set up camp Friday night and cooked supper. All the boys except for Josh Baker were there and he was missed. Daniel Taylor came to help set up camp and eat with us even though he was leaving the next morning going on vacation with his family… THANKS Daniel!! Scott also came to help set up camp and eat with us, but had doctor’s orders to not camp so he went home… just for the night. We have some dedicated Boy Scouts in Troop 226!! Grayson, Casey, Cameron, and Josh Landers camped Friday night. Everyone in the surrounding Tri-Cities area knew that Troop 226 was camping because it came a THUNDERSTORM and HEAVY rain at 4:30 a.m. Saturday morning!! Cameron and Josh Landers slept through the whole thing!! We got up and went to Junior Leader Training Saturday. Thankfully, we had nice weather for the Pack 226 Crossover and Family Camp on Saturday night. Pack 226 held a very nice crossover ceremony in the amphitheater and it was hard to believe that just last year our boys were crossing over into the troop!! Our boys did a fantastic job with their flag retirement ceremony after the Pack 226 Crossover. They were very reverent. We then enjoyed visiting and camping with Pack 226! Grayson, Cameron, and Josh Landers camped Saturday night. Sunday morning we got up, had breakfast, broke camp, and had a nice church service inside the school with Pack 226. Grayson, Cameron, and Josh did a GREAT job in breaking camp!! EVERYTHING was down, packed, and loaded by 9:30 a.m.!!
Gifts from Troop 226 to Pack 226… a new burn barrel and patrol box!! The boys enjoying a campfire.
I’ll try to get pictures from others that were taken during our Flag Retirement Ceremony. Since all of us in the troop were participating… NO ONE took pictures!!
Next month we will have pictures and stories about adventures at Boy Scout Summer Camp!!