Trinity Homeless Projects

Redford House, Redford Way

Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 1SZ

T 020 8797 9500 F 01895 253255


ThanksforaskingaboutourAdministrativeAssistantrole.Weareadynamicandprofessionalgroupof peopleandwe’realwayslookingforwardtowelcomingnewpeopleintoourteam.

Thisrolesupportsourentireorganisationandhelpsustodeliverthestandardof servicethat is central toour abilitytohelppeoplechangetheirlives.

Thisis animportanttimeforusaswechangetomeetthemanychallengesin the sector.Weare alwayslookingatthewayweworktostayaheadof thefieldandtoachievemoreforourtenants.

Ifyouwantanexcitingchallengewithinan ambitiousorganisationthenpleasevisit more information.

Best wishes,

Steve Hedley

Chief Executive

Working Together

This pack is to provide you with the information for you to decide if

Trinity is the place for you

This pack contains

Why work for us

What we do

The journey

Our structure

Your route to work

Job advert

Job description

Person specification

Terms and conditions

If any of the above are missing

Please let us know, 020 87979500

Best wishes

Why work for us?

Trinityis all about improving the quality of people’s lives. That includes all the people we house, support andcoach, as well as the people who work with us – our team.

We have deeply held values and ethics and a high degree of stakeholder engagement. We have a positive coaching culture and we are solution focussed. There is a genuine and deeply felt commitment to continuous improvement and an aspirational approach to the future – a ‘can do’ attitude.

Other reasons

Great people

Flexible working

Good annual leave

Personal training budget

A day off for your birthday

And an all expenses paid holiday

(Okay… no free holiday)

What we do

Trinity Homeless Projects (Trinity) is a registered Charity working in West London to support people suffering the effects of homelessness and exclusion. Trinity was established 25 years ago as part of a larger charityand demerged in 2007. Trinity employ 26 full-time staff, five part-time staff, 50 people onwork placement, we havesix Trustees, twoConsultants and Volunteers in a variety ofroles. Together this team works to provide a variety of responsive and preventative housing options for people suffering homelessness as well as employment opportunities in our two furniture shops. The three key qualities that are the ‘trinity’ of assets that everyone requiresfor independence and stability are; a home, people and a job.

Home: Housing for people sleeping rough, move on accommodation and independent accommodation for people at risk of homelessness. We currently have over 80 bed spaces in a variety of houses and house over 120 people every year as people move in and on.

People: One to one and group coaching provides opportunities for learningfor people to gain insight and skills for personal development and to get a job.

Job: We provide people with work tasters in our shops and provide job brokerage with local employers. We also save over 2,500 tonnes of unwanted domestic furniture from landfill every year whilst offering good quality furniture that doesn’t cost the earth.

The Journey

What we all needThe different steps on the journey How Trinity help

Knowing and working You tell us!

to yourstrengths

creativity and fulfillment

Self esteem Employment

Recognition Qualifications

Respect Courses

Belonging Job Coaching

Friends Work placements

Family Counseling

Safety Planning

Security Coaching

Stability Engagement

Health Houses

Shelter Support

Warmth Staff

Our Structure

Administrative Assistant


Neverhasasmilingfaceandgoodmannersbeenmoreimportantthanwhenyou visitanorganisation forthefirsttime;itssetsthetoneanddeliverstheexpectationthatwearefriendly,welcoming,goodat whatwedoandcareaboutpeople.It’snotjustonreception;youcantellif someoneis smilingon the phonetoo.Therightenvironmentis as importantasthepeopleinourteam.Itis cleanandtidyandhas understandablespacesthatcommunicateour welcome.Itsamazinghowseeing yournameupon a boardto welcomeyoucanreallyenhance yourexperience.Partof awelcomingenvironmentis hospitalityandthere’snothinglikethesmellof freshcoffeetomakepeoplefeelat home.

Theattentiontodetailthatcreatesawonderfulambianceandensuresguestsandstaffarefeelingwell lookedafteralsodeliversfaultlessdataentryintoour housingreferralsystemandreportingtoarange ofstaff.Anticipatingtheneedsof staffandensuringthecorrectresourcesareavailableiswhatensures weareabletodeliveraservicethat is secondtonone.Dutiesincludeansweringandfieldingtelephone calls,receivinganddirectingvisitors,wordprocessing,filing,faxingandInternetresearch.

Withoutthisrole,ourguestswouldnotreceivesuchagood welcomeandour workwouldbe slowerand vitaldetailsmaywellbe missed.Thisis notjustadmin;this is Trinity’sAdministrativeAssistance…

Are you the right person?


Whatmakesagreat Administrative Assistant?Itsoutstandingorganisationalskills;judgmentand strengthasagatekeeper;aknackforanticipatingandsolvingproblems,it’snotallaboutmakingcoffee, typingletters,answeringphones,ororderinglunchandofficesupplies.

ThefirstqualitywelookforinanAdministrativeAssistantis competence,demonstratingexcellent spellingandgrammarskills,computerliteracy,andtheabilitytohaveastrongworkingknowledgeof MSWord,Outlook,Excel,anddatabasemanagement.

Communicationis thebackboneof anyorganisationandourcommunicationskillsneedtobe outstanding.Personalityisaqualitythatis sometimesoverlookedandtheassistantis thefirstpointof contactintheoffice.Inessencetheassistantisputtingtheorganisation’s“bestfootforward”with guestsandresidents.Wealwaysanswerthephoneandgreetvisitorswithasmileonourfaceand someof thetimearesidentis callingorvisitingtheofficetoaddressacomplaintorreachoutfor assistancewithaproblemsoscreeningcalls,handlingconflict,anddealingwithnegativityis critical.

Organisationandanattentiontodetailsis akeystrengthas is multitasking.Wealloften wearmany hatsaswejugglepeople,paper,andpriorities.Followingupandfollowingthrougharecriticalto trackingandorganisingevents,projects,andobjectives.

Aspartof ateam weanticipateeachothersneedsandidentifythefundamentalsforsupportingguests, residentsandstaff.Weneversay,“Thatisnotmyjob!”andarealwayswillingtogotheextramileand do whateverittakestogetthejobdone.

Thefivedeadliestwordsthatrobourtimeare"Have yougotaminute?"Everyone'stheculprit–staff, residents,managersetc.Knowinghowtodealwithinterruptionsis oneof thebestskillswecan learn. Attendtoeachandeveryneedandprioritise.Themosteffectivepeopleworkwellfrom cleardesks.Our long-termgoalsdirectourdailyactivitiesandwithoutagoalorobjective,wetendtojustdriftpersonally andprofessionally.Workingwithourteam,weclarifyourobjectivesandmeasurethesethrough achievement.

Asyoucanprobablytell,weputgreatstoreinthisrole.Thanksfortakingtotimetoabsorbeverything, and ifthisis foryou,I reallylookforwardtohearingfrom yousoon.

My very warmest regards,

Steve Hedley


This table is a checklist of the qualities found throughout the Person Specification. These are the qualities that we model and measure each other by.

Qualities / Full Description – This is what good looks like
Reliability / Is consistent and dependable. Is always on time all the time. Does what they say they are going to do. Follows through consistently. Demonstrates a diligent and tenacious approach.
Supportive / Demonstrates daily they model Trinity’s values. Shows commitment to the organisation and its people. Is supportive to colleagues and tenants.
Honesty / Is trustworthy. Has high level of ethical awareness and values reasoning. Won’t let unethical behaviour go unchallenged, has integrity, truthfulness and motivated.
Enthusiasm / Has a motivational outlook and generally always has a positive attitude. Enjoys the day-today experience of working for Trinity. Their enthusiasm “rubs off” on other people.
Flexibility / Is open minded about and willing to embrace change. Can adapt their behaviour appropriately to changing circumstances to achieve shared outcomes. Questions business as usual by being open to new ideas.
Initiative / Is forward thinking. Spots or creates new opportunities and “changes the rules“to find new ways of working to achieve best results. Challenging others to adopt new ways of thinking. Can do attitude, offers solutions instead of presenting problems. Seeks to offer innovative solutions, and services and comes up with ideas and proposals to improve the organisational performance
Empathy / Is understanding and sensitive to the moods/feelings/ motivations/beliefs and lifestyles of others. Recognises the impact of their behaviour on others. Understands we are on a shared journey with each other.
Creativity / Creatively seeks to offer solutions.
Empowered / Understands the extent and boundaries you can make for the organisation, developing the knowledge, skill and confidence to make decisions and act on them.
Teachable / Demonstrates an open minded approach to new learning experiences; acquires new skills, developing own behaviours, and gaining knowledge with a willingness.
Professional / Is knowledgeable of their own area of responsibility. Applies, acquires and develops their professional skills and knowledge. Is strategic in their thinking and planning. Manages people and/or situations effectively to obtain best results.
Equality / Maintains a respectful attitude towards others irrespective of differences, the approach is equal.

Terms and Conditions


£7.50 per hour. We pay people on the last day of each month. Pay may be reviewed each year in April.


35 hours per week Monday to Friday.


Annual leave is 25 days and an additional day’s leave to celebrate your birthday.


We offer a Group Stakeholder Pension Scheme with Aviva to everyone who works for us. We make a percentage contribution that is 4% of salary.


We monitor how people perform through job coaching every month and through annual appraisals. We work to agreed objectives and assess achievement against these objectives and the competencies for the role.


There is a three month probation period for new starters.


We only appoint someone if we are happy with their references, covering things such as character, employment, health and eligibility to work in the UK.

Smoking policy

People are not allowed to smoke in any of our properties and whilst engaged in work. Smoking breaks can only be taken in someone’s own time.


All our contracts state that employees may be asked to work in a different location from the one where they first started.

This is an outline of our current terms and conditions and is subject to annual review and amendment, by consultation.#


Trinity Homeless Projects Registered in England No 06047635

Registered Office: Redford House, Redford Way, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 1SZ

Registered Charity No 1118222