December 15
Monday / Essential Question: Why are linear functions useful in real world settings? How do the key features help us identify graphs and their transformations?
Learning Goal
Students will be able to determine key features of linear functions, and recognize transformations of these functions both graphically and algebraically. In this unit students will review forms of linear functions and their graphs and investigate key features. Students will also be introduced to the idea that graphs of linear functions can be thought of as transformations on the graphs of other functions. Students will explore continuous functions and investigate sequences as functions also.
Measurable Objective: Students will learn how to solve linear equations with addition and subtraction using elimination.
Benchmark MAFS.912.A-CED.1.2 (DOK 2), MAFS.912.F-BF.2.3: (DOK 2) , MAFS.912.F-LE.2.5: (DOK 2) MAFS.912.S-ID.3.7: (DOK 2)
Order Thinking Question (HOT)
How would you represent slope/ y intercept?
• How do you know your answer is correct /reasonable?
• What would happen if…?
• What trends did you notice about the different types of transformations?
/ I,C,O,R
Slope, rate of change, y intercept, parent function, Transformed function, inverse, arithmetic sequence, parallel lines, perpendicular lines, point slope formula, standard form / I, C,O,R W
Daily Agenda:
1.  Bell Ringer- A review ( we do)
2.  Cornell Notes: Elimination ( You Do )
3.  Homework Page 459 ( 4-22even) &39 ) must show steps You do)
4.  Systems quiz ( you do) / W,I,C,O,R
Summarizing Activity/Comprehension Check Now that you have learned all 4 forms of solving systems which do you like best and why?: (you do) / W,I,C
December 16
Tuesday / Essential Question: How would you decide which method to use to solve and justify systems of equations?
Learning Goal Students will be able to solve systems of linear equations and/or inequalities through various methods, and interpret solutions as they relate to real-world problems.
Measurable Objective Students will learn to solve systems with elimination and will learn how to multiply when nothing cancels using Cornell Notes
Benchmark MAFS.912.A-CED.1.2 (DOK 2 , MAFS.912.A-REI.3.6 (DOK 1)
Order Thinking Question (HOT): How do you explain how a system of equations will help a businessman determine the break-even point and help to analyze future trends? How would you decide which method to use to solve and justify systems of equations? Compare and contrast two strategies used to solve the problem. • Interpret the results of a mathematical situation. How do the important quantities in your problem relate to each other? • How do you know your answer is correct/ reasonable?
/ I,C,O,R
Vocabulary: elimination method ,solution of a system of linear equations independent, dependent, infinitely many, No solution/empty set, Inconsistent, Consistent, substitution method, system of linear equations, systems of linear inequalities, Boundary Line, • Equivalent Systems
• Half-plane • Nonviable • Viable
/ I, C,O,R W
Daily Agenda:
1.  Bell Ringer- Create a system of equations with the solution (5,9) both must be in standard form Ax +By = C
2.  Review Homework ( we do)
3.  Cornell Notes (I do)
4.  Guided Practice ( we do)
5.  Homework Page 466(4-20even &38 (you do)
6.  Comprehension Check ( you do) / W,I,C,O,R
Summarizing Activity/Comprehension Check: How do I solve a syst4em using elimination when nothing cancels? / W,I,C
December 17
Wednesday / Essential Question: How would you decide which method to use to solve and justify systems of equations?
Learning Goal Students will be able to solve systems of linear equations and/or inequalities through various methods, and interpret solutions as they relate to real-world problems.
Measurable Objective: Students will review soling systems using elimination using think, Pair share.
Benchmark MAFS.912.A-CED.1.2 (DOK 2 , MAFS.912.A-REI.3.6 (DOK 1)
Higher Order Thinking Question (HOT): How do you explain how a system of equations will help a businessman determine the break-even point and help to analyze future trends? How would you decide which method to use to solve and justify systems of equations? Compare and contrast two strategies used to solve the problem. • Interpret the results of a mathematical situation. How do the important quantities in your problem relate to each other? • How do you know your answer is correct/ reasonable?
/ I,C,O,R
Vocabulary: elimination method ,solution of a system of linear equations independent, dependent, infinitely many, No solution/empty set, Inconsistent, Consistent, substitution method, system of linear equations, systems of linear inequalities, Boundary Line, • Equivalent Systems
• Half-plane • Nonviable • Viable
/ I, C,O,R W
Daily Agenda:
1.  Bell Ringer- 2 problems ( we do)
2.  Homework Review ( we do)
3.  Class Discussion –Solving Systems using elimination( we do)
4.  Thing Pair Share – Red Workbook Page 76 evens)
5.  Homework Page 76 odds( you do)
6.  Comprehension Check (you do) / W,I,C,O,R
Summarizing Activity/Comprehension Check: Compare and contrast the methods of solving systems. / W,I,C
December 18
Thursday / Essential Question: How would you decide which method to use to solve and justify systems of equations?
Learning Goal Students will be able to solve systems of linear equations and/or inequalities through various methods, and interpret solutions as they relate to real-world problems.
Measurable Objective: Students will learn to apply their knowledge of systesm to the real world using word problems?
Benchmark MAFS.912.A-REI.3.5: (DOK 3)
Higher Order Thinking Question (HOT): How do you explain how a system of equations will help a businessman determine the break-even point and help to analyze future trends? How would you decide which method to use to solve and justify systems of equations? Compare and contrast two strategies used to solve the problem. • Interpret the results of a mathematical situation. How do the important quantities in your problem relate to each other? • How do you know your answer is correct/ reasonable?
/ I,C,O,R
Vocabulary: elimination method ,solution of a system of linear equations independent, dependent, infinitely many, No solution/empty set, Inconsistent, Consistent, substitution method, system of linear equations, systems of linear inequalities, Boundary Line, • Equivalent Systems
• Half-plane • Nonviable • Viable
/ I, C,O,R W
Daily Agenda:
1.  Bell Ringer- graphing, substitution, elimination
2.  Homework Check ( we do)
3.  Class Discussion of systems ( we do)
4.  Guided Practice ( we do)
5.  Homework Ready to go on Page 453 (1-3all and 4-8even) Page 469 (2-12 even)odds for 50 points extra credit ( you do)
6.  Comprehension Check ( you do) / W,I,C,O,R
Summarizing Activity/Comprehension Check: Create a word problem with the solution (3,8) / W,I,C
December 19
Friday / Essential Question: How would you decide which method to use to solve and justify systems of equations?
Learning Goal Students will show mastery of systems using a holiday quiz
Measurable Objective: Students will learn to prove that, given a system of two equations in two variables, replacing one equation by the sum of that equation and a multiple of the other produces a system with the same solutions (substitution method)
Benchmark MAFS.912.A-REI.3.5: (DOK 3)
Higher Order Thinking Question (HOT): How do you explain how a system of equations will help a businessman determine the break-even point and help to analyze future trends? How would you decide which method to use to solve and justify systems of equations? Compare and contrast two strategies used to solve the problem. • Interpret the results of a mathematical situation. How do the important quantities in your problem relate to each other? • How do you know your answer is correct/ reasonable?
/ I,C,O,R
Vocabulary: elimination method ,solution of a system of linear equations independent, dependent, infinitely many, No solution/empty set, Inconsistent, Consistent, substitution method, system of linear equations, systems of linear inequalities, Boundary Line, • Equivalent Systems
• Half-plane • Nonviable • Viable
/ I, C,O,R W
Daily Agenda:
1.  Bell Ringer- check homework answers-
2.  Review homework- any questions (we do)
3.  Holiday quiz ( we do)
4.  Homework – Have a great holiday( you do)
5.  Comprehension Check ( you do) / W,I,C,O,R
Summarizing Activity/Comprehension Ck: Rank you self on today’s quiz? / W,I,C


Visual Aids, Concrete Objects, Gestures, Repetitions Peer tutoring Written Outline, Copy of Notes Use of Dictionary Small Group Instruction Avoidance of Idioms Incorporation of LEP student’s Culture & Language Copies of Notes Verbal and Written Directions Summarize & Review Frequently Hands on Activities Student Translator Request of Text in Student’s Language Reading Aloud Questions Correlation With ESOL/ESE Resource Personnel Preferential Seating Cooperative Groups Extended Time

8th Grade Recursive Standards (overview for math)
Reading Standards for Literary and Informational Text / Speaking and Listening / Writing and Language Standards
8.RL/RI.1.1 (DOK2)
Text evidence that supports analysis and inferences drawn from text / 8.LS.1.1 (DOK 3)
Collaborative discussions
a.  Prepare/research material
b.  Follow rules for collegial discussions; track progress toward goals/deadlines;
c.  Pose questions that connect ideas , respond to others; qualify/justify own views
d.  Acknowledge new information expressed by others; qualify or justify their own views in light of the evidence presented / 8.W.2.4 (DOK 3)
Produce clear and coherent writing; organization, style are appropriate to task/purpose/audience
8.RI.2.4(DOK 2)
Meanings of words/phrases as used in a text. / 8.W.2.5 (DOK2)
With guidance, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning/revising/editing/rewriting/ trying a new approach.
8.RI.4.10 (DOK2)
By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction at the high end of 6-8th grade text complexity band independently and proficiently / 8.W.2.6 (DOK2)
Use technology, including Internet, to produce and publish writing and present the relationships between information and ideas efficiently as well as to interact and collaborate with others.
8.SL.2.6 (DOK2)
Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English. / 8.W.4.10 (DOK3)
Write routinely over extended and short time frames for a range of discipline-specific tasks/ purposes/audiences
8L.3.4 (DOK2)
Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words/phrases based on grade 8 reading and content,
a.  Use context as clue
b.  Use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots
c.  Consult general and specialized reference materials
d.  Verify the preliminary determination of the meaning of a word or phrase (e.g., checking inferred meaning in context or in a dictionary).
Student Friendly Mathematical Practice Statements
MAFS.K12.MP.1.1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
• Make a plan!
• Try different approaches when your problem is hard.
• Solve your problem in more than one way.
• Check whether your solution makes sense.
MAFS.K12.MP.2.1 Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
• Explain the meanings of the numbers, words, pictures, symbols, and objects you and others use
MAFS.K12.MP.3.1 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
• Explain both what to do and why it works.
• Work to make sense of others’ mathematical thinking.
MAFS.K.12.MP.4.1 Model with mathematics.
• Apply math to real-world situations.
• Use models such as graphs, drawings, tables, symbols, numbers, and diagrams to solve problems.
MAFS.K12.MP.5.1 Use appropriate tools strategically.
• Choose appropriate tools for your problem.
• Use mathematical tools correctly and efficiently.
• Estimate and use what you know to check the answers you find using tools.
MAFS.K12.MP.6.1 Attend to precision.
• Communicate your mathematical thinking clearly and precisely.
• Use the level of precision you need for your problem.
• Be accurate when you count, measure, and calculate.
MAFS.K12.MP.7.1 Look for and make use of structure.
• Find, extend, analyze, and create patterns.
• Use patterns and structures to solve problems.
MAFS.K12.MP.8.1 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
• Use patterns and structures to create and explain rules and shortcuts.
• Use properties, rules, and shortcuts to solve problems.
• Reflect on your thinking before, during, and after you solve a problem.