JANUARY 15, 2008
The Board of Directors of Palm Cove Golf & Yacht Club Community Association, Inc. held its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, January 15, 2008. Chairman Margaret Fullerton called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Secretary Steve Parr called roll. Directors Jerry Bergeron, Darrell Brand, Michael Lazarus, Chuck McLeran and Ilan Sebag were present. Property Manager Brian Tight and Club Manager Lisa Naylor were present. There were about a dozen guests.
Darrell Brand made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 18, 2007 meeting as distributed. Chuck McLeran seconded the motion, and all were in favor.
Michael Lazarus gave a brief financial report. M. Lazarus made a motion to transfer funds in the general reserve, which is no longer allowed under Florida law (FL Statutes, Chapter 720 Rev. 7/07), to a capital improvement account. Jerry Bergeron seconded the motion. Discussion followed about appropriate uses for those funds. The motion carried unanimously.
Property Management Report – Steve Parr is waiting on final quotes on the pool heaters. A proposal was received from South Florida Custom Pools for $17,500.00. S. Parr discussed permits. S. Parr made a motion to amend the original motion, approved at the October Board meeting, to allow spending up to 15% extra, if needed, for permit and electrical requirements. C. McLeran seconded the motion and discussion followed. The motion passed unanimously. The directors assigned investigation of a workable pool cover to the Clubhouse Committee and the new Energy and Environmental Conservation Task Force. Jerry Bergeron will be the liaison between the committee and the task force.
Brian Tight provided a bid from The Beautiful Mailbox Company to paint and re-number mailboxes at a cost of $75.00 per box. C. McLeran will get an alternative proposal. George Rodgers stated he satisfactorily painted several boxes on Pebble Lane with satin black Rustoleum. Notices will be sent to homeowners whose mailboxes need refurbishing, which will give alternatives for having the work done.
B. Tight discussed proper ways to notify Campbell Property Management in the event of weekend and after-hours emergency situations. He suggested that a small number of residents (3-5) be trained to handle limited emergencies, such as shutting down the irrigation system in the event of leaks. Some directors expressed concern that emergency and routine repairs should always be done by professional contractors.
Lisa Naylor stated she is ready to begin golf cart registration after completing the transponder update.
Property Committees
ARB – C. McLeran discussed the ARB meeting on January 10, 2008. Three of the four requests were approved. B. Tight will be doing a complete inspection in the next two weeks.
Landscape Committee – Fairways residents will meet January 16 to discuss landscape issues. The Board tabled further discussion until after the Fairways meeting.
Access Control – C. McLeran stated that the committee is very active and looking into all current and past access control issues.
Palm Cove Golf & Yacht Club Community Association, Inc.
Minutes of Meeting of Board of Directors
January 15, 2008 – Page 2 of 3
Rental PoliciesTask Force – Jerry Greeson is meeting with the sub-associations and going over process issues. They will be meeting on the 22nd at 10:00 a.m.
Clubhouse Committee – A. Vedilago reported the committee’s goals for 2008. A community calendar is being organized. Kitchen rules are being developed. The committee is looking for ways to save energy and is reviewing proposals for bookcases in the downstairs card room and shelving in storage closets.
Marina ManagementCommittee – All boatlifts have been installed. Permits are still pending to extend finger piers and add pilings. D. Brand made a motion to accept Wil-Co’s proposal to re-deck the Bessey Creek dock and replace top rails that were not replaced in Toll’s prior reconstruction. I. Sebag seconded the motion and all were in favor. Wil-Co is prepared to begin work immediately.
D. Brand presented a guest docking agreement for Board approval. C. McLeran made a motion to approve the agreement pending legal and insurance review. J. Bergeron seconded the motion and discussion followed. The motion carried unanimously. Further discussion on insurance requirements continued.
D. Brand made a motion to approve the 2008 budget on a calendar year basis. J. Bergeron seconded the motion and all were in favor.
Document Review Task Force – The Board approved, at its December meeting, establishing a task force to conduct a limited, specific review of governing documents. Margaret Fullerton read a proposed charge to expand the scope of the task force’s review. A copy of the Charge to the Document Review Task Force is attached. Attachment 1.
J. Bergeron made a motion to accept the Charge to the Document Review Task Force. S. Parr seconded the motion and discussion followed. The motion passed unanimously.
Neighborhood Councils – B. Tight will schedule meetings in February.
Committee Resignations and Appointments – M. Fullerton made a motion to accept the following resignations and to make the following appointments. M. Lazarus seconded the motion and all were in favor.
ARB: Rene Dolbeau resigned.
Landscape Committee: Jean Denny and Donna McGowan resigned. George Rodgers was appointed.
Clubhouse Committee: Dave Sabre was appointed.
Energy & Environmental Conservation Task Force: Don Hulle was appointed chairman.
Finance Committee: Charlie Evans was appointed.
Document Review Task Force: Malcolm Vosbikian was appointed to chair; Bill Bangley, Margaret Fullerton, Bob Heggerick, Hermann Hinterhaeuser, Tom Koehler, Tom Mullany, Ilan Sebag and Brenda Zeller were appointed.
Palm Cove Golf & Yacht Club Community Association, Inc.
Minutes of Meeting of Board of Directors
January 15, 2008 – Page 3 of 3
New Business
J. Bergeron floated an idea of a community marketing effort. M. Fullerton suggested that marketing begin with our own residents, who might refrain from complaining about Palm Cove issues outside the community.
Homeowner Malcolm Vosbikian raised the question of nuisance pets. L. Naylor will contact Animal Control and a private animal removal service to find out the most expedient way to remove the animals.
Darrell Brand made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:35 a.m. M. Lazarus seconded the motion and all were in favor.
Respectfully submitted:
Brian Tight, Property Manager