Triangle Week Three – 12


General Reminder to teachers – PE’s can always be found in the Music Together PE library if you want to use other PE’s. Just log onto the Teacher Page at and look for the Parent Ed library.

PE: Can jump off from singing the resting tone of the previous song into singing doh re me fa sol – 12345 - highlighting visually the resting tone and the 5. We choose these notes specifically because they are the backbone notes of a song or the spine of a song or the north and south of a song. They also harmonize with each other so I can be singing the high note while you are singing the low note.

We constantly reinforce these two notes because these are the two notes that that the children hear most clearly, and we know that they hear them most clearly because those are the notes that they’ll tone most spontaneously. So we get you to sing them so that we let the children know that what they are hearing in their head is very musical – so musical that this big group of adults is going to sing it too! Very empowering!.

So when in doubt, sing those two notes – when you’re putting your instruments away, in between songs, if you need to say something to your while making music – use those two notes. No harm can be done when you’re singing “ba-bum!”

Drip Drop – F blues

Start with finger tapping on the floor progressing from random raindrops to a steady beat. (centres with no mats who think finger tapping sound will not be very effective can do quiet verses with fingertips on head)

Drip Drop section with audiation play – see vid

Sing drip drop section a few time to introduce the song and then build the rain storm (crescendo/descrescendo) :

Rubbing Hands together - wind

Two fingers tapping – light rain

All fingers tapping - rain

Flat palms tapping – heavy rain

Two fingers tapping – light rain

Drop Drops getting slower and quieter – finish with just tapping fingers

TPs – Blues (see teacher book)

Allee Galloo – D

•Lyrics with bounce, tickle and roll back on Wheee! 2x

•Clap Clap Clap, Clap Clap Clap, Wiiiiiigle, Clap Clap Clap 2x

•Lyrics with bounce, tickle and roll back on Wheee! 2x

•Clap Clap Clap, Clap Clap Clap, Wiiiiiigle, Clap Clap Clap 2x

•Lyrics with bounce, tickle and roll back on Wheee! 2x

•Slower tempo- Sleep Sleep Sleep, Sleep Sleep Sleep, Yaaaaaawn, Sleep Sleep Sleep (falling asleep) Note to parents: “Who can snore on the resting tone?”

Maria Isobel – B below E in E

This song can start with the introduction of the beach idea. You can harvest ideas about what we do at the beach (see below for some ideas) and then start the song.

1st verse – Straight in English or Spanish ending with “Let’s go to the beach and______(insert action here).

2nd verse – to the tune of Chiri Viri singing vocable or word describing action (ie swim)

3rd verse – tune of Lai Lai Lai verse – can extend or modify slightly (ie switching to micro beat/slower tempo/ louder dynamic) a particularly fun or highly participatory action or add a new action of your own for a verse – if you don’t want to the song to get too long, only add this verse a couple of times.

Ideas: Take your hat and put it on/ Let’s go to the beach and……..

oPut on our sunscreen/ Slip Slap Slop

oDig in the sand/ dig dig dig

oJump in the water

oSwim around

oRun on the hot sand – ow ow ow

oFly a kite

oSuggestions (skip in waves, build a castle, twirl in the wind)

oLay on our towel/ sun sun sun sun

•I recommend creating a little story for your self to get yourself to standing and then take/insert suggestions (unless the suggestions you’ve harvested earlier go with sitting like digging). IE. My story above is that I put on my sunscreen then sit and dig in the sand before getting up to go in the water, play around and then sit back down on my towel.

TPs Major

Ten Little Fingers

•2-3 times straight (one time with audiation ) with “Do you have ten fingers too?” only on the last repeat - Counting older children’s fingers – can miscount and only get to nine or go over and count 11. They will then correct you. Or have older children count your fingers (have the intention to keep them on a steady beat while they are counting)

Train Song w/ Shakers CD or no CD

•Shaker Play and intro of rhythm pattern (click click shake shake shake)

•Set up with two shakes in and hiss back to intro CD

•NOTE on the CD there are breaks between vereses = Intro – 3 verses with 2 counts of 8 between each verse - 2 verses back to back - 2 counts of 8 – 3 verses back to back - 8 counts of 8.

•1st two verses rhythm pattern with shakers (click click shake shake shake)

•All other verses – Variations of Paired body parts (IE Toes Toes, Knees Knees Knees 3x Knees Knees Toes Toes, Knees Knees Knees Knees ) or straight through with one action ie rolling (Roll roll, Roll roll roll roll) using cues from Kids. Keep body parts in close proximity to make it easier for the kids to do ie head/nose instead of head/toes unless you intentionally put them far apart for the silly factor.

•Can do some verses with no pattern.

Dance with Me – A (duple/triple)

•Half the verse singing 12/12/12 and the other half singing marching (duple) with hands pashing floor or legs

•Half the verse singing 123/123/123 and other half singing waltzing with a rocking motion

•“Let’s dance together” Dancing to standing duple / dancing triple

•Swaying duple/ swaying triple

•Jumping duple/ jumping triple

•RP’s Duple and triple

•Step together duple/ waltzing triple

•Brock Brock duple/ (chicken in the matrix) Brock Brock triple

•Dancing duple/ Waltzing triple

Water is Wide – B below E (capo 4 play in C)

o1-2 ½ times (1 ½ times or 2 times or 2 ½ times)



Summer Registration if it is now open at your centre

Parent Info Night – the more parents you have come to this event the more participation you will have. Really celebrate this event and let them know it’s included in their tuition.

Things they will learn:

  • What to look for in their child’s musical development at all ages – newborn to four years – what you might be missing
  • Why immersion in a music making community is good little infants and why it still important for older children who are three and four
  • How you can feel more empowered as a parent to bring music to your child.

You can also check in to see if any of your parents have been before and have them give a little testimonial. If no one has gone, then “Great what a golden opportunity for you to go this term!  Book a babysitter, go for martini’s afterwards and call it night!” Thanks!!
