Heartland District Board Minutes 11/01/2015

Welcome- Governor Marcia Dechand

Prayer- Chaplain Dave Fisher

Roll Call – The following members were present:

Marcia DechandCharles Turner

Frank KelleyMary Isabell

Steve JacksonCeCe Cox

Don SchultzPatti Manus

Joyce SullivanDelsa Adams

Harold ConnellJack Fournier

David FisherAnn Livingston

Carol RobertsonNorma Pew

Dale deReignBob Shell

Bill BuscherTerra Morehead

Governor Marcia Dechand welcomed the District Board and Leadership Team to the 2015-2016 Civitan year and recited the Report of Goals. Judge Advocate Bill Buscher, reviewed Robert’s Rules of Order for Board meetings. Additionally, he reminded the Leadership team of several things including: be courteous and considerate; that only elected board members can speak to issues, and once a decision is made, all board actions should be supported. Governor Marcia Dechand made a request for changes/additions to Agenda. None were noted. Coin/Candy Box Chair, Bob Shell, requested cell phones be muted when not speaking to avoid background noise.

Secretary Carol Robertson requested additions and/or corrections to the August 28, 2015 Board meeting Minutes. None were noted. Motion to approve the minutes was made by Governor-Elect Frank Kelley, and seconded by Area 4 Director Charles Turner. Motion carried.

Treasurer Dale deReign presented the Treasurer’s Report dated October 28, 2015 and gave explanation to the following corrections/changes:

  • Line 33: International Convention Governors Past 3rd Quarter training expense in the amount of $741.42 needed to be carried over to the YTD expense Column
  • Line 48: YTD meal expense for Area meetings should be $581.71 (off a line)
  • Line 49: YTD Printing supplies expense for Area meetings should state $15.68 , and
  • Line 51: YTD Governors Mileage and Lodging for Area meetings should show $915.70

Balance in checking account totals approximately $10,000. Certain first quarter expense adjustments will cause additional changes to be made to this report; a final Treasurer’s report for the first quarter will be submitted to the Board at a later date. Motion to approve the submitted report dated October 28, 2015, with corrections, was made by Area 7 Director Patti Manus and seconded by Area 6 Director CeCe Cox. Motion carried.

Treasurer Dale deReign requested approval to donate from Heartland District the surplus T-shirt revenue over cost totaling $83.53 from lines 57-59 on Treasurers Report to Civitan International Research Center. Governor Elect Frank Kelley moved to donate the $83.53 on behalf of the Heartland District to CIRC. A second to the motion was made by Immediate Past Governor Steve Jackson. Motion carried

Authorization of a Bank for the 2015-2016 fiscal year was requested by Treasurer Dale deReign. Currently, monies are held at AVB in Broken Arrow, OK with Treasurer Dale deReign and Newsletter Chair Ann Livingston as signatory’s. Both parties are from Broken Arrow. Past Governor Director, Don Schultz moved to keep AVB for the 2015-2016 fiscal year; Governor Elect Frank Kelley seconded the motion. Motion carried. Club Growth and Retention Chair Jack Fournier asked if the Governor or Governor Elect have access to account information if they were not signatories on the account. It was disclosed AVB allows out of State signatories on accounts held there; Governors and Governors-Elect could be signatories. Area 7 Director Patti Manus rationalized Governors should be on signature card. Don Shultz amended his motion to include Governor Marcia Dechand, Treasurer Dale deReign, and Newsletter Chair Ann Livingston as signatories on the account. Governor-Elect Frank Kelley seconded the amended motion. Motion carried Dale will get a signature card to Marcia.

The 2015-2016 District Budget was approved at the District convention held in Grapevine, TX on August 28, 2015. Governor Marcia requested approval to post the Budget as well as the District Policy Manual and minutes of meetings in the password protected section of the Heartland District Web-site. Newsletter Chair Ann Livingston considered this a good idea; declared members needed to have an awareness of what it takes to operate the District. Governor-Elect Frank Kelley agreed. Furthermore, Frank requested Web-Master David Overton be directed to program the Web-site to accommodate members’ questions or concerns and District responses to them.

Clubs with first-quarter dues to the Heartland District past due were disclosed by Treasurer Dale deReign. Additionally, a list of delinquent clubs was included in an e-mail sent with the Financial Report dated October 28, 2015. Certain clubs responded with explanations and others vowed to investigate and submit. Area 4 Director Charles Turner asked for clarification/details with respect to the collection of dues by Club Treasurers for both District and International. Treasurer Dale deReign responded.

Immediate Past Governor Steve Jackson reported on 2014-2015 accomplishments: At the end of Heartland District's fiscal year, a new Civitan Club, Razorback Greens, was chartered on the University of Arkansas Campus, and has commenced its involvement in the community, which has included collecting books for grade schools
Steve reminded members present to complete end of year reports to Civitan International, anticipating certain clubs would achieve Civitan at the Helm awards. The group was reminded Club applications for net gains for Honor Club are to Civitan International due Dec 1, 2015.

Governor-Elect Frank Kelley noted Area 2 Director Don Garrison organized a great meeting in Muskogee, OK, on October 31, 2015. And, lastly, informed the group an informative video of Civitan International Research Center could be ordered on- line.

Area Directors Reports

Area 1 Patty Bottoff No comments (Report emailed earlier)

Area 2 Don Garrison No comments (Email update earlier)

Area 3 Lowell French No comments

Area 4 Charles Turner Working on challenges in Area 4, appreciates coffee sales, certain

Clubs are working towards achieving Honor Club status, and Clubs will gather for the Area 4 meeting on Feb 20, 2016

Area 5 Mary Isabell Nothing new to report

Area 6 CeCe Cox Activities of certain Clubs in Area 6 include, but are not limited to refurbishing a special needs classroom, coffee sales, waffle feed fund raisers, ice cream socials for home of mentally challenged, monthly meal preparation at Ronald McDonald House, working toward honor club status. Additionally Area 6 Director CeCe Cox continues to communicate with clubs and works to rebuild others.

Area 7 Patti Manus Nothing to add (Report emailed earlier)

Year End Business: Governor Elect Frank Kelley moved to reimburse the Wichita Civitan Club in the amount of $300 for the advance deposit on the meeting site made by the club on behalf of the Heartland District for its Spring Meeting to be held April 8-9, 2016 in Bartlesville, OK. The motion was seconded by Past Governor Director Don Schultz. Motion Carried.

Certified Club Builder Director Joyce Sullivan requested clarification of the duties and responsibilities of Club Builder Director and how we can do a better job in building clubs, nurture them to maturity, and sustain them long-term. New clubs need guidance; existing clubs need help with recruitment and retention. Club Growth and Retention Chair Jack Fournier offered to work with Joyce to compile a new job description for her position. Follow-up of their progress will be on the Agenda for the next meeting.

Certified Club Builder Joyce Sullivan reported no significant changes were made to the Long Term Plan as presented at the District meeting held in Grapevine, Tax. Motion to approve the Long Term Plan was made by Area 6 Director CeCe Cox and seconded by Governor-Elect Frank Kelley. Motion carried.

Motion to approve the District Policy Manual dated August 28, 2015 was made by Past Governor Director Don Schultz and seconded by Area 4 Director Charles Turner. Motion Carried.

Auditor/CPA’s have requested Section 3.15 under Audit, of the District Policy Manual include a statement stating "Heartland District audited financial statements will be located at the Civitan Club of Wichita Community House for a period of seven (7) years". Motion to add to wording was made by Certified Club Builder Joyce Sullivan and seconded by Governor-Elect Frank Kelley. Motion carried. Dale deReign, Treasurer, will deliver the audited Heartland District records to Harold Connell in Wichita to be stored.

It was reported Civitan Club in Sands Spring, OK, now with only 3 active members, has asked how to turn in their charter. Area 2 Director Don Garrison and others are working to save this Club. Sand Springs has a Civitan Park,

A recommendation was received from Ann Livingston to submit $1,000 to Civitan International Building Restoration Fund. Governor-Elect Frank Kelley made the motion to donate $1,000 to this fund. Immediate Past Governor Steve Jackson seconded the motion, adding… “’let’s show leadership and do this now.” New Club Building Chair Delsa Adams asked if there were funds available to do this. Treasurer Dale deReign affirmed. Motion carried.

Governor Marcia Dechand noted we have an opportunity to invite Civitan International Officers and/or staff to our District Spring meeting to be held in Bartlesville, OK or our August Convention to be held in Wichita, KS; a request should be extended soon. Governor-Elect Frank Kelley suggested we invite Duane Capps, International President-Elect, to our convention in Wichita. Area 4 Director Charles Turner asked what our monetary commitment would be if an invitation was extended. Judge Advocate and Past Civitan International President Bill Buscher responded the District would be responsible for registration fees and room expense at the convention. Additionally, Bill recommended invitation be extended to the elected official of Civitan International and to send request ASAP as elected officers will be committing to other meetings. Area 4 Director Charles Turner requested, in the future, the disclosure of financial commitments associated to motions on table be included. Governor-Elect Frank Kelley moved to invite Civitan International President-Elect Duane Capps to attend the Wichita Convention; Motion was seconded by Past Governor Director Don Schultz. Motion carried . Governor Marcia will submit the Invitation Request Form to Civitan International.

Lastly, Candy/Coin Box Chair Bob Shell explained the concept of “Paddle Party”; to be utilized as a District Fundraiser at the Spring meeting in Bartlesville, OK. Further discussion will be held at the January Board meeting.

Area Banners - Consensus was the District and individual Club Banners are sufficient and there is not a need for an additional Area banner.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Robertson, Secretary