Tri-Valley Board of Education Agenda
October 13, 2011
Tri-Valley District Office
7:30 P.M.
Board Members:
Eddie Brock
Cindy Cameron
Terry Hutchison, President
Eva Sieber
Scott Welker
This is a meeting of the Board of Education for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated on the agenda. All cell phones should be turned off during board meetings.
Citizens of the Tri-ValleySchool District and employees who wish to speak with the Board are requested to keep items presented as brief as possible. Items are limited to five minutes for presentation and five minutes for discussion. Please complete the appropriate form and give it
to the treasurer for proper recognition.
Open meeting – Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call:
Adoption of the Agenda:
Public Participation:
I. Treasurer’s Report:
a.)Approve the minutes from the regular meeting of September 8 2011, as presented.
Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker___
b.) Approve the FinancialReport for August, 2011, as presented.
Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker____
c.) Approve the five year forecast as presented.
Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker____
II. Personnel Items:
a.)Approve the returnfromLeave of Absence for Kim Prince, part-time secretary
at Dresden Elementary for October 10, 2011.
Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker_____
b.)Approve a contract for the remainder of the 2011-12 school year for Vanessa Untied
as part-time assistant cook at TVHS beginning 10/17/2011, pending verification of
all background checks. Step 0.
Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker_____
a.)Winter coaches to be recommended:
Boys Basketball:
Chris Garber – reserves
Girls Basketball:
Ben Kennedy – reserves
Aron Dotson – 9th grade
Stephanie Brennen – 8th grade
Emily Reilly – 7th grade
Jennifer Martin – volunteer head coach
Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker_____
b.)Accept the resignation of Brad Sims as TVHS Building Tech. Assistant,
effective October 7, 2011.
Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker_____
III. Superintendent’s Report:
a.)Approve all Professional Leave requests as presented.
Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker_____
b.)Approve the East Central Ohio Educational ServiceCenter Services Contract
for providing services from August 23, 2011 to June 9, 2012, for classroom
Instruction on American Sign Language via video conferencing. (Contract attached)
Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker_____
c.)Approve a trip for 7-12 FFA members and advisor, Sarah Whitford, to
attend the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN. from October
19 – 22, 2011. They will travel with students, parents and other teachers from
West Muskingum and EastMuskingumHigh Schools by charter bus. The
cost will be covered by the individual.(Itinerary attached)
Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker_____
d.)Approve the motion to increase the Health Insurance Premium by 5%, effective
November 1, 2011.
Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker_____
e.)Approve the motion to adjust the technology fee for students who attend
less than half-time from$25.00 to $10.00
Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker_____
f.)Approve the Energy Services Agreement with Plug Smart to provide assistance in obtainingutility rebates from electricity suppliers of the district as provided.
Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker_____
Up-date on Race to the Top.
Committee Reports:
Adjournment @ ______P.M.
Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker_____