Tri-axial Stepper Motor Driver

Operational Manual


3 major operational steps for DB3540L3C-RG2 stepper motor driver in operational order as follows:

1, check whether power supply and ground are short-circuited or not byvisual inspection; power supply voltage is24V,positive pole and negative pole are shown in the below figure ; check whether indicator lamp (D1)of 24 V power supply and indicator lamp (D2) of 5V power supply are light,if light normally, then take operation step 2, if not light, please refer to annex 1.

2,Cut off power supply and connect driver to the motor parallel port, and then power on, check whether motor is locked or whether can beturned, if locked, then take operation step 3, if not , please refer to annex 2.

3,MACH3 or any pulse generator that gives driver pulse through the parallel port, check whether motor runs normally, if normally, motor is driven successfully; if not, please refer to annex 3.

Note: the above 3 operational steps are to be taken in number order; operation in inverse order is prohibited.


Error / Analysis1 / Analysis 2
Both D1andD2 are off / Check whether 24V power supply is properly connected or not / Lamps are poorly soldered or broken (remark 1)
D1on and D2off / Check whether D2 is poor soldered, if not, check whether DCDC output voltage is 5V / Power on D2 with 5V power supply,if the lamp is on, the lamp is ok, if not, the lamp is broken (Remark1)
D1off and D2on / D1is poorly soldered (remark 1) / D1is broken(remark1)

Remark 1:if lamps are broken or poorly soldered,and power supplies normally, operation step 2 can be taken.


Error / Analysis1 / Analysis 2
All the axes are not locked / Check whether the voltage of optical-coupler’s front and back ends of enabling is normal or not / Check whether 74LS14chip andU14 is properly connected,measure voltages of 7 pin and 14 pins
Single or multiple axes are not locked / Optical-coupler is ok,check whether corresponding axes of 74LS14 chip are poorly soldered or defectively soldered / Check whether corresponding pins of 74LS14 chip are properly connected to driver chip

Remark 2:if single or multiple axes are not locked,operation step 3 can be taken.


Error / Analysis 1 / Analysis 2
Motor doesn’t rotate,pulse indicator lamp of corresponding axis is normally on when there is no pulse / the pull-up resistor of pulse optical-coupler oncorresponding axis M is poorly soldered or broken / Measure the front voltage of optical-coupler, if normal, the corresponding pulse optical-coupler is not ok, if abnormal, front ends of 74LS14 are poorly soldered or defectively soldered
Motor doesn’t rotate, when generating pulse, the pulse indicator lamp of corresponding axis is normally dim / Indicator lamp is broken or poorly soldered / Measure the front voltage of optical-coupler, if normal, the corresponding pulse optical-coupler is not ok, if abnormal, front ends of 74LS14 are poorly soldered or defectively soldered
Motor rotates in one direction / Optical-coupler front ends 74LS14 pins of corresponding axis are poorly soldered or defectively soldered / Corresponding direction optical-coupler has problems
Motor heats up / Current is too high, adjust dial switches T1 T2 / Check whether driver chip is short circuited or not by visual inspection
Motor squeaks strongly / Adjust attenuation,D1,D2

Setup steps for connecting MACH3

Connect the control signal port on driver to parallel port on PC, open MACH3 for configuration. Firstly, set up ports and pins,open“ports and pins” under the menu of “config”,as the red circle shows .

Fig.2 configuration menu

Fig.3 frequency configuration

Basic frequency can be set up as circle 1 shows in fig. 3,this parameter has effect on the rotation speed of the motor. After setting up frequency, come to circle 2 for setting up pulse and direction.

Fig.4 pulse direction configuration

In fig.4, the configuration in red circles is made based on thecontrol signal pins of the driver; configuration varies on different driver or interface board. Here configuration in fig. 4 is made based on DB3540L3C-RG2.

Fig.5 Relay and enabling configuration

Fig. 5, Pin numbers inrelay and enabling configuration are also related the definition of control signal.

fFig. 6 Step pulse configuration

DB3540L3C-RG2 adopts general optical-coupler, step pulse needs modification as step pulse configuration shows:Modification path is Config->Motor Turning

If the maximum setup output frequency is F,the maximum setup step pulse value in above fig. 6 should not be more thanthat of half value of next period,otherwise MACH3 will not retch its maximum speed.

Fig.7 Limit switch configuration

Fig. 7 shows the pins of limit switch, here is also configurated based on the definition of control signal.