Tri 1 Biology Test And Core Questions (1-6) Ch. 4

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ------

____7.Where in Minnesota is the moisture the lowest?

a. / East / c. / middle
b. / West / d. / all the same

____8.Most of Minnesota’s wind and weather systems come from where?

a. / gulf / c. / East coast
b. / Canada / d. / Western plains

____9.Which statement is true for Minnesota?

a. / lost 50% of our water and 2000 lakes / c. / lost 3000 lakes, 50% of wetlands
b. / lost 79 % of wetlands, 72% surface water / d. / lost no lakes but most of our wetlands

____10.The average year-after-year conditions of temperature and precipitation in a particular region are referred to as the region’s

a. / weather. / c. / ecosystem.
b. / latitude. / d. / climate.

____11.Temperatures on Earth remain within a suitable range for life as we know it because of the

a. / unequal heating of Earth’s surface.
b. / loss of heat to space.
c. / radiation of sunlight back into the atmosphere.
d. / greenhouse effect.

____12.The loss of heat to space is slowed by

a. / radiation entering the atmosphere. / c. / solar energy.
b. / atmospheric gases. / d. / the biosphere.

____13.The unequal heating of Earth’s surface

a. / drives wind and ocean currents.
b. / causes winds that transport heat throughout the biosphere.
c. / has important effects on Earth’s climate regions.
d. / all of the above

____14.Several species of warblers can live in the same spruce tree ONLY because they

a. / have different habitats within the tree.
b. / eat different foods within the tree.
c. / occupy different niches within the tree.
d. / can find different temperatures within the tree.

____15.An interaction in which one organism captures and feeds on another organism is called

a. / competition. / c. / mutualism.
b. / sybiosis. / d. / predation.

____16.The symbiotic relationship between a flower and the insect that feeds on its nectar is an exampleof

a. / mutualism because the flower provides the insect with food and the insect pollinates the flower.
b. / parasitism because the insect lives off the nectar from the flower.
c. / commensalism because the insect does not harm the flower and the flower does not benefit from the relationship.
d. / predation because the insect feeds on the flower.

____17.An example of a place with a microclimate is

a. / a mountain range capped with ice. / c. / an orchid growing in a rain forest.
b. / a forested park in a desert city. / d. / coniferous trees in a temperate forest.

____18.Aquatic ecosystems are classified by all of the following EXCEPT

a. / depth and flow of the water. / c. / organisms that live there.
b. / temperature of the water. / d. / chemistry of the water.

____19.The chemistry of aquatic ecosystems is determined by the

a. / amount of salts, nutrients, and oxygen dissolved in the water.
b. / the number of other organisms present in the water.
c. / amount of rainfall the water receives.
d. / biotic and abiotic factors in the water.

____20.The photic zone

a. / extends to the bottom of the open ocean.
b. / extends to a depth of about 200 meters.
c. / is deep, cold, and permanently dark.
d. / is where chemosynthetic bacteria are the producers.

____21.Which of the following statements is NOT true about the open ocean?

a. / The open ocean has very low levels of nutrients.
b. / Organisms in the deep ocean are exposed to frigid temperatures and total darkness.
c. / The open ocean begins at the low-tide mark and extends to the end of the continental shelf.
d. / Most of the photosynthetic activity on Earth occurs in the open ocean within the photic zone.


a. / tropical rainforest
b. / savanna / d. / boreal forest
c. / tundra / e. / desert

____22.equator, 50-80% humidity, grows all year, bromeliads, ants

____23.few stunted trees, muskox, 12-30 cm. precipitation, permafrost or cold, short heavy rains <12 cm. /yr. mesquite, kangaroo rat

a. / temperate forest
b. / grasslands
c. / savanna
e. / Desert
Boreal forest

____25.below the tundra, circumpolar, cool summers, long winters, spruce, wolves

____26.middle latitude, rain and snow, -30 to 35 degrees C., 4 seasons, squirrel, deer


Complete each sentence or statement.

27.Which is Minnesota’s rarest biome?

28.As you climb a mountain, you notice how the different plant communities change from one into another. This is called what?


29-30.Pick one of the essay questions below and answer it.

A. Explain why grasslands are found in the middle of the USA.

B. Draw a picture and then explain the shadow effect that mountains produce.

C. Explain why deciduous forest is found on the eastern side of the USA.