Tregolls School Uniform Policy


Our policy is that all children should wear clothing that is in keeping with a purposeful learning ethos. At Tregolls we believe that wearing uniform is an important part of being a member of our community and makes children feel equal to one another in terms of appearance. It helps us show that we all belong together and that we are dressed ready to learn. It promotes a sense of pride in the school and helps the children look smart, think smart and act smart. It is also about preparing children for the future when there will be expectations about what is suitable to wear and how we present ourselves professionally.

In the event that a child is seen not to be adhering to the dress code there are a number of possible consequences, although each case and its surrounding circumstances will be considered on an individual basis –

  • the school keeps a supply of spare uniform including sports uniform and your child will be given suitable items of kit to borrow for the day;
  • In the case of repeated incidents regarding clothing or with another aspect of the code such as an unsuitable hair cut the classteacher or a senior leader will contact the family to ensure they understand the expectations but also to explore any surrounding issues;
  • On grounds of keeping children safe, the governors will reserve the right to support the headteacher in excluding a child from the opportunity to represent the school or appear at a public event with the school such as an educational visit or enrichment activity if they are not following the school dress code set out in this section.


Tregolls Academy uniform can be ordered and purchased at the school office.Parents can obtain the uniforms at other outlets other than theschool, however the school logo must be sewn onto relevant items.

All children (Reception – Year 6) need:

• A polo shirt in navy or jade carrying the schools crest.

• A sweatshirt or cardigan in navy or jade carrying the schools crest.

• Navy school trousers/skirt/pinafore dress

• White socks or navy tights

• Flat, black sensible school shoes. Shoes are to be plain with no coloured logos. Plain black trainers are acceptable. Crocs or open toed sandals are not acceptable.

• During summer months, pupils may wear a blue gingham dress

• During winter months, children may wear wellington boots to school but these MUST be stored in a bag and indoor shoes worn whilst inside the building.


• All children should wear the school PE kit during sporting activities which consists of a navy t-shirt carrying the school crest, navy shorts and appropriate footwear.

• Children will need trainersor PE daps. These should be kept in a small, named bag.

• Where a child forgets their kit the teacher will provide them with spares from the shared store.

• Football shirts may not be worn as part of a PE kit.

• If for any reason a child is unable to do PE they should bring a note explaining the reason to the teacher or coach.

• KS2 children will swim for part of the school year and girls should wear swimming costumes not bikinis or tankinis and boys should wear swimming short (finishing above the knee) or speedos.

• ALL earrings must be removed. (This follows national health and safety guidance.)

• PE Kit should be worn for after school sporting clubs.

• All PE kits should be free from any logo or brand name, apart from the school logo.

All clothing should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. This is especially important, as uniform items look similar and can easily be confused for another child’s. The school cannot accept responsibility for any lost items.


The wearing of jewellery is not allowed for safety reasons. The ONLY exception is that children may wear small stud earrings and a watch. However, for PE ALL earrings must be removed. (This follows national health and safety guidance.) If a child is unable to remove their earrings themselves they should not wear them to school. Hair bobbles and clips should be in the school colours and if a child’s cultural beliefs require that they wear a hijab this should be black. Fake tattoos should not be visible. Children are not permitted to wear make up to school along with fake nails. As part of our safeguarding requirements, all our children must wear a hat/cap while outside in the summer term. This is preferably a blue cap which the school provides however, children may bring in their own from home.

Hair styles

Hair should be of a natural colour and worn in a conventional style. All hair that can be tied back should be tied back every day.

Role of the Parents/Guardians

• To ensure that their child / children adhere to the school’s uniform policy.

• Ensure that they come to school in uniform everyday unless there are special circumstances such as non-uniform days.

• To ensure that all uniform is labelled correctly and clearly.

Role of Teachers and Support Staff

• Set a good example in terms of dress.

• Remember that in our respective roles we serve the local community as a set of professionals.

• To remind children to wear school uniform.

• The classteacher will speak to children who do not wear the correct uniform.

• If children continually attend school wearing clothing which is deemed not to be uniform they are to be referred to the headteacher.

Role of the Headteacher

• The headteacheris to ensure that pupils comply with the uniform policy agreed by the governing body.

• The headteacherhas a duty to enforce the school uniform throughout the school community, as part of the duty within maintenance of day to day discipline in the school.

• The headteacher will speak to the parents of children who persistently do not wear the correct uniform.

• The school will follow the DfE guidelines and not consider exclusion from the school where a pupil fails to comply with the school’s rules on uniform.


All children have equal access to wearing school uniform regardless of their culture, race, religion, gender, disability or ability. We ensure that the set uniform respects other policies such as Equalities and allows for individual sets of circumstances of all groups and individuals. Tregolls Academy is committed to creating a positive climate that will enable everyone to work free from racial intimidation and harassment and to achieve their full potential.