The Link-Letter August 22, 2014
v. 09-34
For more information click on the links provided.
New items are highlighted.
ESCC News here
News for Agency Staff here
Events for Agency Staff here
Work Opportunities in the Senior-Serving Sector here
Items for Board Members here
Items for Seniors here
Volunteer/Work Opportunities for Seniors here
Submissions for Link-Letter can be sent to:
Fax: 780-428-3844 / #255 Bonnie Doon Shopping Centre
8330-82 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T6C 4E3
Link-Letter Summer Publication Schedule
Link-Letter will be published bi-weekly in July and August:
· July 11 and 25
· August 8 and 22
Weekly issues will return September 5.
Back issues of Link-Letter
You can find back issues of Link-Letter at
1. With over 1000 program listings of recreational and wellness opportunities for adults 55+ in the Edmonton area, the ESCC’s Physical Activity and Recreation Directory for Older Adults is an invaluable resource for seniors and service providers in Edmonton. The 2014-15 directory is currently being distributed and we may have some extra copies. If your organization would like some directories, contact Janelle or Rosalie at 780-423-5635 and we’ll try to accommodate your request.
2. In early August, the ESCC provided a backgrounder of seniors issues to the Progressive Conservative and New Democrat leadership candidates. The backgrounder highlights relevant issues for seniors and senior-serving organizations and may give you ideas for questions to ask the candidates.
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1. Northgate Lions Seniors Centre is looking for a new home for a large pool table. The table is 7 ft. X 12.5 ft., is in good condition and includes cues and balls. This is a great addition to any seniors centre. Contact Maggie Nichol at 780-496-4965 if you’re interested.
2. The Support Network is seeking community input on their Distress Line Service. They invite service providers to respond to a survey which will inform The Support Network’s future direction for the service. The survey will remain open until September 5.
3. Check out this excellent resource for all things technology in the non-profit sector. TechSoup Canada offers valuable insights and tips through their newsletter, blogs, articles and discussions. Recent topics include free ways to send large files electronically, tips for creating low cost videos, selecting a crowdfunding platform, social media campaigns and project management tools for non-profits. The website also lists a variety of free/low cost events and webinars on technology topics. TechSoup Canada also connects non-profits with discounts on technologies through their Technology Donation Program.
4. A group from the LGTBQ2S community (LGBTQ2S stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender, Questioning and 2 Spirited) is conducting research to learn about the hopes and concerns of those who identify as LGBTQ2S if they were to move into a seniors’ facility. The Seniors' Pride Project is hoping to have a minimum of 200 people age 55+ complete an anonymous survey by August 31. Feel free to share the link with people you believe might be willing to complete the survey. People who are not comfortable with the computer version can also respond on paper and return the completed copies to Eric Storey at SAGE, 15 Sir Winston Churchill Square, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2E5.
5. A local senior would like to donate her recumbent bike to a senior centre or recreation centre. The organization will have to arrange for pick up and transportation. If you’re interested in this free recumbent bike contact Helen McLean at .
6. Volunteer Alberta has shared information of impending policy changes to the RCMP's Police Information Check (PIC) program. The change is related to fingerprinting requirements and will result in significant changes for organizations engaging volunteers. As of July 2016, fingerprinting will be required for all Vulnerable Sector checks and for all Policy Information Checks effective July 2017. Applicants will now be required to visit a qualified PIC location to get their physical prints taken each time they require a check, at a cost of a $25 fingerprint processing fee for all non-Vulnerable Sector PICs. The group submission option will also no longer be available for organizations, as you will no longer be able to submit an application on behalf of a volunteer. More details are available in their August 6, 2014 Sector Connector newsletter.
7. With the extreme heat we’ve been experiencing this summer, you may be looking for resources to share with your members and clients. The Government of Alberta’s Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health recently shared some heat health tips for seniors which we’ve made into a tipsheet. Health Canada also provides heat health resources. You can order print brochures or download PDF versions from their website.
8. Nominations for the Stars of Alberta Volunteer Awards are now open. Consider nominating a volunteer who makes a difference to your organization. Six awards (two each for youth, adult and seniors) will be presented on December 5. 2014 nomination forms are now available and the deadline for nominations is September 15.
9. The ability to show the direct impact of donations on your organization is important to attract new donors and keep your old ones. shares five creative ways non-profit organizations can show the impact of donations.
10. A new voting system will be implemented for the Progressive Conservative leadership vote this September. There is a movement to electronic voting and your members/clients may have questions about it. This FAQ explains the voting process and gives details about obtaining a PIN for online voting. PC members will also be able to vote over the phone and at select polling stations around Alberta.
11. The ESCC encourages member organizations to take part in the 2014 Boland Survey of Not-For-Profit Salaries and Human Resource Practices. This annual survey compiles information covering the non-profit sector in Canada and provides valuable insights that can help your organization. If at least eight ESCC member organizations participate, the ESCC will pay for a custom report showing aggregate salary and benefit information for members which we will distribute to participating organizations. There is no charge to submit your data but you must register in order to receive a participation package. Notify Janelle at if your organization plans to submit information so we can track member participation. Note: Many of the links on the Boland website do not work but the links inserted here do.
12. The Income Security Advocacy Centre is highlighting a potential change to Old Age Security that could negatively impact immigrant seniors. Bill C-31, the Federal Government’s Budget implementation bill, proposes changes to Old Age Security so that seniors who were sponsored to come to Canada by their family members will have to wait up to 10 years more than other Canadian residents to get benefits they’re currently eligible to receive. For more information on the Income Security Advocacy Centre’s response, review their backgrounder on the issue. Organizations across Canada are concerned about how this bill potentially affects immigrant seniors. Stay tuned.
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1. Edmonton Southside Primary Care Network (ESPCN) provides senior-specific medical support to family physicians in their clinics well as group programming and workshops. A pilot community engagement project outlining what ESPCN does and focusing on seniors and their healthy living needs will be held on August 27 from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. at #200, 9808 – 42 Avenue, Edmonton. Some spots are still available. This opportunity will ensure a senior perspective as we consider how we all can contribute to building healthy and collaborative communities. If interested in participating, contact Karoline at 780-395-2624 or .
2. The Alberta Association on Gerontology (Edmonton Chapter) is hosting a networking dinner and presentation on September 15. Dr. Jayna Holroyd – Leduc MD FRCPC Associate Professor, Departments of Medicine and Community Health Sciences, and Scientific Director, Alberta Health Services’ Seniors Health Strategic Clinical Network will speak on Preparing the Canadian HealthCare System for an Aging Population. The registration deadline is September 10. For further information email , phone 780-246-2954 or review the event poster.
3. If you’re looking for best practices in volunteer recognition, consider attending the Recognition and Retention of Volunteers workshop offered by Volunteer Edmonton on September 16. Volunteer Edmonton also recently shared information on a Volunteer Recognition Study that contains some useful information.
4. Sponsorship and exhibitor registration is now open to seniors-serving organizations for the eighth Seniors’ Housing Forum presented by the Seniors Association of Greater Edmonton on September 27 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Central Lions Seniors Recreation Centre, 11113 113 St. Extensive information and resource materials will be available to seniors, their families and caregivers. The event, lunch and parking are free. Door prizes to be drawn at end of day, donations welcome. For an event save-the-date poster, go here. More information about the sessions and event is available on the blog. Agencies interested in an exhibitor booth or sponsorship will find an information and registration package here.
5. Registration is now open for the Alberta Recreation and Parks Association Conference and Energize Workshop to be held October 23 to 25 in Jasper. Many sessions are relevant to the recreation and community collaboration aspects of the seniors sector. Visit for more details.
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1. No items this week.
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1. Volunteer Alberta has shared information of impending policy changes to the RCMP's Police Information Check (PIC) program. The change is related to fingerprinting requirements and will result in significant changes for organizations engaging volunteers. As of July 2016, fingerprinting will be required for all Vulnerable Sector checks and for all Policy Information Checks effective July 2017. Applicants will now be required to visit a qualified PIC location to get their physical prints taken each time they require a check, at a cost of a $25 fingerprint processing fee for all non-Vulnerable Sector PICs. The group submission option will also no longer be available for organizations, as you will no longer be able to submit an application on behalf of a volunteer. More details are available in their August 6, 2014 Sector Connector newsletter.
2. If you’re looking for best practices in volunteer recognition, consider attending the Recognition and Retention of Volunteers workshop offered by Volunteer Edmonton on September 16. Volunteer Edmonton also recently shared information on a Volunteer Recognition Study that contains some useful information.
3. Nominations for the Stars of Alberta Volunteer Awards are now open. Consider nominating a volunteer who makes a difference to your organization. Six awards (two each for youth, adult and seniors) will be presented on December 5. 2014 nomination forms are now available and the deadline for nominations is September 15.
4. Being able to show the direct impact of donations on your organization is important to attract new donors and keep your old ones. Sumac shares five creative ways non-profit organizations can show the impact of donations.
5. The Income Security Advocacy Centre is highlighting a potential change to Old Age Security that could negatively impact immigrant seniors. Bill C-31, the Federal Government’s Budget implementation bill, proposes changes to Old Age Security so that seniors who were sponsored to come to Canada by their family members will have to wait up to 10 years more than other Canadian residents to get benefits they’re currently eligible to receive. For more information on the Income Security Advocacy Centre’s response, review their backgrounder on the issue. Organizations across Canada are concerned about how this bill potentially affects immigrant seniors. Stay tuned.
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1. Get inspired, expand your horizons and enrich your life! The ESCC’s Physical Activity and Recreation Directory for Older Adults lists over 1000 interesting courses and activities for adults 55+ in the Edmonton area. The directory is available at local seniors organizations, recreation centres and libraries. A searchable database is also available on the ESCC website at
2. If you’re looking for someone to pick up and deliver groceries, pet food, supplies and other goods, consider hiring Anthony At Your Service, a local errand, pick-up and delivery service employing adults with developmental disabilities. Contact 780-800-9915 or visit
3. A new Apple Talk video called Healthy Aging for Seniors has been released. The video features expert advice for seniors about the following topics: healthy eating, active living, connecting with community and home care services. Check it out at
4. You may have heard that there is a new voting system in place for the Progressive Conservative leadership vote this September. PC members will be able to cast their ballots online, by phone and in person at polling stations around the province. This FAQ explains the voting process and gives details about obtaining your PIN for online voting and how to vote over the phone.
5. The Edmonton Heritage Council wants to hear your stories about the people, places, things and moments that have shaped Edmonton. The Edmonton City as Museum Project (ECAMP) invites Edmontonians to contribute photos, videos and stories to the interactive website.
6. Alberta Health Services has created a Continuing Care Resolution Team which will assist patients and families with unresolved concerns related to continuing care placement and care. The team will work on resolving issues in public and privately-operated continuing care facilities and is available as of July 7, 2014. A Continuing Care Concerns email account () and phone line
(1-844-468-2930) will serve as a central point of contact for those with concerns about continuing care placements and will connect people with resources.
7. The City of Edmonton has launched the Edmonton Insight Community, an online community where Edmontonians can provide their views on important topics and learn about city initiatives. They want to make sure seniors perspectives are represented so seniors are encouraged to join the community. Learn more about the community and register to provide input on city services and projects.