Tree Fruit Quiz
1. A good fruit tree site should have…
A. Northern exposure, wet pockets, strong winds
B. Part shade, lie low on a slope, eastern exposure
C. Deep soils, well-drained, full sun
D. Does not exist in Maine
2. What is the fewest number of trees you need to have if you want fruit from your current small orchard: A McIntosh apple, a Red Haven peach, and a Shiro Japanese plum? You can’t count on neighbors’ trees.
3. To control the height of a tree, you should (choose all correct answers)
A choose the correct rootstock
B plant the tree deeper
C prune heavily, especially with heading cuts
D prune judiciously with thinning cuts
4. True or False. A European plum is a good cross for a Japanese plum.
5. True or False. A McIntosh apple can pollinate another McIntosh.
6. When should fruit trees be planted?
A. Spring
B. Summer
C. Fall
D. Anytime
7. The graft union should be planted ______inches above the soil line.
8. True or False. Raking up fallen fruit and leaves on a regular basis has no effect on pest and disease management.
9. True or False. Fall frosts tend to cause more damage than spring frosts on tree fruits.
Vegetable Gardening in Maine Quiz
1. Name 4 cool season crops and 4 warm season crops.
2. What factors should be considered in choosing a garden site?
3. Name three different brassica/cole crops.
4. List 5 vegetables that can be stored.
5. Define succession planting and what crops should be planted using succession planting?
6. Why would you use transplants rather than direct seeding?
7. What crops are normally grown from transplants?
8. Name two benefits to using rowcovers in vegetable gardening?
9. List at least 6 vegetables that can be grown as both spring and fall crops.