SFR458–Beech Bark Disease Control
- Survey and ascertain the health of a mixed-species stand with a high component of beech.
- Describe and discuss control options for diseased beech.
- Write a plan for monitoring and recommendations for managing a forest stand with beech.
Houston, David R., and James T. Obrien. Beech Bark Disease. 1983. USDA Forest Service Forest Insect and Disease Leaflet 75.
Kochenderfer, J.D., and others. 2004. Preharvest manual herbicide treatments for controlling American beech in central West Virginia. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 21:40-49
Nelson, A.S., and R.G. Wagner. 2011. Improving the Composition of Beech-Dominated Northern Hardwood Understories in Northern Maine. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 28:186-193.
Wagner, S., et al. 2010. Beech regeneration research: From ecological to silvicultural aspects. Forest Ecol.Manage. (in press)
- Establish a plot center with a stake flag.
- 1/24th acreplot. 24 ft radius
- Measure trees greater than 5 inches dbh: Identify species, measure dbh, classify crown position (dominant/codominant=D, intermediate=I, understory=U).
- Examine the trees for beech bark disease (bbd): 0=0-5% of stem area has cankers; 1=10-50%; 2=51-100%
- Sample only living trees
- Measure live trees 1” dbh to 5“, identify species, measure dbh, crown position is S=sapling
- Examine saplings for beech bark disease (bbd): 0=0-5% of stem area has cankers; 1=10-50%; 2=51-100%
- Measure live trees 6 inches high to 1” dbh (leave blank on data sheet), identify species, crown position is R=regeneration
- For regeneration beech, check if root sprout or seedling
- Abbreviations: AS=aspen, BE=beech, BI=birch, BF=balsam fir, HL=hemlock, IW=iron wood, OK=oak, RM=red maple, SM=sugar maple, WA=white ash, WP=white pine
- Examine a location with resistant beech.
- Note why the beech are considered resistant
- Understand what is needed to favor resistant beech
- Enter data into spreadsheet.
- Download Beech13.xls from the Lab page on the class web site.
- Enter in data
- Pay attention to tabs – Trees / Saplings and Regeneration
- Enter units (inches or cm) were indicated. Enter species names where indicated.
- Save file with a new name.
- Email file to
- The spreadsheet will calculate the following:
- Live Basal area/ac by species and for the plot
- Basal area = (dbh (in)/2)2*3.1415
- % dominant/co-dominant trees by species
- % saplings by species
- % regeneration by species
- A data summary will be emailed to you.
- Write a report on how to manage the forest stand with a high density of diseased beech. Consider and discuss all options: i) Should the entire stand be harvested for biomass, sprouts killed with herbicides, and conifer regeneration favored? ii) Should beech be selectively killed to release other species? If so, how to apply the herbicides – hypo-hatchet, mist-blower, cut trees and stump treatments, cut trees and spray sprouts.
- Include a section in the report that discusses resistance to beech bark disease. Examine how resistance and susceptibility varies with size, how to recognize true resistance, and how to favor resistance in the future.
- Cite references as needed.
Names:______, ______, ______
Trees > 5 in dbh: Enter values under DBH; place “X”s in appropriate columns
Dbh / D / I / U / BBD 0 / BBD 1 / BBD 2Other Species 1 ______
Dbh / D / I / U: Enter values under DBH; place “X”s in appropriate columns
Other Species 2 ______
Dbh / D / I / UOther Species 3 ______
Dbh / D / I / UOther Species 4 ______
Dbh / D / I / UOther Species 5 ______
Dbh / D / I / UNames:______, ______, ______
Saplings (1”-5”):: Enter values under DBH; place “X”s in appropriate columns
Regeneration (<1” DBH, >12” HT)): Indicate if sprout or seedling
Dbh / Sapling / BBD 0 / BBD 1 / BBD 2 / Regen / Sprout / SeedlingOther Species 1 ______
Dbh / Sapling / RegenOther Species 2 ______
Dbh / Sapling / RegenOther Species 3 ______
Dbh / Sapling / RegenOther Species 4 ______
Dbh / Sapling / RegenOther Species 5 ______
Dbh / Sapling / Regen