Treadway Elementary School

School Advisory Council Minutes

August 27, 2012

Conference Room in Main Office

Attendees: Denice Volzone, Charlene Campbell, Monica Janes , Bernadette Miller, Nancy Wilkins, Shannon Bass, Suzanne Matthews, Julie Cook, Bonnie Smith, Dr. Boone, Cindy Christidis, Shelly Lunsford, Candie Lange, Marlene West, Jenny Stinson, Susan Jordan, Carla Metcalf, Pat Nix. (Dave Hubbard has an excused absence.)

A.  Welcome

Call to Order and Welcome at 05:35 pm by Monica Janes.

B.  Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

Motion was made by Charlene Campbell/seconded by Denice Volzone to accept minutes from June 5, 2012 meeting with corrections as follows:

1.  Removal of Attendee: Monica James.

2.  Change all vote count tallies to 11-0 from 12-0.

3.  Correction to outline letters and numbers to maintain consistency.

Passed with vote of 17-0.

C.  Finance/Budget Report

Review expenditures, approved during 2011-2012 school year, for current school year 2012-2013.

1. Last school year’s Discretionary Spending balance was $3,062.51 and Internal Fund- raising balance was $6200.68, for a total of $9,263.19.

2.  AR and Star Renewal

a.  Proposed last year: AR $3,000, Star $2,700.

b.  This year, AR and Star numbers down, plus District wide purchase order will net us a cheaper bulk price: AR $2,652, Star $1,554.

3.  Brain Pop Renewal

a.  Brain Pop expired July 31, 2012. Previously paid $1,495.

b.  District bulk P.O. should cost less, but not sure of cost as District is trying to determine how many schools are committing to this order.

4.  School Check-in Renewal

a.  Proposed last year: $195.

b.  Cost for this year: $225.

c.  Motion made by Denice Volzone/seconded by Pat Nix to approve this purchase. Passed with vote 17-0.

5.  Education City Renewal

a.  Education City renewal not due at present.

b.  Charlene Campbell not sure teachers wish to renew. We request that Mrs. Vroman poll teachers to determine if we should renew.

D.  Old Business

No old business to address.

E.  Principal’s Report

1.  Intro of new Administration – Principal: Dr. Boone, AP2: Susan Jordan, AP1: Cindy Christidis

2.  SAC Instructional & Classified Reps

a.  SAC Instructional members: Shannon Bass, Charlene Campbell, Suzanne Matthews, Lori Vroman, Marlene West.

b.  Classified Reps: Julie Cook.

3.  School Grade

a.  Great school opening; we are meeting class size; may be over allocated presently.

b.  TWE is an “A” school; ranked 3rd of 25 schools in Lake County.

c.  TWE ranked #1 for learning gains in lowest quartile for both math and reading.

4.  Visitor/Volunteer Memo

The goal is for Treadway to be a safe and protected campus. All visitors must sign in at front office. Pavilion out front will be fixed up for parents to have lunch with their child. Birthday party celebrations to be held in cafeteria, not in classrooms. Parents should bring in birthday party food prior to lunch. Parents should not take pictures or movies in classrooms, in order to protect the children.

5.  Back Road

The dirt back road near the 5th grade car rider line is owned by Lake County, not by Treadway or Lake County School District. Road condition/pot hole issues need to be addressed to Lake County.

6.  R U C2 Ready?

a. A new set of tougher standards to replace FCAT is called “Common Core” or C2. Common Core is a national program of tougher academic standards, which will hold teachers accountable for what is taught – in order to prepare students to be college and career ready.

b. As FCAT is phased out by 2014, new tests are being created by PARCC: Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. This is a cooperative arrangement between Florida and 43 other states.

c. C2 for Kindergarten and 1st grade is already being implemented, 2nd grade and up to follow next year with a blended curriculum.

d. Aim is to create a new breed of students who can communicate, collaborate, and problem solve.

e. To view teachers teaching Common Core standards, visit:

7.  School Improvement Plan

a.  School Improvement Plan template was just released. Plan is moving from AYP subgroups to AMO’s or Annual Measurable Objectives. This will be incorporated into TWE School Improvement Plan, but we are still waiting for data to be released.

b.  Plan is due September 7th to Kathleen Thomas and October 29th to the state.

c.  At Treadway, 86% of the lowest quartile went up.

8.  SAC Training/Membership Guidelines

All SAC members need to have viewed the SAC PowerPoint training module. A new and improved SAC PowerPoint module will be released for new members.

9.  New School Safety Plan

The School Safety program calls for Treadway to work with emergency response teams (Fire Department, Law Enforcement, Ambulance, etc.) to help keep our campus safe. The pre-plan has been rolled out to the teachers. Treadway’s 1st fire drill was Friday (August 24th) when 897 students were evacuated from the school in 3 minutes 31 seconds. A portion of the plan is held in secrecy as the administration cannot allow “safety plans” to get out to the public.

F.  New Business

Dr. Boone was able to locate a copy of our SAC By-Laws (which were filed at the District Office in 2010). Monica Janes and Dr. Boone will use this information to solidify our list of staff SAC members and parent SAC members.

51% of SAC members should consist of parent/business members (not employed by the school district). We have 1 Principal, 5 instructional and 1 classified rep as stated above, and SAC officers: Monica Janes, Denice Volzone, Nancy Wilkins, and Carla Metcalf. SAC officers and members hold a 2-year term. The following people are interested in holding parent positions in SAC: Dave Hubbard, Patricia Nix, Bonnie Smith, Jenny Stinson, Candie Lange, and Shelly Lunsford. SAC parent members will be reviewed prior to the next meeting.

G.  Next Meeting

It was previously voted to hold SAC meetings on the second Monday of the month. Therefore, the next meeting will be held on Monday, September 10, 2012 at 5:30 pm.

H.  Adjourn

Meeting was adjourned at 6:20 pm.

Submitted by:

Carla Metcalf

SAC Secretary