Travel Tool Redirector


The module to be used for “Book Travel” and “My Profile” is called “WT-TravelToolRedirector” All booking engine’s that are offered through the portal are represented in this module.

  • RESX
  • Cliqbook
  • E-Travel
  • GetThere
  • RESX using Portal Creds

The “WT-TravelToolRedirector” was designed to let the “super user” select whichever booking tool the account requires and once the correct booking tool is selected the super user will then input the parameters to be passed to the selected booking tool in order to pre authenticate each user into the booking tool.

To access the “WT-TravelToolRedirector” properties you will first add the “TravelToolRedirector” module to a new page.

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Travel Tool Redirector, continued

Adding Travel Tool Redirector module to a page

Step / Action
1 / Using the Module tool bar at the top of the screen, select WT-TravelToolRedirector from the Module drop-down list box.

2 / Select relevant Pane from dropdown:
Note: Most modules belong in the ContentPane which is selected by default.
3 / Select relevant Align from dropdown:
Note: Most modules alignment is not used so Left is selected by default.

4 / Click Add to the right of the Align dropdown box to add the module to the page.
5 / The below module is added.

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Travel Tool Redirector, continued

Adding Travel Tool Redirector module to a page

Step / Action
1 / Point to the Actionmenu and click Settings.

2 / Checkrelevant Permissions.
Check Inherit View permissions from Page which can be found at the very bottom of the Permissions check section.

3 / ClickUpdateto update the module settings.

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Travel Tool Redirector, continued

Edit Travel Tool Redirector module

Step / Action
1 / Point to the Actionmenu and click Edit.

2 / See if tool Type exists by clickingType dropdown.

Note: The next step depends on if you already have a Travel Tool Redirector defined or have to add a new one.

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Travel Tool Redirector, continued

Edit Travel Tool Redirector module, continued

Step / Action
2 / Existing travel tool Type:
  • Brand new non-existing redirector Name:

  • Select existing travel tool Name:
Using your keyboard type in the new item into the Type dropdown text area. When complete use the tab key to have the new item added to the Type dropdown.

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Travel Tool Redirector, continued

Edit Travel Tool Redirector module, continued

Step / Action
3 / Configuration will populate with stored values.Changing any settings will change the configuration for ALL TripSource™: Portal clients using that Name.
4 / Select one of the following relevant Use Authorization From radio button. This determines how the authorization is done and what is seen on the My Preferences > Travel Tool Preferences module:
  • User Supplied: User will supply both the Username and Password.
  • Global Static: A gatekeeper will supply both Username and Password. To denote this to a gatekeeper the title of the Credentials will now be in the format: ToolName (ToolType) [Global Static]. Only a gatekeeper can see and update the Credentials on the Travel Tool Preferences module for everyone.
  • Portal Credentials: Will use user's existing credentials to log into the site/portal. Nobody will see a Credentials item on the Travel Tool Preferences module. Use this when the Booking Tool Login is the same as the Portal UserID/Password.

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Travel Tool Redirector, continued

Edit Travel Tool Redirector module, continued

Step / Action
5 / Choose a Credentials Icon by selecting a File Location and File Name:(Travel Tool Preferences module.)
  • Leave unselected if you do not choose to have a Credential icon in title of My Preferences > Travel Tool Preferences module.

6 / Select or enter information for the following fields:
Travel Redirector URL Address:This is the URL the booking tool has provided to BCD Travel to post to.

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Travel Tool Redirector, continued

Edit Travel Tool Redirector module, continued

Step / Action
7 / Select or enter information for the following fields:
Redirect Form Credentials:
  • Username Field: Supplied by the booking tool.
  • Password Field: Supplied by the booking tool.
  • ID Prefix: Specific to DotNetNuke and is always: _ctl0_
  • Name Prefix:
  • Execute On Load: Choose to automatically run the SSO process when the user clicks “Book Travel”.

8 / Select or enter information for the following fields:
Redirect From Parameters:The “Tool Parameters” section let’s you add parameters plus their value’s to the form post such as “CompanyName” “BCDDEMO”.
Note: If the value contains two words or more having a space between the words, then enter the value with quotations. i.e. “BCD Demo” two words with a space.

9 / Click the Savebutton.

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Travel Tool Redirector, continued

RESX Setup

Tool Settings:

  • URL:
  • Username Field: USERLOGIN
  • Password Field: ACCESS
  • ID Prefix: _ctl0_
  • Name Prefix:
  • Execute On Load: Yes

Tool Parameters:

  • Value: i.e. (BCDDEMO),Suez for Suez, Yum for Yum, JCP for JC Penny; these values will be provided by OTS.
  • Name: TARGET
  • Value: AIRHOME(for the home page), PROFILE(for profile page), TRIPLIST(for trips page)

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Cliqbook Setup

Tool Settings:

  • URL:
  • Username Field: userid
  • Password Field: password
  • ID Prefix: _ctl0_
  • Name Prefix:
  • Execute On Load: Yes

Tool Parameters:

  • Name: host
  • Value:
  • Name:loginurl
  • Value: for all Cliqbook sites unless otherwise specified.
  • Name: hpo
  • Value: 1 (Travel Center (/travelhome.asp or /travel.asp ))

2 – Company Reports (/reports.asp)

3 – Learning Center (/training/trainingservices.asp)

4 – Expense Center (/ExpenseHome.asp)

5 – Personal Profile (/profile/personalprofile.asp)

Note: User does not have to enter this parameter if landing on the Cliqbook home page.

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E-Travel Setup

Tool Settings:

  • URL:
  • Username Field: LOGINNAME
  • Password Field: PASSWORD
  • ID Prefix: _ctl0_
  • Name Prefix:
  • Execute On Load: Yes

Tool Parameters:

  • Name: SITE
  • Value: “0CIB0CIB”
  • Name: LANGUAGE
  • Value: US
  • Name: LOGIN_TYPE
  • Value: SSO
  • Name: LURL
  • Value: Provided by OTS
  • Value: CREATE

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GetThere Setup

Tool Settings:

  • URL:
  • Username Field: user
  • Password Field: pwd
  • ID Prefix: _ctl0_
  • Name Prefix:
  • Execute On Load: Yes

Tool Parameters:

  • Name: requestType
  • Value: portalaccess
  • Name: site
  • Value: Provided by OTS
  • Name: transindex
  • Value: 0:
  • Name: next_jsp
  • Value: index(for GT home page) or userprofile(for GT profile page)
  • Name: portalRequestType
  • Value: login

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Travel Tool Redirector, continued

Both RESX and Cliqbook’s API’s are online so you can view what information is available for both through their web service.

  • Resx:
  • Cliqbook:
  • E-Travel documentation is stored on our server at: \\usgalnx0vss01\eDDocs\BookingToolDocs

July 2008Copyright © 2008 BCD Travel N.V. All rights reserved.1