DelawareState Energy Plan

Environmental Footprint Work Group

Mark Barteau, Chair

Meeting Notes

August 27, 2008

10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

UD Clayton Hall, Newark,DE

Welcome and Introductions –Mark Barteau, Chair

Mark Barteau opened the meeting with a short welcome

-Mentioned Energy Institute Inauguration Sept 19 Clayton Hall

-Review of Footprint Outline II Report

  1. Gene Ruane – Stated we do not have an overall integrated resource plan for the state. Asked the question: How do we make a plan that covers all jurisdictions with respect to Delmarva Power (DPL), DE Coop, and DEMEC Municipal plans?
  2. Glen Moore – stated that purchasing power out of state even if its clean does nothing to change the emissions in DE. We need to look at the consumption sources for clean alternatives. Also we need to remember that some of our electrons go out of state.
  3. Bruce Burcat stated DPL makes up 75% – 80% of the electric service in DE. There is coordination among the other municipalities and DE Coop.
  4. Glen DPL suggests looking at individual utilities instead of making a whole plan forward that everyone must fit into.
  5. Phil Cherry, DNREC – Let’s see how well to all the integrated plans may work together. Look at governance issues. Look at integrated resource plans for the utilities and find where they obtain their green energy and define the environmental footprint of each plan. We should have DPL, DEC, and DEMEC give a presentation of their plans and the footprint of each.
  6. Glen and Bruce Burcat agree that reliability and control must be addressed when considering clean options.
  7. Group consensus was to make a spreadsheet and rank the technologies vs. the criteria discussed on the outline.
  8. Do we need to define a goal for carbon reduction?
  9. Mayor Baker of Wilmington is creating a plan for 20%carbon reduction by 2020 for Wilmington.

The outline has been updated again. A copy will be placed on the website as Outline III.

Andrea Kreiner –Recommendation Plan

-Need to set achievable targets and if we need more presentations let get to it.

-We must move the state to be built with green generation.

Mark Barteau – Presentations

  1. Chad Tolman – Presentation to be placed on website
  2. Discussed climate Change Impacts
  3. Plan needs to have Delaware be a leader and conduct a greater than 2% annual reduction trajectory for carbon.
  4. RGGI only addresses power plants and we must address other sectors

7.Meeting presentations

Prior to the next meeting, participants are asked to send to Andrea Kreiner () and Scott Lynch () any issue lists, summaries, or other written materials to be discussed during the upcoming meeting so that a more defined agenda can be created. Anyone wishing to make a presentation during a meeting should provide Andrea and Scott a description of the presentation, the intended purpose, and the estimated time needed so that it can be approved and scheduled by the Chair.

8.Next Meetings

September 17, 2008

10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m,

Location: Appoquinimink School District Parent/Teacher Training Center

Address: 118 South Sixth Street, Odessa, DE

October 29, 2008

1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m,

Location: Appoquinimink School District Parent/Teacher Training Center

Address: 118 South Sixth Street, Odessa, DE

November 12, 2008

10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m,

Location: Appoquinimink School District Parent/Teacher Training Center

Address: 118 South Sixth Street, Odessa, DE

December 10, 2008

10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m,

Location TBD