Since Bob Ross and other Bible Correctors do not like Latin words and transliterated Greek words nor the word "baptize," because it is a transliterated word supposedly designed to obscure water immersion, let them chew on some other transliterated words for a while (Compliments of Daryl R. Coats). I think there is enough material here to keep them busy with their black helicopter conspiracy theories for some time to come. -- Herb Evans
I. Non English words (and derivatives) transliterated from the Greek or Hebrew:
acre, adamant, agate, almond, amber, angels', apothecary, asp, axes, astrologer, balm, base, blame, box, bushel, butter, calm, cedar, chamber, cheer, chesnut, chest, chimney, cistern, cluster, coffin, coping, cord, coriander, crime, crown, curtain, cymbals, cypress, devilish, diamond, diet, dish, disperse, dragons, drams dromedary, earth, emerald, emerods, engrafted, enlightened, Exodus, fires, foal, foul, galley, genealogy, Genesis, giant, govern, graff, gulf, hypocrite's, idolatrous, ink, jealous, lake, lantern, lap, leopards, leprous, lesser, ligure, lily, line, lineage, linen, lion's, magicians, magistrate, melody, melons, mills, mint, mitre, mock, moons, mothers', mulberry, musick, myrtle, namely, newly, oiled, on, one, onycha, onyx, orchard, organ, orphans, ostrich, pant, panted, parchments, parlour, partridge, path, pelican, penury, pilot, pine, pitcher, place, pla(i)ster, planets, plate, policy, pomp, practise, priest, prognosticators, prune, psalmist, psaltry, punish, purse, pygarg, rue, satyr, sceptre, scholar, slander, sodomite, stacte, story, strangle, suppose, timbrel, toll, tomb, tortoise, tower, treasuries, triumphed, turn, wines
II. Transliterated Hebrew/Aramaic:
abba, allelouia, amen, anathema, cheroubim, cummin, el1, elo1, ephphatha, geenna, hosanna, kamelos, kenturion, kinamomon, kolonia, korban, koumi, kuminon, lama, legeon, mammonas, manna, maran atha, milion, mulos, nardos, paradeisos, pascha, pharao, pistikos nardos, praitorion, rhabboni, rhaka, sabachthani, sabaoth, sabbaton, sappheiros, smurna, sukaminos, sukomoraria, talitha, tabernai
III. Transliterated Latin words:
adoption, altar, assurance, beauty, Calvary, cross, crucify, damnation, divine, excel, excellent, exhort, faith, grace, honour, immortality, just, justice, justification, justify, liberty, mercy, miracle, mortify, obedience, obey, offer, pardon, prayer, preacher, predestinate, propitiation, purification, reconcile, reconcilliation, redemption, remission, resurrection, revelation, reverend, revive, sacrifice, salvation, sanctification, sanctify, save, saviour, separate, servant, simple, spirit, supplication, surely tempt, temptation, testament, unsearchable, vengeance.
-- by Daryl R. Coates, excerpts copied by Herb Evans