Transition Skills Course Syllabus

Elective : .5 or 1 credit course

Instructor: Robin YuedeMeeting Time: 3rd Hour 9:15-10:07

Location: Room 155Office Hours: 7th Hour

Office Telephone: 636-851-5104Email:


Course Description: This course provides a strong emphasis on career exploration and planning, with the intent to help students transition out of high school. The class will review the necessary occupational, personal, and social skills for gainful employment.Occupational guidance and preparation will include self reflection, setting goals, decision making, career planning, resume writing,application process, interviewing, and factors that can help position one for possible success in adulthood.

Prerequisites: 1) A willingness to think with an open mind about your future.

2) Make a commitmentto in-depth planningfor your future.


Grades come from the following...

  • Academic Class Work
  • Activities
  • Tests/Quizzes
  • Academic Engagement* (i.e. “Participation” / “soft skills”)

Course work is set to benefit you - You will be on track to earning a solid grade if you come to class ready to learn, participate, and complete the work.

*Effort, attitude, and reliability all play a large part in how successful you become in life; the same goes for this class. As far as participation points, you will be given participation points per day.

Extra Credit

Extra credit is not available. Please speak to me individually and arrangements can be made to assist with improving grades if necessary.

Grading scale and semester grades follow district guidelines-

Grading scale:Semester Grade:

A – (90-100)Quarter 140%

B – (80-89)Quarter 240%

C – (70-79)Final Project/Exam20%

D – (60-69)

F – (59 and below)

Note: Grades can be accessed through Parent Portal (

Text: Succeeding in the World of Work BookPolicy: A specific book number will be checked out to you, and you will be responsible for returning that book number at the end of the year.


Attendance is vital to your academic success - And (if applicable) for involvement in the Work Program. Note: If you are in the Work Program you are allowed 8 absences a semester. Upon your 9th absence you will not earn any credit for your work hours & (if applicable) risk loosing early release.

Make-Up Work:

An excused absence* is required in order to make an assignment up. The school policy is that you have one day to make the work up for every day of sickness. (Special circumstances will be dealt with on a individual basis.)P

Late Work Policy:

A majority of the time late work should not be an issue due to the fact you will have the opportunity to complete assignments during classroom time. But should late work be turned in, 10 percentage points will be deducted for each day late.

Classroom Expectations:

Conduct yourself in a mature manner

- The 3 R’s: Respect for self, Respect for others, & Responsibility for all your actions!

Note: Respect other’s personal space, property, and ideas.

Come on time and fully prepared to class – Both mentally & physically

No sleeping

Participation - Be engaged in the process…………..Provide your views / ask questions

No cell phones visible or used once class has started

Remember, part of being an adult is taking responsibility!

Needed Materials:

2three-hole pocket folders or 2 (½”) three-ring binders, writing materials

What To Do IfNot Experiencing Academic Success:

1)Talk to me and help me understand why you are not being successful so we can both work together to come up with a plan for success.

2)See me about the possibility of redoing a specific assignment or taking part in an alternate assignment to make up a low scoring grade.

3)Come see me before, during, and/or after class / school to get additional help.

Additional Assistance:

Please speak to me individually about needing additional assistance. Since I am not assigned a homeroom, additional assistance is available during that time upon student request.

--The most important trip you may take in life is

meeting people halfway -- Henry Boye