Transgressions 1-18
by: Dollparts

Rating: R
Category: Fanfiction
Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor, Michael Novotny
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Major Character Death
Summary: Justin meets Brian His first day of his new high school who introduces him to his two best friends mikey and Lindsay the four become inseparable. Starting a punk band named Lube. tragedy strikes the young friends parting Brian and Justin for 17 years. Lube is on tour when a 34 year old Brian and his band mates are haunted by visions of their former friend and band mate Justin.
Disclaimer: All characters and situations from Queer as Folk are properties of Russell T. Davies, Ron Cowen and Daniel Lipman, Showtime, and others. No copyright infringement is intended.
Lindsay stood in front of the mirror scrunching up her curly hair. A smile played on her lips as she blotted her black and maroon lipstick. Doing a quick turn she slightly pulled down her leather mini skirt. " Perfect !" she said to her self as she grabbed her drum sticks.
Brian stood out side her door smoking a joint. She walked up to him taking the joint from him inhaling deeply. Checking out Brian. His hair dyed black slightly tousled thick black eyeliner pronounced his eyes.
"Damn You look fucking hot Lind's," he pulled her in to a playful kiss.
"You don't look half bad your self," she seductively ran her hand on his chest "I love the white suit and black tie classy."
He grabbed her hand and started to run "Come on we got to run Mikey will shit if are on stage late." She laughed following behind him.
Michael ran up to them base in hand "Fuck I thought I would have to call a search party."
Brian Kissed him on the cheek "We are here." He looked at the tension in his best friend something seemed off "Mikey is every thing ok?"
Michael eyes trailed away "Um yeah every things fine," he then looked at the ground.
"Mikey your not a very good liar what's wrong?"
"I saw somebody on my way to the stage." His face became pale "Someone from your past Brian."
Brian Looked at him nonchalantly," yeah so? As long as you did not fuck them." He smirked "Your to good for left overs," Kissing his friend on the cheek again.
Michael got even more tense "No Brian Dammit I fucking saw Justin Taylor, well it looked like him any way."
The color in Brian face faded as he slumped to the floor. "Shit it can't be Mikey." His voice became very weak and shaken "He died 17 years ago, I was there I saw it happen" His eyes became Misty.
Michael sat next to his friend rubbing his shoulder "I know I know, But fuck Brian its to uncanny I had to let you know I did not want you to freak when you saw him. This guy was back stage I don't know who he was or is. We all know it can't be him but shit, damn! he looks just like him except."
"Except ?" Brian and Lindsay both chimed.
"He has really short hair and dresses really preppie"
The three huddled on the floor Remembering their fallen band mate from years ago. He was anything but preppie. A rebel in his own right Brian cleared his misty eyes before hitting the stage. He smiled intensely at his two best friends, masking his emotions.
The three stood in position behind the thick curtains. Lindsay hit her Drum sticks together "One Two Three four !" she yelled. Shouts and screams echoed through the large stadium The drum beat over took the three best friend as they became apart of their music. Brian played his guitar viciously, as the punk sound poured through his fingers. He sang through the microphone then smiled at Mikey as they harmonized together.
Brian looked through the haze of the light's piercing through the shadows, he saw a glimpse of the young man Mikey spoke of. He felt a lump in his throat as the vision of the only man he every cared about stood before him in the front row. He tried to look away but was pulled instantly, the young man smiled at him. It was the beautiful smile that won his heart so long ago. He had to get away get his mind away from this man. Brian ran across the stage playing even harder trying to get Justin out of his head. Lindsay and Michael kept up with his rushed rhythm.
17 year earlier
Justin's long blonde hair pulled back behind his shoulder. His leather trench coat hugged his body warmly in the cool October morning. His nerves clenched through his body, grabbing his flask he took a big gulp of Jim beam. He grimaced at the harshness on his empty stomach, lighting a cigarette as he approached his new high school.
Leaning up against a willow tree inhaling deeply On his cig taking another gulp of Jim beam. He felt a presence approaching him. A husky sexy voice broke him away from his own thoughts
"You got a light?" Looking up in to the most amazing hazel eyes. He was speechless for a moment nodding as he lit the strangers cigarette.
Brain took a deep drag holding up his cigarette "thanks, you new here?"
"Yeah first day" he grabbed for his flask
Brian cover Justin's hand with his, "easy their sunshine no need to be drunk before the day even begins." He pulls out his own flask "You want it to last all fucking day."
Justin laughed and felt more at ease "Yeah I think your right. What's your poison?"
Brian smirked "Jim Beam is there any thing else? "
"Ahhhhh! a Jim Beam man I think we will along just fine." Justin pushed him self away from the tree and whisper in Brian's ear "Its my poison too," he began to walk away.
Brian smirked at the new stranger "Later."
"Later" Justin smile "Oh by the way My names Justin Taylor."
Brian grinned from ear to ear "Brian Kinney."
Brian was walking out to his car during lunch. He heard a haunting voice singing with a guitar. Walking closer to the beat up Volkswagen Bug he saw the young man from the morning, Brian playfully knocked on the hood of the car.
Justin jolted out of his trans-like state of mind letting out a scream "shit You scared me," he smiled at Brian.
Brian could not help but laugh "Just admiring your song, your good did not mean to scare you." He gave a laughing smirk "but that was an added bonus for me. I liked hearing you scream maybe I can hear you call my name next time." He said tongue in cheek then Started to walk away.
Justin mouth almost dropped at the comment he felt a stirring In his pants, letting out a slight moan. Brian turn winking at him. " Hey I was going to liberty Diner with some friend during lunch You want join me? "
Justin Nodded his head getting out of his car "Love too." He tilted his head to his car "do you want me to drive?"
Brian walked closer with a suspicious smile leaning in smelling Justin breath ,"Sure I don't smell any Jim beam on you," before Justin could say anything Brian leaned in closer devouring him in to a deep passionate kiss.


Justin wrapped his hand behind Brian's neck bringing him in deeper. Dominating the kiss with his tongue Both moaning in to the kiss. Justin pulled away smirking as Brian grabbed Justin hip to bring him closer. He looked deep in to Justin penetrating eyes to only see pain and notice Justin was holding his breath. Letting go Brian froze he had seen that look before he new the pain the emotions, Tilting Justin Chin to look deep into his soul
"Justin are you ok?"
"Yeah Just an old injury." He looked at Brian trying to cover up his pain.
Brian nodded his head in understanding" Yeah I bet about 12 hours old by the way you flinched." He grabbed Justin's hand, "Change of plans we are taking my car."
Justin sat in the car masking any emotions. Suddenly he noticed they where driving away from town then turned down a dirt road "Brian where are we going?"
"Some wear safe." Justin noticed Brian had a far distance look in his eyes and wondered what this man's story was.
Justin raised his eye brow "Ok sounds interesting."
Brian Smirked "It can be but that's not why I am bringing you here I have never brought a trick here it's my sanctuary."
Brian pulled up in front of an old abandoned home the white paint pealing from the drastic weather changes. The deck slightly tilting. Brian entwined his fingers with Justin's as they walked to the home. He took out a key unlocking the door.
Justin looked at him dumb founded and laughed. "You have a key to an abounded house?"
Brian smiled big "yeah I put it on after we found this place, No way in hell do I want someone in my domain."
As Brian entered the Door he turned on a battery operated lantern, Justin stood in aw at the room around him. It maybe abandoned but it was definitely a home. There was a sofa several Bean bags books and a portable radio. In the corner was a drum set Acoustic guitar and Acoustic bass
"Damn this place is great" He looked at the instruments "You play?"
"Brian smiled sheepishly " My friends and I have a band we try any way" he laughed.
Justin eyes wear diverted from the instruments when he suddenly noticed the art work on the walls. Tracing his hand on the wall "Fuck this is awesome I love fantasy art, these dragons have amazing detail.
Brian smiled proudly "Lind's she an amazing artist and drummer, Mikey is my other good friend he play's the bass. This place is our sanctuary we are the only ones to ever come here." He looked at Justin Intensely. " Now that I brought you here I have one of two choice's ether I can kill you or give you a key" Brian smirked then handed Justin a key.
Justin looked at his new friend bewildered taking the key "You just met me why would you give me a key."
Brian shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly then looked in to Justin's eyes gently touching his Hip "You need a safe place to go I see it in your eyes."
Brian stood up tucking his heading down cupping his hand around his neck "Fuck!" He started pacing His emotions where running rampant not use this sensation.
Justin walked up behind Him touching his shoulder "Brian You don't have to do this I can see its hard on you. Plus we just met I understand."
Brian gently touched Justin's hand on his shoulder and Whispered "I know you understand". Brian shook his head as he took of his jacket and shirt revealing the fresh scars on his back.
He heard a gasp from Justin then felt soft hands caressing around the scares. " Your right I do understand."
Brian turned looking Justin in the eyes and growled "I did not show you for pity! shit I don't know why I showed you. I Don't do romance, I don't do boy friends, I don't do this sentimental bull shit."
Justin removed his own jacket and shirt revealing the cigarette scares on his chest. " Why the fuck would I give you pity? I don't do that crap either all I know is I met you today and for the first time in a long time I fucking feel safe."
Brian pulled Justin In close to his chest stroking his long blonde hair which flowed to the middle of his back "Your hair is so soft." Brian whispered in to his ear seductively "I want to fuck you."
Justin Pulled Brian down in to a passionate kiss. Lost into there emotions and touch never hearing the door open. Only the shriek of Lindsay "Brian!" "Justin?"
Both men Looked Up suddenly. Justin startled to hear his name Looked at the young Woman "Oh my God Lindsay? Your Brian's friend? Fuck I had no idea I thought the art looked familiar," He ran up giving her a big hug.
Brian stood confused clearing his throat "You two know each other?"
Lindsay Giggle "Brian I guess You have already met my cousin Justin. His family moved back to the Pitts last week."
"Well, Fuck me that's my luck."
Justin whispered in his ear. " I still plan on fucking you later." then winked.


Present day Brian's Point of view
The heat of the stage lights burn in to my skin, It's a gnawing sensation. Suddenly a cool breeze crawls through my spine, I feel his presence its him I don't know how But Its him. Through the shadows I see his eyes Piercing deep with in my being. Our eyes lock I feel his spirit call to me. I notice the confusion in his eyes, the awareness the wanting. He walks closer to the stage I can barley handle his presence.
As I look in his eyes again I see something I never saw before, he is truly happy without a doubt no heart ache no abusive father. His eyes are so innocent so pure so full of love that alone shows me this can't possible be my Justin. Yet I feel him, so close to my heart like he is whispering and telling me he is ok
I pull my self in to my music singing as loud as I can, tuning out his whispers running across the stage rampantly I still see him. I hear Lindsay go in to her drum solo as Mikey pulls me off stage. I look in to my best friends beautiful brown eyes, the concern and love he has for me. Pulling him in to a hug tears streaming down my face, wiping them away I whisper "I feel like a pathetic fag."
Mikey brushes the sweaty hair from my forehead kissing me gently. " Your anything but pathetic Its understandable your tears You where good together, together you made sense."
I look at him feeling such a loss for words he caressers my cheek as I stair at him intensely "Brian its ok you don't need to say a word ."
Finally I feel the lump clear from my throat and whisper "he looks so happy Mikey. He looks so fucking happy." I barrie my head in to my best friends shoulder as he holds me no questions asked.
I hear the drum solo begins to fade, Wiping the tears from my eyes I pull from my friend and plaster a smile on my face. He knows my routine. he knows it well patting my back we both go back on stage
The audience is cheering at Lindsay dazzling performance, she knows she's hot eating up as much attention as she can. We finish up our performance. I can see her concern and I cant help but wonder if she saw him too.
17 years earlier