Goalball UK Strategy


“Transforming More People’s Lives”

April 2015


This strategic plan is written as we come to the half way period of our present 4 year funding cycle (2013-17). It is produced at a time when we have made significant progress in all areas not least in participation…doubled our numbers over the last 18 months. In the same period we have increased our number of clubs from 18 to 30 and seen the introduction of a National League Structure. This has led to a greatly expanded domestic competition schedule from 19 days competition in 2013/14 season, 31 days in the 2014/15, and planning for 35 days in 2015/16 season. We have also made great strides in the initiation, set up, and subsequent delivery of an England Talent Pathway which has included National Integrated training camps for Men, Women and Youth delivered by relatively new home grown talent coaches. All of this success has thankfully been recognised and supported by our key funder Sport England.

The challenge now is how do we build on our recent growth, maintain our momentum, and continue to run an efficient organisation with dedicated and committed people at its core. We know the power Goalball has in transforming the lives of visually impaired people and we are passionate in our desire to provide greater opportunities for individuals to participate and excel in our great sport. We understand it will require intelligent and creative solutions, not least funding, to continue to expand. However we are determined in our aim to expand Goalball across the UK and with the help of our members, officials, funding partners, individual sponsors, key 3rd parties, and volunteers….we will achieve our key aims and objectives.


Mike Reilly (CEO, Goalball UK)

Goalball UK

Goalball UK is the National Governing Body (NGB) for Goalball in the United Kingdom and is the representative of Goalball in England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Goalball is a charitable company limited by guarantee, incorporated on 26th February 2010 and registered as a charity in July 2010. The company is governed by its Memorandum and Articles of Association which establish the objects and powers of the company. The affairs of the charitable company are governed by a “Board of Trustee Directors”. The trustees are accountable for ensuring that Goalball UK meets its charitable objectives and for the overall performance of the company.

Goalball was originally developed as a rehabilitation programme for visually impaired World War II veterans. It has grown into a highly competitive sport played by VI athletes in over 70 countries, has its own European and World championships and is a key Paralympic event. It is a sport that undoubtedly can positively change an individual’s makeup, personality, and whole being not just in its inheritant physical and social benefits to visually impaired people but truly creating a sporting habit for life.

Up until 2010 “Goalball” was a part of British Blind Sport (BBS). As the sport grew it was agreed that “Goalball” should be run and managed by an independent body. The newly formed NGB went through a number of early structural changes and challenges not least governance and funding. However significant progress was made on all fronts and recognised by key stakeholders including Sport England. In December 2012 Sport England announced the award of £.75m to support our Whole Sport Plan for the period 2013-17. Our successful growth led to an additional “reward and incentive” pot of £.25m for this 4 year cycle. This presently provides us witha goodfoundation for further growth and hence the strategic vision outlined in this document.


“As the NGB for Goalball in the UK, to be recognised nationally and internationally as creating the best possible environment, structure and facilities for the development of Goalball players in the UK to compete both domestically and internationally.”

Mission Statement

“To raise the profile of Goalball throughout the UK, promote participation in the sport and achieve success on the international stage.”

Organisational Values

• To ensure all our people are valued

• To promote integrity, responsibility and endeavour

• To be inclusive in everything we do

• To encourage the development of our players from playground to podium

• To continually strive for sporting excellence

Strategic Plan

This plan covers the period 2015 -18. It builds on our lessons learned, successes to date, and identifies areas where more can be achieved. Although still a relatively new NGB we want to stretch our organisation to benefit as many VI’s as possible throughout the UK. The top line strategies and actions targeted here will be developed and actioned in annual operational plans.

Headline Aims

By the end of the 2015-18 period we aim:

-To have nearly doubled again participation in our sport (600+ Participants by 2018)

-To have both Men and Women’sGreat Britain squads established in the European A league

-To be recognised as a leading Goalball organisation worldwide

-To have alternative independent sources of funding

Strategic Priorities

In order to fulfil our vision and mission we have identified 4 headline strategic priority Areas:

1. Participation

2. Sport Infrastructure


4. Organisation / Leadership

1. Participation

Objectives (VI Community)

Increase Participation year on year by developing new and existing community playing opportunities.

Increase the number of female players in competing in the Goalball UK domestic league.

Develop partnerships with key visual impaired sector stakeholder and partners particular local societies in areas of developments.


Promotion of the women’s game among the VI community.

Marketing / raising awareness of Goalball and the benefits to VI societies through delivery of a business Goalball games.

Establishing new links for VI sector organisations not commonly associated with sport.

In partnership with British Paralympic Association (BPA) and other organisations marketing campaigns deliver Goalball at Sports Fests and National Paralympic Days to wider audiences and raise the profile of the sport.

Targets / Outcomes

600+ registered participants by 2018.

Double the number of female players in the Goalball UK domestic league by 2018.

Delivery of the first business Goalball games in 2016.

To increase the number of junior players (U19) by 100%

To deliver 3 sports fest events each year.

Objectives (Education)

To introduce Goalball in the curriculum in key VI schools and Units throughout the UK and embed in the curriculum.


Delivery of school based Goalball including coach visits, teacher training and equipment.

Develop and establish national schools competition that grows year on year.

To design and deliver a pilot project inviting Physical Education (PE) teachers with a team sport background to deliver Goalball at a local performance club.

Targets / Outcomes

Delivery of first Goalball UK schools competition in 2015/16 with increased year on year entries from school clubs.

Increase the number of school & college based competitive clubs from 3 in 2015 to 8 by 2018.

To have one PE teacher at each performance club 2018.

Objectives (Competition – domestic league)

To provide increased appropriate competitionopportunities through a regionalised national league structure delivered by Goalball UK.

Increase the number club and player entries across all 3 levels of play (Novice, Intermediate, Elite)

To improve the event experience for players, coaches, officials and spectators.


Continue to deliver and expand the current domestic competition structure evaluating each year for needs of the sport.

Creation of a national junior competition format 2015/16 season.

Creation of more localised informal competition through regional leagues across all 3 levels (Yorkshire League model of best practice)

Introduction of female only competition formats from 2015/16 season.

To evaluate event delivery in 2015 and make changes to deliver a higher quality tournament experience through to 2018.


Increase of 100% club entries into Goalball UK national league by 2018.

Increase the number of team entries into the domestic league by 100%

Increase the number of competitive players by 75%by 2018.

Host the Goalball Cup in an iconic venue each year.

2. Sport Infrastructure

Objectives (Club Development)

To create enhanced and extended club network throughout the UK providing more opportunities for Goalball in affiliated and safe settings.


Tailored support helping clubs work towards minimum standards level 1& 2

Identify and work with selected strategic partners to drive the creation of the number and quality of clubs throughout England (CSP’s Societies, EFDS, BBS)

Continue to develop and implement an update and relevant Safeguarding policy.

National volunteer recruitment campaign / programme to support club network and competition growth.

Targets / Outcomes

Network of 50+ clubs by 2018 including 1 club per sport England County andfirst clubs in Wales and Ireland.

First Goalball UK club conference in 2016

Achieve advanced standard in Safeguarding by 2018

To have 8 performance clubs by 2017 (double the number) and to operate 12 months of the year

To increase the number of clubs who have a set of full size goals by 50%

For 25% of affiliated clubs to havejunior sections by 2018.

Objective (Coaching)

An accredited coaching structure that allows for appropriate progression and development of individuals and meets the needs of the sport.


Development of a Goalball UK coaching strategy including recruitment

Implementation of an online Coach Forum to allow the sharing of best practice and ideas.

Creation of a new Level 2 qualification to support the development of club coaches currently within clubs.

Continued delivery and development of Goalball UK coach conference.

Targets / Outcome

Level 2 rolled out in 2016 including coach licence scheme for Goalball UK coaches.

15 level 2 club coaches by 2018.

Increased year on year attendance at the Goalball UK CoachingConference.

Objectives (Officials)

To have the required number of qualified officials to support the domestic competition structure.

To have referees representing Great Britain at International Level across all levels (1,2&3)


Development of a Goalball UK Officials strategy building a pathway from Goalball UK through to international level including recruitment.

Development a Goalball UK national referee conference

Fast tracking of suitable Goalball UK referee’s to IBSA Level 1

Provide opportunities for Goalball UK referees to practice a national squad training and international events.

Targets / Outcomes

Every club to have a Goalball UK level 1 official by 2018

Delivery of the first Goalball UK referee conference in 2016.

Delivery of a minimum of 1 Goalball UK course per year through to 2018.

Number of IBSA Referees:

Now: L1 = 8 L2 =3 L3 =2 2018: L1=10 L2=6 L3=2

(numbers restricted by IBSA regulation in having to have a minimum of 2 years’ experience from L1 to L2 and further 3 years L2 to L3)

Increase the number of Goalball UK Officials by 50% by 2018.

Objectives (Recording & Monitoring)

To create a system that can track record and monitor all community participation to show growth and development of Goalball to all funding bodies and other parties.


Review current Upshot system in 2017.

Targets / Outcomes

To have all affiliated clubs on upshot as a minimum standard.

3. Performance

*The progress in this area is reliant on additional funding being available from external sources. The sporting landscape could well change 2017 – 2021and this will in turn have an impact on funding applications to Sport England and UK Sport for the next funding cycle and beyond.

Objectives (Great Britain Squads)

Long term aim is for both the Men’s and Women’s teams to qualify by right for the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games

To have both national teams men and women competing in and staying in EuropeanAin 2017.

For a National Youth Team to be competing in the European/World Championships


Find a “home of Goalball” 2 court venue with dedicated preferential use for Goalball UK by 2017.

Develop International Links with key nations in Europe for training and informal competition including (Germany, Sweden, Lithuania, Finland, and Spain)

To increase the number and length oftraining camps

To have in place Head and Assistant Coaches for the men’s and women’s squads together with a National Youth Coach by early 2016.

Targets / Outcomes

Great Britain teams to be part of a nation’s domestic league.

A minimum of 5international tournaments per year per excluding major championships.

To have a strategic training and competition programme with a strong multi disciplinary approach

At the right time in a players development invite players on the talent pathway to attend national training.

To train with players and teams from Europe and start to develop a European training base.

Objectives (Talent Pathway)

To create a pathway that allows for players to be identified and encouraged to reach their personal potential.

To identify players at a younger age and give appropriate support from age 11+

To increase awareness of the attributes and characteristics we are looking for in talent with or without Goalball experience.

To hold a strategic Talent ID search (via existing performance clubs) for potential new playersnot currently playing Goalball.


To appoint a talent coach who understands player development(grass roots through to performance) and has an awareness of standards internationally.

To set standards and raise the quality and effectiveness of a players home training programme/club programme

Working with BPA, BBS and other visually impaired sports to assist with the development of a national classification system for visually impaired athletes.

To work with other VI sports for potential talent transfer of athletes.

Targets / Outcomes

Create and develop 16 and under and 19 and under talentsquads that can train and compete against other junior teams in Europe.

Working with Sport England and TASS develop a pioneering V I talented athlete centre at RNC Hereford where young Goalball talent can succeed in both sport and education.

By 2020 the teams for Tokyo will consist of players that have come through the club / talent pathway programme.

Objectives (Coaching)

To ensure that the number of National Coaches (Head and Assistant) stays ahead of the demands of the programme as it continues to expand and there are succession plans in place.


Within the existing club network identify coaches who have the potential to be working at a youth or senior national level within 2 years.

Mentor and fast track targeted coaches offering opportunities to work alongside existing national coaches.

Strengthen our National Coaches knowledge and understanding of working in a multi disciplinary environment, especially S and C and physiotherapy (injury prevention)

Targets / Outcomes

4 performance club coaches to be identified and on a mentoring programme in 2015.

A national youth coach and assistant to be appointed by 2016.

Objectives (Competition)

To provide the right amount and level of additional competition for talented players outside of the Goalball UK domestic league.


To create regular Interregional “Talent Camps and Comps” for selected players.

To host anInternational competition each year to provide competitive development opportunities for young talent.

To seek training opportunities with other European nations particularly at youth level.

Targets / Outcomes

Host a home nation’s competition by 2018.

Continue to host aninternational team or club event through years 2015-18 with a focus on youth and development.

To host a major European competition by 2018 youth or senior.

Enter the 2017 IBSA Junior World Championships (based on the competition being moved from the USA to Europe)

4. Organisation

Objectives (Leadership & Governance)

An organisation that is fit for purpose and exceeds the expectations of its members and key stakeholders.

An NGB managed and run by true professionals endorsed by our peers


Ensure all necessary compliance on brief on time

A proactive approach to risk management

Engage the Home Countries at CEO and board level

Succession planning

Targets / Outcomes

Top rating (green status) in annual (Sport England/UK Sport) self assurance process

Right skills set

Objectives (Finance)

An organisation that is financially and organisationally sound and sustainable

Robust financial structures, systems, checks and reporting procedures


Review of accounts resource taking into account growth of the organisation

Development of a financial strategy that aims to secure alternative sources of funding going forward to maintain growth

Targets / Outcomes

All key financial statements reports (internal and external) dates met

Develop and engage independent sources of income (including individual and corporates)

Objectives (HR)

Develop and implement the most appropriate organisational structure to deliver the strategic plan

Maintain a highly motivated and happy core workforce


Use core staff budget in the most cost effective manner

Manage and monitor staff including annual appraisals

Develop a programme of continuous professional development for staff

Succession planning


To have High levels of staff satisfaction.

Low turnover of staff through years 2015-18.

Objectives (Corporate Product)

To establish our product on-going as a meaningful team building “workshop” in the UK


Increase awareness of our product

Target small number of companies with large UK employee and multi office locations

Establish partnership with 3rd party (event/motivational agencies)

Targets / Outcomes

At least 2 events delivered per year

Objectives (Communication)

Regular communication with all our members

Greater awareness of Goalball in the UK


Grow mainstream media coverage

Maximise the use of social media

Activation of the investment in our new website

Promotion of events/stunts….

Celebrate engagement and participation


Evidence of effective campaign coverage

Objectives (Membership)

Increase the membership by minimum 15% year on year

Happy and satisfied members


Review our membership system ensuring no perceived “barriers”

Develop and promote a clear package of benefits for members

Targets / Outcomes

New membership scheme introduced by 2016

Increase in number of members achieved

Satisfactory evaluation/feedback from members

Objectives (IT)

Become a more effective service provider internally and externally.


Development of IT Systems to meet our growing members and organisational needs.

Targets / Outcomes

Goalball UK Server and IT systems by 2018

Monitoring and Reporting

The progress of this strategic plan will be monitored by the core Goalball UK team on a regular basis and key actions/points reported to the Goalball UK Board. An annual review of progress across all areas will be undertaken and reported on.