The Bristol Older Peoples’ Funding Alliance (BOPFA) is a group of grant funders that have come together to share information and coordinate their own allocation of financial resources in order to meet the priority needs of older people within Bristol and help organisations address the changes needed in order to survive

Transformation fund

In response to the changing funding environment, the Alliance wants to help organisations change and adapt in order to meet the needs of older people in Bristol. This fund is not for the delivery of services but as a means of either redeveloping or improving services, addressing sustainability, or using innovation to make an impact on an issue that affects the quality of life for older people

Deadline – Midday on 22nd February 2018

Use this form to tell us about you and the work you would like us to fund.

  1. Main contact for this application

Title / Forename(s)
Phone number
Email address
  1. About your organisation/group

Name of organisation/ group
Type of organisation/group (please circle) / Registered Charity / Unincorporated club or association / Charitable incorporated organisation
Community interest company / Other, please state
Please tell us in one sentence what is the main work of your organisation:
Which areas of Bristol does your organisation cover?
Are you part of a larger, regional or national organisation?
Will there be collaboration within this bid? / YES/NO
Please identify any partners for this application
  1. Your proposal

3.1.How much money are you asking for
3.2.What is the ambition of your application? E.g. What part of your organisation or service are you planning to transform? What are you trying to change?(Please aim for no more than 400 words)
3.3.How will you use your requested funds to achieve your ambition? Please provide details of your proposal.(Please aim for no more than 400 words)
3.4.How will this proposal address the needs of older people accessing your organisation in Bristol?(Please aim for no more than 400 words)
  1. Finance and compliance

4.1.Please provide the name and address of your bank:
4.2.Please attach copies of the following documents to the Expression of interest.
a)Copy of your most recent annual accounts
b)A photocopy of a bank statement no more than 3 months old
c)Names and Addresses of all members of your management committee or board.
d)Safeguarding adults policy
e)Equal opportunities policy
4.3.Can you confirm that the insurance levels listed below will be in place before a contract for this service is signed
  • Employers Liability being not less than £5 million
  • Public Liability being not less than £5 million
4.4.Can you confirm that all staff and volunteers involved in the delivery of the service in roles which are eligible for DBS checks hold up to date enhanced DBS certificates? / YES/NO

Full application questions – YOU DO NOT NEED TO COMPLETE THESE NOW but if shortlisted, you will be asked to submit them.

  1. More information about your organisation/group

1.1.Current free reserves
1.2.Organisations annual income for the past financial year.
1.3.How many of each of the following are involved in your organisation/group
a)Full time staff
b)Part time staff
c)Management committee/board
d)Volunteers (excluding board)
1.4.What are the overall Aims and objectives or your organisation and the activities or services that your organisation provides?
1.5.Please explain why Older people need your organisation
  1. Your proposal

2.1.How much are you requesting from the fund?
2.2.How much will this project cost in total?
2.3.Where will additional funding come from?
2.4.Please provide a detailed budget for the funds you are requesting
Budget Heading / Amount / Description
2.5. What evidence do you have to support the changes/approach that you are applying for?
2.6.How will these changes better support the needs of older people in Bristol?
2.7.What are the outcomes you hope to achieve?
2.8.Please tell us how you will measure and report on the outcomes you expect to achieve?

Thank you for completing this form. Please return it to . Alternatively you can post the form to:

BAB, c/o Age UK Bristol, Canningford House, 38 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6BY

Bristol Older People’s Funding Alliance

Transformation Fund -Expression of Interest 1