Hedge End, West END And Botley local area committee
Monday 15 June 2015
Report of the Head of Transportation and Engineering
It is recommended that the previously agreed Traffic Regulation Order is implemented in Garratt Close as in plan E/TM/01/1204/R1.
SummaryIn January 2015 a report was presented at the Hedge End, West End & Botley Local Area Committee meeting presenting comments to restrictions advertised in various roads around Hedge End Station. The Committee agreed to implement restrictions in Martley Gardens, Watkin Road and Stanier Waythe other roads included within the order were put on hold for 12 months; subsequently a petition was received to implement restrictions in Garratt Close.
Statutory Powers
Section 42 Highways Act 1980;
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984;
The Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996; Traffic Management Act 2004;
Agreement dated 30 March 2009 between Hampshire County Council and Eastleigh Borough Council by virtue of Section 19 of the Local Government Act 2000 and the Local Authorities (Arrangements and Discharge of Functions) (England) Regulations 2000 and by virtue of Section 1 of the Local Authorities (Goods and Services) Act 1970.
- In July 2008 Hedge End train station car park was extended, and again in 2014to create a larger car park in order to meet current and future demand.
- Car park charges have also been introduced at the station to pay for the construction and enforcement of the car park. When charges were first introduced it was foreseen that commuters may look to park in surrounding roads. A plan was drawn up of potential roads that could be affected; all roads were monitored together with residents’comments to assess where restrictions were required to solve any parking issues.
- Restrictions were implemented in 3 roads initially Watkin Road, Martley Gardens and Stanier Way in February 2015. In the short period the restrictions have been implemented they have been successful in removing the commuter parking from aforementioned roads.
- As highlighted in the original report when implementing restriction there was potential to displace commuters into surrounding roads. Residents of Garratt Close have produced a petition requesting that restrictions are implemented before the agreed 12 month review as agreed by Members at the January Committee.
- From monitoring it was noted that 3-4 vehicles had migrated to park in Garratt Close, this has reduced due to residents placing Police ‘No Waiting’ cones in the short term. A letter has been written to all residents in Garratt Close requesting if they would like (or not) to see restrictions installed in the road before the 12 month review. In total there have been 12(75%) returns all in favour of restrictions.
AdditionalComments Received
- One additional comment has been received from 16 Garratt Close who has requested that the double yellow lines that run across the vehicles access be changed to a white bar marking similar to all other properties in Garratt Close.
- The reason this vehicle access has been covered is due to its proximity to the junction with Stanier Way which is 5m for its junction with Stanier Way – (due to its lowly trafficked nature engineers have recorded this request to review the lining when next looking at the traffic regulation order around Hedge End station. At this stage the TRO cannot be altered
Financial Implications
- The Traffic Regulation Order works costs are to be funded through the capital investment program for the extension to the car park. The works cost are approximately £1200. There are no implications for the Hedge End, West End and Botley Local Area Committee.
Risk Assessment
- If this restriction is not made permanent there is a risk to that commuters will continue to use Garratt Close to avoid charges at the station
Equality and Diversity Implications
- An equal opportunities assessment has not been carried out because the report does not contain proposals for significant changes to existing services, polices or strategies and does not introduce any new services, policies or strategies.
- This report sets out a request via a petition from residents for Members to consider installing waiting restrictions earlier than the 12 month agreed period.
- In light of the level of support shown via the letter drop conducted by the Traffic team it is the view of the Head of Transportation and Engineering that restrictions be installed as in plan E/TM/01/1204/R1.
Head of Transportation and Engineering
Date:May 2015
Contact Officer:Joe Folland
Tel No:023 8068 8849
Appendices Attached:1 No. Plan
Report No:EN1233
The following is a list of documents which disclose facts or matters on which this report or an important part of it is based and have been relied upon to a material extent in the preparation of this report. This list does not include any published works or documents which would disclose exempt or confidential information.
Eastleigh Borough Council