Transcription – Raffi Mikaelian – Glen Carbon Illinois – 12-08-2010
Rick Tough “This is Rick Tough interviewing Raffi Mikaelian in Glen Carbon Illinois on December 8, 2010. Raffi, please state and spell your name for me”
Raffi Mikaelian “Raffi Mikaelian R-A-F-F-I M-I-K-A-E-L-I-A-N”
Rick Tough “Raffi, the initial question I am going to ask you is, what Ubject inspires you?”
Raffi Mikaelian “The object that inspire me, I have this uh, necklace. This gold chain that was give from my father to myself. And it’s part of me.”
Rick Tough “So your father gave you this item, why did he give this item to you?”
Raffi Mikaelian “Um It’s uh, you know we’re a religious family. It’s a cross and it shows that I have faith and uh spirituality.”
Rick Tough “Raffi, what does this item mean to you?”
Raffi Mikaelian “This item means to me, it gives me hope and strength. It shows dedication and my persistence throughout and what you can do as an individual. Always give back so it always gives you positive. It’s an item that keeps you on the right track.”
Rick Tough “Raffi, where do you keep this item?”
Raffi Mikaelian “Uh I keep this item, I always wear it on my neck, it’s a gold necklace, I never take it off unless I go swimming and that’s, you know, only during summer.”
Rick Tough “Why do you think you never take it off?”
Raffi Mikaelian “Uh I think it has a spiritual link between, you know, my religious beliefs and what a, and a connection and it shows my faith. Um, I like how it looks. It’s the only jewelry I wear.
Rick Tough “Do you believe you’re going to keep this item forever?”
Raffi Mikaelian “I don’t know, it’s uh a really nice item. It’s simple. Like I said before it’s the only jewelry I wear. Well see down the road, I mean, it could be given to someone else down the road just as long as they keep and maintain it.
Rick Tough “Thank you Raffi for conducting this interview with me today”