PB & J Time
Parent Hand book
Revised September 2017
Hours of operation
Monday through Friday
7:30am – 5:30pm
Table of Contents
Mission Statement 3
Admission Requirements and Enrollment Procedures 4, 5
Introductory Visit 4
Deposits and Registration Fees 4
Admission Forms 4
Certificate of Immunization status 5
Trial Period 5
Rates and Payment Plan 6, 7 and 8
Payment Plan, Penalties, and Extra Charges 6, 7
Vacations and Absences 8
Business Practices 9, 10 and 11
and Sign-out Procedures 9
Staffing When Provider is absent 9
Back-up Child Care 10
Termination of Services 10
Receipts and Taxes 10
Items Brought From Home 11
Insurance Coverage 11
Smoking/drugs/alcohol 11
Hours of Operation and Daily Activity Schedule 12, 13 and 14
Hours and Days of Operation 12
Daily/weekly Schedule 13, 14
Television, Video and Computer Use 14
Pets 14
Off-site activities/Field Trips 15
Meals and Snacks 16
Meals Served/Sample Menu 16
Policies for Food Brought From Home 16
Permission for Free Access 17
Child Abuse Reporting 17
Behavior Management and Discipline 17, 18
Non-discrimination Statement 18
Religious Activities 19
Care of Young Children 19, 20
Diapering Procedure 19
Toilet Learning 20
Naps and Rest Periods 20
Health Care Practices 21 - 26
Medical Emergencies 21
Medicine Management 22
Ill Children 22, 23
Cleaning and Disinfecting 24
Hand Washing Practices 24
Injury Prevention 24
Food Handling Practices 25
Disaster Response Plan 26
Communication and Parent Conferences 25
Checklist of Child Care Supplies 25
Receipt of Parent Hand book 27
Mission Statement
Here at PB&J we believe every child is a unique individual with their own special social and learning style. Through positive teaching methods we provide a stimulating learning experience, encouraging a desire to be a life long learner. We encourage creativity and individuality. At PB&J our kids are encouraged to try new things and to think of resourceful ways to solve problems, building a sense of self-esteem and success. They will learn to understand and appreciate diverse social and cultural environments. Learning to be a giving child who takes responsibility for themselves will be rewarded and encouraged. We will show through example a deep respect of nature and the planet we call home. Recycling will be a part of our daily routine. A strong emphasis will be placed on promoting healthy eating habits. Each child will learn daily the importance of having a nutritionally balanced diet. We believe that you really are what you eat and proper nutrition is necessary for the mind as well as the body. As a parent you can rest assured that your child will be eating healthy meals and learning positive problem strategies in a safe, secure environment.
Admission Requirements and Enrollment Procedures
Introductory Visit
Each new family needs to visit my home at least 1 time prior to enrollment. Please call in advance to schedule a visit. We do not accept children under the age of two.
Deposits and Registration Fees
Deposit: Your Childs position is reserved upon receipt of one weeks’ tuition deposit. This deposit will be applied to the last week of care and is non-refundable.
Registration Fee: I require a non-refundable registration fee of $25.00 per child.
Admission Forms
There are several forms you are required to complete prior to your child's attendance. Your child’s information is kept in their own individual file in a fire proof filing cabinet where our staff is able to obtain their medical information in case emergency and where parents may also have access.
Required forms for admission are the following:
- Child care agreement
- Signed receipt of parent handbook
- Immunization form filled out in entirety
- Permission Authorization
Certificate of Immunization Status
A CIS form must be used, and be current and updated yearly (more frequently for infants). All children must be current on their immunizations. PB&J staff will audit your child’s file on a quarterly basis to ensure all immunizations/information is up to date.
Trial Period
The trial period will be three weeks. This period is used to observe the child's adjustment to care and to talk about concerns. I will talk to you daily about your child's day. Please tell me if you have any concerns. After a three week trial period, we will determine if the child care services are satisfactory to everyone. If any problems cannot be resolved, the care is terminated. If a child has special needs a plan will need to be developed and approved with Department of Early Learning.
Rates and Payment Plan
Rates are evaluated and may be raised annually.
30 days notice will be given for rate increases or any other adjustments that may be needed.
Rates are: $47.00 per day
Your contract will specify your child’s days and hours of care.
Payment Plan, Penalties, and Extra Charges
Payment Plan: Parents are required to pay for the time their children are scheduled to be in care. In other words, parents are paying for a space whether their child is here or not. This includes illness or personal days taken. Payment for care is due in advance.Payment is due the 1st and the 15th of each month. If those dates fall on during the weekend then payment is due the previous Friday. All monies paid are non-refundable.
Holiday Pay: Fees are not reduced during months/weeks that have holidays.
Family Discount: When more than one child from the same family is enrolled, a 10% reduction is given for the second child.
Payment Penalties:
1. The fee for late payment is $10.00 per day. If fees remain unpaid after a period of three days, you child will not be admitted until ALL fees are paid in full.
2. The penalty for NSF checks is $30.00 plus any bank costs incurred by me. Cash payment is required for returned checks. You may be put on a cash basis after the second NSF check.
3. Late pick-up fees are $1.00 per minute per child that you have enrolled.
Extra Charges: Field Trip Fees: Field trip fees will be charged when necessary. You will receive advance notice of any charges.
Vacations and Absences
You are responsible for payment whether your child is here or not.
You are required to give 2 weeks advance notice for vacation. We do give you one week vacation per year that you do not need to pay but your child must be enrolled full time for 6 months to receive.
- Please call and inform me when your child will not attend due to illness or some other event.
- Please advise me upon enrollment if you plan to remove your child from child care for any length of time (i.e., when you are on maternity leave with another child, etc.).
- I will give you at least 30 day(s) advance notice of my vacation schedule. We take 2 weeks paid vacation per year. We do not accept any Childs’ vacation time to be taken at the same time that we are scheduled for vacation. I do charge for my sick days (I am hardly ever sick) and all holidays.
Business Practices
and Sign-out Procedures
1. Arrival and pick-up instructions:
When arriving; the parent, guardian or authorized person must sign the child in, and sign-out at pick up time. The sign-in/sign out form is located on a clip board near the entrance of PB &J time. You are required to sign in/out using full name, date and time.
2. Please identify on the Child Care Home Register who is authorized to pick up your child. I will not release your child to any person without your written permission. The person picking up your child must have identification, as we may ask for verification if identity before releasing a child.
3. Anyone who appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol arriving at child care to pick up a child will be asked to call someone else to pick up that child. If a person leaves with a child while they appear to be under the influence, I will call 911.
Staffing When Provider is Absent
It will always be our first goal toprovide a substituteProvider in case of staffing illness.Please have an alternate child care arrangement in case this cannot be provided. You will be notified by telephone in case of the Providers absence as soon as possible.
Back-up Child Care: I recommend that you have access to an alternate child care arrangement. You may need care if I am ill or when I am on vacation. If I am ill you will be notified as soon as possible so that you can make other arrangements. It is always your responsibility to find backup child care. For a child care referral, please call: Child Care Resources (206) 329-5544
Termination of Services
1. You are required to give 30 days’ notice of your intent to terminate care. Any payments made are non-refundable. Your deposit will cover your last week of care.
2. The following are conditions that will cause child care to be terminated immediately:
A. continual late payments
B. child behavioral problems that cannot be controlled
C. not respecting child care setting and policies (children and/or parents)
D. continual late pick-ups
Receipts and Taxes
1. Payment receipts will be given upon request.
2. You will receive a payment summary reporting your annual child care expenditures for the applicable tax year.
Items Brought From Home
- Blankets
- Nap mats – long and wide enough to provide comfort. Must be at least 1” thick.
Parent is responsible for weekly disinfecting/laundering of above mentioned items.
- Please do not bring toys, candy, gum etc. unless they need the item for nap time.
The above mentioned are prohibited on the grounds licensed for child care.
Insurance Coverage
At this time we are researching child care liability insurance. I will inform you when we obtain this insurance.
Hours of Operation and Daily Activity Schedule
Hours and Days of Operation
The child care program is open7:30am to 5:30pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays mentioned below. We ask that your child be dropped off no later than 11:30am and that no parent pickups fall between the hours of 12:30 and 2:30pm. This is nap time and it is crucial that they not be disturbed in order for the children to get their much needed rest.
Child care is closed for the following holidays:
New Year's Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day and the day after Thanksgiving
December 24th, 25th and 26th
If any of these mentioned holidays fall on a weekend day we will be closed the following Monday.
Daily Schedule
Time / Activities7:30 am / Drop off/ free time
8:00am – 8:30am / Breakfast
10:00 am / Letters, numbers, phonics time (curriculum)
10:30 am / Snack time/ wash up
11:00 am / Outside play
12:00 pm / Lunch time/ wash up
12:30 pm – 2:30pm / Nap/rest
3:30pm / Snack time/ wash up
3:45pm / Circle time/weekly lineup
4:30pm / Outside play
5:30pm / Parent pickup
Weekly lineup activities:
Monday: Movie Mondays
Tuesday: Show and tell
Wednesday: Music/Dance activities
Thursday: Craft project
Friday: Weekly recap
Television and Video use
We will be watching age appropriate movies on most Mondays(MovieMondays)
All pets are current on immunizations and in good health. Child care staff will always be present when children interact with pets. Our pets have an area separate from our outdoor play area to relieve themselves.
Off-site activity
- In order for children to attend an off-site activity we will require written permission from their legal guardian and/or parent. There will be ample notice to all parents both verbally and by postings in the daycare.
- Transportation for field trips will be provided by private cars or walking.I haveseven seat belts in my car. Everyone over 8 years old is buckled at all times. If your child is under 8 years old, please provide a car seat/booster seat on planned field trip days.All staff if any that will be operating a vehicle will follow all vehicle and child safety while in a vehicle laws for Washington State. Attendance will be taken each time children get in or out of a vehicle.
- Children’s medical release forms, emergency contact information, medical records, immunization records, any needed child medication and log, a first aid kit and my first aid/CPR certification will be in the vehicle on all field trips.
- Parents who volunteer on field trips will not have unsupervised access to the children (excluding their own child) unless they have been pre-qualified with a criminal background check.
Examples of field trips may include: Some fees may apply
- Visits to the pumpkin patch
- Seattle aquarium
- Kelsey Creek farm
Meals and Snacks
We participate in the USDA Food Program.
It is your responsibility to notify me of any allergies or adverse reactions your child may have with certain foods or beverages. Typical menu items are listed below.
Meals Served/Sample Menu
Oatmeal, bananas or apple sauce, milkLunch
Macaroni and cheese, PB&J sandwich, cottage cheese, juiceSnacks
Fruit, graham crackers, fishy crackersPlease do not bring any food from home. Ihave found this to cause a problem with the children at meal/snack time.
Policies for Food Brought From Home
Permission for Free Access
You have the right to access any areas of my home used for child care, or to your child’s records and/or to the Provider and staffs training and professional development records. You are welcome to visit or drop-in unannounced to observe your child. Please schedule time in advance if you would like to have a meeting with me or my staff, so we can arrange to speak away from the children. You can contact Pauline at 425-443-8406. We want to support you and you’re parenting beliefs to the best of our ability.
Child Abuse Reporting
I am required by mandatory reporting laws to report any suspected child abuse, neglect, or exploitation to Child Protective Services (CPS) at (866) 363-4276or my local law enforcement agency immediately (without prior notification to the parents involved). I will also inform my licenser.
Behavior Management and Discipline
Spanking or any form of corporal punishment, physical or mechanical restraint, the withholding of food, or any form of emotional abuse is prohibited by anyone on the premises including parents. No corporal punishment will be used in our program. This includes biting, jerking, shaking, slapping, spanking, hitting, kicking or any other means of inflicting physical pain.
Communication Plan
We will always do our best to support and mirror parents style of parenting to the best of our ability, which is discussed at the initial tour of the facility. All issues regarding the development and/or behavior of the child will be discussed at the time of pick up on an as needed basis.
My disciplinary practices are:
I first remind the child of the proper behavior. If the behavior is repeatedly, a "time out" location is used. The amount of time a child sits in "time out" varies according to their age. Most experts agree that one minute per year of age is the most effective length of time. When the "time out" is up, I talk to the child (by now they have usually calmed down) and try to explain why the behavior was inappropriate.If a child’s behavior becomes an ongoing issue, I will confer with the parents to determine the best way to handle the situation.
Non-discrimination Statement
I do not discriminate in my enrollment, hiring practices, client services or in the care of children based on race, color, creed, ethnicity, national origin, gender, marital status, veterans status, sexual orientation, age, socio-economic status, religion, differing physical or mental abilities, use of a trained dog or service animal by a child or family member, communication and learning styles. We will assist parents who have limited English ability with translation of written information.
Religious Activities
We are not affiliated with any religious organizations. Some of our monthly themes may be based on certain holidays. We only include the characters that are associated with these holidays and any and all religious aspects are not involved. (I.e. we may color eggs and have an egg hunt during Easter week.) We have absolute respect for each individual's religious preference.Parents who wish for their children to be included or excluded will be respected such as offering a separate activity.
Care of Young Children
Diapering Procedure
Your Childs diaper will be checked every 1 1/2 or 2 1/2 hours so please plan to bring enough diapers on a daily basis. Please send a supply of disposable diapers, baby wipes, and whatever diaper cream or powder you prefer. We cannot use cloth diapers for sanitary reasons.
Toilet Learning
When your child is ready to start toilet training, we will assist you in any way that we can. Please keep in mind that the activity level here can distract your child from responding to an urge to use the potty, more so than at your home.
Therefore, I will continue to use diapers or pull-ups until your child can and will announce that he/she must use the bathroom (not just at home, but here, also) and can control his/her bladder bowels for a few minutes beyond that announcement. Do not bring your child in panties or underwear until he/she has naptime and bedtime control established.
Naps and Rest Periods