16th JUNE 1919 TO 20th FEBRUARY 1920


16 June 30th Weather fine warm. Situation Askabad Bolsheviks recaptured Dushakh. Refugees still arriving. Mussah returned from Askabad with his wife. Went to Zowaran to meet him with other Armenians and remained there all day. Satu got tired of learning English; waiting for lesson books to arrive from home. Heard of signing peace treaty by Germany. Nothing exciting happened here. My term of service now up hope we shall soon start demobilization on large scale. Navok - Khan Agent STC gave dinner to Armenians & BOR on ending of IS. Very good turnout. Singing and dancing. Plenty of toasting.

1 July 5th. Weather warm. Situation Askabad critical. Bolsheviks captured Atrak near Askabad. Capture of Askabad daily expected. British troops moving. 1 Coy. 2/95th moves to Imanquli today and other reinforcements leaving Meshed today for Kuchan. Persian Cavalry gone to Derigez following crossing of frontier by Bolsheviks. Went to Militcets for dinner on 3rd. RO Malmiss mission say demobilisation and return to units suspended. Acceptance of private telegrams now sanctioned. Bolsheviks captured Askabad today with no difficulty.

6th to 12th Sgt. Pledger arrived for duty on 97 BSS. Started working as clerk to Maj. Auret OC for which he is getting me an allowance. Other British ranks arrived to establish telephone system between here and Imamquli & Bajgiran. Two remaining here and two at each other Station. News from UK scarce owing to no communication. All reported quiet. Bolsheviks preparing for capture of Krasnovodak.

13th to 20 Suspected murderer of Cpl.Munday at Askabad arrested on information of Avoscaniantz. Sent to Meshed for further identification. Sgt. ?eacroft left for duty at Imamquli. Plenty of work for me now busy most of the day. No change at Askabad. Bolsheviks seem undecided as to future movements. Kuchan very warm. Plenty of excitement here owing to being on direct road to Askabad. Refugees arriving every day with various stories & town is getting quite gay with Russian phaetons & cycles.

21 to 30th Nothing of importance to diary. Weather very warm. No noteworthy change on Askabad front. Individual arrested in connection with murder of Mundy released as identity cannot be proved owing to Russian secret police agent Karuja mixing two men named Ali at time of murder.

1st to 5th(Aug) Sick during these days with fever. Have commenced as clerk to Major Collum according to orders received from Malmiss. Much more interesting as secret service work involved. Have to learn typewriter - if possible.

5th to 12 Weather very warm. Playle reported me for not attending evening. Saw Col. Tod and made it alright. Bit of a disturbance in Bazaar. Brother in Law of Datur al Sultan killed a girl of 12 and angry crowd overpowering the Governors guard dragged him out & killed him afterwards dragging his body around Bazaar. Alarm order given & I went to telegraph office under arms with a guard but no hostility shown. Major Auret commended me for establishing communications with Meshed so promptly. After the burial of the girl things quietened down. Demobilization again opened. May get a chance soon. Am now doing a sort of political work for Major Collum. Rather interesting getting to know of various political items.

13 to 17 Started work for OC again in addition to Maj. Collum. Playle now transferred to different line probably owing to Col. Tod's report.

17 to 25th Nothing much for diary. Started learning Russian. Having a busy time with refugees whom we have started to help financially. Mostly Greeks & Russians from Bokhara. Weather warm. 1 Coy of 2/98 Infantry. & 1 squadron. of 28 LC. reinforced garrison. My work increased accordingly.

26 - 31 Nothing out of ordinary. Have started learning Russian by Mddle. Marie as she asked me to give her a few lessons in English pronunciation. Have an hour or two most evenings with her.

1 Sept to 14 Mensheviks now advancing slowly on Askabad. Our garrison again reduced by 1 squadron. of cavalry. Almost certain now that garrison will remain here for winter. Heard that Malmiss has asked for relief for telegraphists. RO79 of 8th authorised me to draw annas 8 per day from 21/12/18 as charge allowance. Kurd Levy held a sort of sports 13th. Tent pegging etc. rather interesting. Maj. Collum gave me wristlet watch as token of his esteem & appreciation of I don't know what. He has advised me to sign on P in KML and offered to recommend me for Sgt. Major but refused it. Much better on line now that Playle has been transferred. Getting through more work in less time.

15th to 27th Weather rather cold & cloudy but no rain up to now. Traffic fairly plentiful making arrangements for winter. Major Collum has now put me on to dealing with refugees & prisoners. Rather interesting but also plenty of work. This week have had to deal with 26 Greeks & 23 Russians & six prisoners suspected Bolshevik propagandists. Had an interesting escort duty - taking lady prisoner out on exercise. She could talk a little English so got on alright. She proved to be the wife of Ali Sezoy murderer of Cpl. Munday. Mails now coming weekly regularly taking an average of six weeks from home. Received camera from India so hope to get a few snapshots. Lt. Bowden our STC officer is being demobbed & leaves 30th. No sign of my getting relieved for some time . Sent home two MO for £14 & £40 respectively. Rate now Rs10 = £1. Persian holiday Moharrum started 26th. Received an allowance of Ts2 for the month I acted as clerk to Major Auret. Crockett now doing this as according to telegram from Malmiss he is not so likely to be recalled as I am which I cannot understand.

28th Sept. to 2nd Oct. Weather warm. Bolsheviks suffered big defeat at Geok Tepe. Askabad is expected to fall in hands of volunteers again. 3 Greek refugees arrived from Askabad. Mddle. Marie left Kuchan en route to Karokov her home. My Russian lessons therefore cease. She was a very nice person and was very well educated acting as school mistress to the Armenian children here.

Octr. 3 to 5th Festival of Moharrum. General holiday for Mahomedans. Processions parading streets last day or two beating themselves with chains and fists. Today cutting themselves with swords. Have one or two photos. M. Ant Kalpas, Greek, late bank manager at Bokhara arrived from Askabad and wishes to proceed to Constantinople. Exchanged addresses. 32 Greek refugees went off this morning. Dapper Jones left for Meshed for demobilisation.

6 to 18th. Weather getting rather cold with a little rain. Work rather slack at Telegraph office. More refugees passed through but these will be last as orders received from India that only Austrians,Hungarians & Turkomans are to be helped. Have not to attend office at 13 hours on orders of Malmiss to receive or despatch any urgent messages. This makes the morning duty lighter. A GRO has arrived in Meshed from India so we may here something interesting in a day or two.

18th to 31st Weather rather cold little rain. Received a reply to my application for an allowance for postal duties performed when I first arrived. A letter of thanks from the ADPT & Rs50. Heard that J.G.Little had left Meshed for India with Playle and Johnston. Only Carpenter & myself left now. Bolsheviks reported to have captured Kigil Arvat and likely to try their luck in Persia. Had a very successful concert with the officers. Singing & music & plenty of rum for those who wanted it. Harry Legg the man with the concertina gave a turn. Finished up in the early morning. Have started learning Russian with Mddl. Anya Kabat to just pass away the time. Been once or twice to Dumer. A M. Armenian once resident in London passed through. Spoke English very well.

1Nov to 14th Weather rather cold. Front now two stations other side Kigil Arvat. Bolsheviks trying for KV (?). Orders received to have all transport ready for immediate move but nothing definite decided. Had a Russian concert party here for a week. Kuchan very lively. Went to one of these gaffs & after to a dinner by the officers. Glorious time finishing at 1.30am. Plenty of everything .Believe I was only one sober. Had a day off during the week - fever - not feeling to grand now. Brigands rather lively Iman Quli district. Capt. Gorton fired on & two Persian soldiers killed. Have started working in the OC's office again as Crockett has gone to Bajguran.

24 to 30 Nov. Weather cold. No rain so far although snow further up the line. Have had a fairly busy time with prisoners etc. Capt. Blacker at Bajguran giving us a busy time. Had one or two evenings with officers at dinner & singsong. Was brought home in poshtem one night don't know why. Think it must have been malaria. Capt. Gordon 28 L.C. & Lt. Gielman STC two good fellows left for India. 42nd Cavalry relieves 28 LC latter proceeding to India. No further news of move mentioned last entry.

1 Dec-7th Very cold some rain. Prisoners coming in pretty thick. Heard that our reliefs had left India. Also that ADPT was arranging our telegraphists pay in reply to memos sent by Malmiss. On a list from Malmiss see I am A/Sgt. but am not putting up rank. Went in for Persian colloquial exam & got through thus receiving Rs250. Have finished my Russian Lesson owing to not having enough time.

8th to 14th Still very cold with one days rain. Snow on surrounding hills. Started learning Mdll. A. Okipiantz English. Col. Tod relieved by Brig. Gen. Gaussen. Bolsheviks still at Kizil Arvat. Refugees still coming through. 45 this week. Gen. Gaussen & Brigade Major arrived from Meshed. No news of our reliefs. Ali Khan with a gang of brigands had been out for some days committing several robberies around Kuchan. Ali & two others killed & their heads brought into Kuchan for exhibition.

14 to 20th Gen. Gaussen arrived here from Meshed on tour. Seems a jolly fellow. Plenty of rain last day or two. Roads in awful state. Bolsheviks seem to have things their own way. They captured Kazanjik past Kizil Arvat & only damaged railway stops them taking KV (?). Koltchak appears to be finished & Denikin is retreating on whole front. Heard again that our reliefs had left Poona but no official news.

15 to 26th Weather very cold & plenty of rain, bad roads. Xmas passed off alright. Got the 1300 duty knocked off. Played the officers at football in afternoon & beat them 8 - 0. Had a good tea & dinner after went to Officers mess for a sing song & supper till 2am. Plenty to eat & drink. Did not feel very grand getting up at 7am next morning. Had fourteen prisoners of war in so had a fairly busy time getting them fixed up.

27 to 31st Very cold. Plenty of work with prisoners. Sgt. Morris STC who has been here eight months got orders to go down for demobilisation. Stayed here after convoy drinking & left drunk & after going two miles fell off his horse & broke his leg. Thought we had got rid of him as he is a terrible fellow. Saw the old year out & the new year in at Armenian party & concert by the children. Very good. Was half an hour late next morning. Maj. Collum told me he had been going to give me a recommendation twice when those reports came through regarding my late attendances .


1 Jan to 10th New year brought in by an all night fall of snow and another fall on the 8th. Very cold and the people of the bazaar are feeling it. Crockett & Tasu the cook gone in hospital with flu. Influenza epidemic here. Five Indians died this week & hospital full. Our mails are coming very irregular now; no papers for some time. Expecting some parcels from home for Zohrab & Okopiantz. Have sent a cable to despatch to me if not already sent. Fifteen Austrians in & 2 Russians sick & eighteen more due in two days time. Bolsheviks reported captured KV (?) but not confirmed. Drew my gratuity. Was £18.10s & by exchange rates sent home £33 odd. Also drew my language award for Persian Rs250 & am sending that home also. No definite news of our reliefs yet. Not very hopeful of getting away.

11th to 16th Tasu our cook died in hospital from influenza also four or five other Indians. Crockett very ill. Sent home £30 per MO. Sent away 33 p.o.w last convoy. Bags of work. Maj Collum told me he had again sent in a recommendation for me but do not know how far it will go. Six more prisoners came in on 16th & about 8 more at Bajguran. They are coming over in large numbers now. The Bolsheviks are still before KV (?). They are getting more moderate in their ruling & there is talk of Turkistan being put under a Governor General instead of Commissars.

16 to 25th Weather cold some snow. Plenty of prisoners in. One a Rumanian died & was buried with military honours in Russian cemetery. Gregor Bushan. Several females amongst the prisoners. Crockett of Signals died after long illness & was also buried with full military honours in Russian cemetery. Very impressive as he was a decent sort of fellow. Maj. Collum gave me a horse & orderly for personal use.

26th to 31st. My birthday. Had a bottle of wine & a cake from Mdm. Okopiantz & had a good evening with Sergeant Draper. Bolshevik news latest is attack on Persia which is very likely ; all preparations being made. Plenty of work with prisoners which now include large numbers of ladies. Plenty of snow which makes outdoor work very trying. No mails for some time from home ; cant make it out.

1 to 12 Feby Plenty of snow roads bad. Bolsheviks captured KV (?). We are now waiting their next move with interest. No mails from home until 12th and turned out to be what I thought and that I was supposed to be on my way home. Received news of Gran Major's death and Syds arrival home. No hopes of my getting demobbed yet. Heard that Mdll. Marie has not yet left Meshed. Went ???? some enjoyment. Maj.Collum received sanction of his leave to England. Myers Bajguran telephonist passed through on his way to demobilisation. Heard also that Mr. North(?) was being relieved. Kuchan becoming more and more dull as each departs. Men may go and men may come but I remain for ever. Think of putting in an application through Maj. Collum when he goes to Meshed. Latest reports from Bolsheviks is that Kottchak is in prison and Denekin left with only a small party and very little ground. Bolsheviks now practically victorious. Bolsheviks captured KV (?) on 6th with booty.