This Indenture made the Thirteenth day of October Anno domini 1641 And in the Seaventeenthyeare of the raigne of our Soveraign Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland kinge defender of the faith etc. Between John Feild of St. Steven's nere the Towne of St. Albanes in the County of Hertford gent of th'one part, And Daniell Finch of Westwicke in the parish of St. Michaells in the County of Hertford aforesayd yeoman and Susan Doggett daughter of John Doggett late of St. Albanesaforesayd Tanner deceased of th'other parte Witnesseth that the sayd John Feild as well for and in Consideracon of the sume of Three score pounds of lawfull money of England to him in hand payd by the sayd Susan the receipt whereof the sayd John Feilddoth acknowledge by these presents, And also for diverse other good causes and considerations and withesayd John Feild hereunto officially moveinge;hathdevised grant bargained sould and to farmeletten. And by these presents doth devise grant bargaine sell and to farmelett unto the saydDaniell Finch and Susan Doggett their executors and Assynes,All that hysmannor and Lordshipp of Markeat=Oke and Westwicke alias Levesley=Stocke alias Markeatdole which rightom------appurtenances situate lyeinge and beinge in the parish of St Michaellsnere the towne of St. Albanes in the saydCountie of Hertford withall the rights members and appurtenances And also all that Messuage or Tenement farmehouse and Scite of the Mannoraforesaydnowewithe tenure or occupacon of the sayd John Feild and Stephen Pope or of their of one of their Assignee or assignes And alsoe All Meassuages cottages Lands Tenements meadoes pastures feedingescomons wastes wastgroundtymber trees woods underwoods rents reverconsfarmes Courts Court baron perquisits and profitts of Courts Baron and all and whatsoever the sayd Court or Mannorbelongeth fines herriotsreleifsescheates liberties franchises and other profittscomodities and hereditaments whatsoever of hymself the sayd John Feild of and in and to the saydMannor and other the premisses or any of them belonginge or in any wise apperteyninge, or isaccepted reputed or taken as parte parcell or member of the same with th'appertenances,To have and to houldAll and singular the saydMannor Messuages Lands tenements woods and woodgrounds rents farmes Courts proffits of Courts fynesherriotspriviledges and all and singular th'above demised premisses with their and everie if their appertenances unto the saydDaniell Finch and Susan Doggett their overlord and Assignes from the day of the date of these presents unto the full and terme of fower score and nineteeneyeares from thence next ensuinge and fullie to be complete and ended, yeildinge and paieingetherefore yearely and everyeyeareduringe the saydeterme unto the sayd John Feild his heires and assignes the yearly rent of one pepper corne upon everie feast day of St John Baptist if the same be lawfully demanded. Provided always and on Condicon That if the sayd John Feild his heires executors Administrators or assigned or any or either of them doe well and truely pay or cause to be payd unto the saydDaniell Finch and Susan Doggett their executors Administrators or assignes the full sume of Three score and fower pounds and fifteeneShillinges of current English money in and upon the fifteenth day of October which shalbe in the yeare of our Lord One Thousand and six hundred forties and two Att or within the now dwellinge house of the saydDaniell Finch situate in Westwick aforesayd, That then and after such payment this presents Indenture and the terme of yeares hereby granted to be utterlievoyd ~ frustrate and of none effert,And the sayd John Feilddoeth for himselfe his heires executors and Administrators covenant promisse grant to and with the sayd Daniel Finch and Susan Doggett their executors Administrators and Assignes and to and with everie and either of them by these presents, That hee the sayd John Feild the day of the date thereof is lawfully seized in fee simple of all the saydMannor Messuages Lands and premises, and that they act free from all former leases grants charges estates and incumbrances whatsoever And that heehathlawfull power to demise and grant the premisses unto the saydDaniell and Susan for the terme of yeares hereby demised, And that hee the sayd John Feild his heires executors or Administrators shall and will well and truely pay unto the saydDaniell and Susan their executors or assignes the saydsume of Three score and fower pounds and sixteeneshillinges at the day and place above menconed for the payment thereof, And 1
also that the saydDaniell and Susan their executors and assignes shall and may after default made in the payment of the saydsume of Three score and fower pounds and sixteen shillinges at the day and place above menconed for the payment thereof peaceablie and quietle have hold accupie possess and enjoye the saydMannorLordshipp Messuage landes------and premisses above demised with th'apperenancesdureinge the saydeterme of fowerscore and nineteen hereby devised and reverted sould leased and farmeletten------revercon or deniall of the syad John Feild his heires and assignes or of any other person or persons whatsoever lawfullieremayneinge the same or any parte thereof in from by or------of therewitheir or other of their assent consent title acte meanes or procurement, And it is lastly agreed upon by and betweene the sayd parties to these presents, That the sayd John Feild his heires and assignes shall and may have and take the rented yssues and profitts thereof to his and thence owne express use and behoose until default be made in the payment of the saydsume of Three score and fower pounds and sixteeneshillinges above menconed at the day and place above menconed for the payment therof.In witness whereof the parties first above named to these Indentures interchangeablie have sett their hands and seales the day and yeare first above written.
John Feild
Transcribed by Barbara Chapman
November 1996