TO:Bench Club, Conneaut Athletic Boosters, Conneaut Academic Boosters, Conneaut Mat Club, Conneaut Music Boosters, Downtown Coaches Club, Gateway Elementary PTC, Hoopsters Boosters, Lakeshore Primary PTC, Tapers

FROM: Kent Houston, Superintendent

Joel Taylor, Athletic Administrator


RETURN DATE:November 1, 2012 for 3 requirements listed below

  1. The Board shall offer the opportunity for any authorized school support entity to receive coverage under the District's liability insurance program to protect the entity against claims resulting from damage or injury resulting from any act or omission of any school-support entity. The entity shall pay for such coverage upon written notification from the Treasurer.[INCLUDED]
  1. The District will provide information on policies relating to sexual harassment, nondiscrimination, fund raising, alcohol and smoke-free schools, facility use, advertising, donation and other issues as needed. [INCLUDED]


Each District support organization shall work in cooperation with the principal and other staff members and shall abide by the policies of the Board.

It shall be the responsibility of each District support organization to monitor its activities to assure compliance with Board Policy.

Permission from the school must be given first before using the school district's name, logo, colors, or mascot, and is contingent upon complying with school district procedures.

School District officials should not have a leadership role in booster organizations.

Booster groups should not accept checks written to the school and vice versa.

The Board relies upon approved organizations to operate in a manner consistent with public expectations for the schools and reserves the right to withdraw sponsorship from organizations

Each District support organization is encouraged to set goals that are consistent with those of the particular programs, activities or sports being supported as articulated by the coach/advisor and/or athletic director of such program, activity or sport, to avoid duplication of effort and to maximize the benefit to the organization or group.

The school district tax identification number shall not be used for District support organization purchases.

The time, date, purpose, location and conduct of all fund-raisers on District property shall have prior approval of the administration.

No individual employed by the Board for any co-curricular or extra-curricular activity may accept compensation from any third party or source, including, but not limited to booster, parent or other District support organizations, for the performance of his/her official duties or as a supplement to his/her compensation from the Board.

No individual serving as a volunteer for co-curricular/extra-curricular activities may accept compensation from any third party or source, including, but not limited to booster, parent or other District support organizations, for the performance of his/her official duties as a volunteer on behalf of the Board.

REQUIREMENTS– return to superintendent by July 31, 2011

  1. Each District support organization will submit its bylaws to the Superintendent for review and approval.
  1. Booster groups will conduct annual audits of their financial records.
  1. Booster groups will provide to the District annually a report on income, expense and balance sheets.

DATEMay 31, 2011

RE: School Groups Liability Insurance Premium

TO:Booster Club Presidents:

Pursuant to Board Policy # 9211 - DISTRICT SUPPORT ORGANIZATION

The Board shall offer the opportunity for any authorized school support entity to receive coverage under the District's liability insurance program to protect the entity against claims resulting from damage or injury resulting from any act or omission of any school-support entity. The entity shall pay for such coverage upon written notification from the Treasurer.

Please be advised that your school group is eligible for liability insurance coverage through the district. If you are interested in this coverage, contact me at 440-593-7222.Cost for a year of coverage is $75.00 and is due to the Treasurer’sOffice by July 1, 2011. Coverage runs from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call.


Lindsey M. Cotton


Conneaut Area City School District
Bylaws & Policies


The Board of Education supports all organizations of parents whose objectives are to promote the educational experiences of District students. However, in using the name of the District or its schools and in organizing a group whose identity derives from a school(s) of this District, the parental organization thereby shares responsibility with this Board for the welfare of participating students.

Parent organizations desiring to use the name or good offices of the District in organizing students must obtain the approval of the Board as a prerequisite to organizing.

Representatives and members of approved school related organizations shall in all circumstances be treated by District employees as interested friends of the schools and as supporters of public education in the District.

Staff members are encouraged to join such organization(s) in their related area(s) of specialization or interest.

The Board relies upon approved organizations to operate in a manner consistent with public expectations for the schools and reserves the right to withdraw sponsorship from organizations which violate the bounds of community taste.

Conneaut Area City School District
Bylaws & Policies


The Board of Education appreciates the efforts of all organizations whose objectives are to enhance the educational experiences of District students, to help meet educational needs of students and/or provide extra educational benefits not provided for, at the time, by the Board.

District support organizations are defined as any non-profit entity, group, or other organization formed and operating for the purpose of supporting District programs.

The Board shall offer the opportunity for any authorized school support entity to receive coverage under the District's liability insurance program to protect the entity against claims resulting from damage or injury resulting from any act or omission of any school-support entity. The entity shall pay for such coverage upon written notification from the Treasurer.

The following rules and procedures shall govern the working relationships between the Board, administration, and any District support organization:

A. / School employees and Board-approved school volunteers may not be directly compensated in any manner by District support organizations.
B. / In addition to parents, membership should be made available to District staff and members of the community.
C. / Each District support organization shall work in cooperation with the principal and other staff members and shall abide by the policies of the Board.
D. / It shall be the responsibility of each District support organization to monitor its activities to assure compliance with Board Policy.
E. / Each District support organization will submit its bylaws to the Superintendent for review and approval.
F. / Each District support organization is encouraged to set goals that are consistent with those of the particular programs, activities or sports being supported as articulated by the coach/advisor and/or athletic director of such program, activity or sport, to avoid duplication of effort and to maximize the benefit to the organization or group.
G. / The activities of District support organizations shall not involve the use of public funds and the District shall not assume responsibility for any purchases made on behalf of any support organization governed by this policy. The school district tax identification number shall not be used for District support organization purchases.
H. / The time, date, purpose, location and conduct of all fund-raisers on District property shall have prior approval of the administration. District support organizations are encouraged to communicate their preferred activity dates to the administration as soon as possible as consideration for dates and facilities will be given on a first come, first served basis.
I. / Each District support organization must abide by the policies and guidelines established for the use of District facilities and grounds. Projects that require any modification or alteration to District property must be pre-approved by the Superintendent.
J. / Proceeds from District support organization fund-raisers shall not be commingled with a student activity or other Board accounts. Board employees who commingle such proceeds with a student activity or other Board account shall be subject to discipline.
K. / The Superintendent shall implement administrative guidelines that require each District support organization's fund-raising activities be in compliance with Board policies and that the funds generated by such fund-raising activities and donated to the District are used for school-related projects that have the approval of the Superintendent and principal.
L. / District support organizations are encouraged to obtain 501(c)(3) status so that community members may properly take tax deductions for donations to the organization.
M. / Donations from District support organizations must be made in accordance with Board Policy 7230 and any accompanying guidelines. Donations shall become the property of the Board and used in a manner determined by the Board, in accordance with its policies and administrative guidelines.

Ohio Ethics Commission Advisory Opinion 2008-01
R.C. 3313.203

Adopted 9/17/92
Revised 12/18/08

Conneaut Area City School District
Administrative Guidelines


The following criteria will be used in order to recognize the existence of booster groups and the legal separation between the District and the group.

Booster groups may not use the school's tax identification number.

Permission from the school must be given first before using the school district's name, logo, colors, or mascot, and is contingent upon complying with school district procedures.

School District officials should not have a leadership role in booster organizations.

Booster groups should not accept checks written to the school and vice versa.

Booster groups will conduct annual audits of their financial records.

Booster groups will provide to the District annually a report on income, expense and balance sheets.

The District will provide information on policies relating to sexual harassment, nondiscrimination, fund raising, alcohol and smoke-free schools, facility use, advertising, donation and other issues as needed.

The Board relies upon approved organizations to operate in a manner consistent with public expectations for the schools and reserves the right to withdraw sponsorship from organizations which violate the bounds of community taste.

Approved 12/06

Conneaut Area City School District
Bylaws & Policies


The Board of Education accepts its responsibility to provide from public funds sufficient supplies and equipment for an effective instruction program; it recognizes, however, that from time to time, individuals or organizations in the community may wish to contribute additional supplies or equipment to enhance or extend the instructional program.

The Board may, by resolution duly passed at a public meeting, accept any gift or grant of land with or without improvement, and of money or other personal property, and acknowledge the purpose, if any, for which the gift was made.

The Board reserves the right to refuse to accept any gift when the conditions and stipulations connected with it deprive the Board of control of the gift.

Any gift accepted by the Board shall become the property of the Board, may not be returned without the approval of the Board, and is subject to the same controls and guidelines as are other properties of the Board.

The Board shall be responsible for the maintenance of any gift it accepts subject to any conditions or stipulations connected with the gift.

The Board will make every effort to honor the intent of the donor in its use of the gift, but reserves the right to utilize any gift it accepts in the best interest of the educational program of the District. In no case shall acceptance of a gift be considered to be an endorsement by the Board of a commercial product or business enterprise or institution of learning.

The Superintendent shall:

A. / encourage individuals and organizations considering a contribution to the schools to consult with the principal before appropriating funds to that end,
B. / report to the Board all gifts which s/he has accepted by the District, and
C. / prepare fitting means for recognizing or memorializing gifts to the District as appropriate.

R.C. 9.20, 9.26, 3313.36, 3313.37

Conneaut Area City School District
Administrative Guidelines


A. / Gifts or donations presented to the District must be accompanied by a letter from the donor for official action and recognition by the Board.
B. / To be acceptable, a gift or donation must satisfy the following criteria:
1. / Have a purpose consistent with those of the District.
2. / Must be offered by a donor acceptable to the Board.
3. / Will not add to staff load.
4. / Will not begin a program which the Board would be unwilling to take over when gift and grant funds are exhausted.
5. / Would not bring undesirable or hidden costs to the District.
6. / Must not place restrictions on the District.
7. / Will not be inappropriate or harmful to the educational program of the District or to students.
8. / Will not imply endorsement of any business or product.
9. / Will not be in conflict with any provision of the General School Laws or public laws.
10. / All gifts, grants, and bequests shall become District property.
C. / A letter of appreciation, signed by the President of the Board, shall be sent to the donor.
Conneaut Area City School District
Bylaws & Policies


The Board of Education may find it necessary to employ, on a part-time basis, coaches or activity sponsors who are not members of the professional staff. Such part-time employees may be members of the District's classified staff or individuals from the community or nearby areas.

The Board authorizes the Superintendent to recommend candidates for employment by the Board.

The Superintendent shall establish administrative guidelines to ensure that each person employed as a coach or activity sponsor has the appropriate qualifications, has been properly interviewed, and signs an employment contract which includes the conditions of employment, compensation arrangements, and contract termination procedures.

Personnel must complete a DMA form with no positive indications that material assistance has been provided to a terrorist organization before working in the District (see Policy 8120).

Personnel also must pass a background check performed by the Bureau of CriminalIdentification and Investigation and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (see Policy 3121).

Personnel must also pass a drug screen within three (3) working days of offer of position.

No individual employed by the Board for any co-curricular or extra-curricular activity may accept compensation from any third party or source, including, but not limited to booster, parent or other District support organizations, for the performance of his/her official duties or as a supplement to his/her compensation from the Board.

No individual serving as a volunteer for co-curricular/extra-curricular activities may accept compensation from any third party or source, including, but not limited to booster, parent or other District support organizations, for the performance of his/her official duties as a volunteer on behalf of the Board.

R.C. 2909.34, 3319.303, 3313.53, 3319.39
A.C. 3301-27-01, Ohio Ethics Commission Advisory Opinion 2008-01

Adopted 12/06
Revised 12/18/08

Conneaut Area City School District
Bylaws & Policies

3120.09 - VOLUNTEERS

The Board of Education recognizes that certain programs and activities can be enhanced through the use of volunteers who have particular knowledge or skills that will be helpful to members of the professional staff responsible for the conduct of those programs and activities.

The Superintendent shall be responsible for recruiting community volunteers, reviewing their capabilities, and making appropriate placements. S/He shall not be obligated to make use of volunteers whose abilities are not in accord with District needs.

The Superintendent is to inform each volunteer that s/he:

A. / is required to abide by all Board policies and District guidelines while on duty as a volunteer;
B. / will be covered under the District's liability policy but the District cannot provide any type of health insurance to cover illness or accident incurred while serving as a volunteer, nor is the person eligible for workers' compensation;
C. / will be asked to sign a form releasing the District of any obligation should the volunteer become ill or receive an injury as a result of his/her volunteer services;
D. / maynot accept compensation from any third party or source, including, but not limited to booster, parent or other District support organizations, for the performance of his/her official duties as a volunteer on behalf of the Board.

Furthermore, the Superintendent shall inform all volunteers who work or apply to work unsupervised with children on a regular basis of the need to display appropriate behavior at all times, and that they will have to provide a set of fingerprints so that a criminal records check can be conducted and that they will have to pay the costs associated with the criminal records check either before they can begin their duties, or as a condition of continued service as a volunteer at the discretion of the Board.

If a criminal records check indicates that a volunteer has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to any of the offenses listed below and/or described in Division (A)(1) of Section 109.572 of the Revised Code, the volunteer will be informed either that the Board is no longer interested in maintaining his/her volunteer service or that the volunteer will be assigned to duties for which s/he will not work unsupervised with children.

The Superintendent shall inform each volunteer of the District's appreciation for his/her time and efforts in assisting in the operation of the schools and for his/her understanding with regard to the need for all volunteers to be subject to possible criminal records check.

All volunteers shall have a drug screen within three (3) working days of offer for volunteer.