Training and Advice for Further Development of the TVET SectorANNEX 4

Contract No RO2006/018-

Approved PIU

Draft Training Plan TVET 6

in ToRs / No / Outputs (ToR) / No of events / Duration / event / Dates/venue/
* interval of achievement and delivery / Participants / event / TA Responsible / PIU Responsible / Comments
Task 1*
Revision and improvement of TVET online and e-learning modules and practices in the field / 1.1* / report on the open distance and e-learning modules already developed, and their consistence with the rest of the curriculum; / NA / 3 months / delivered to PIU / NA / Mimoza
Anastovska Jankulovska / Lucian Goagă / No training anticipated by ToR.
1.2* / training needs identification (assessment of open and distance e-learning training needs) and subsequent development of online TVET curriculum; / NA / 4 months / delivered to PIU / NA / Mimoza
Anastovska Jankulovska / Lucian Goagă / No training anticipated by ToR.
1.3* / review of the existing courseware used by the 16 distance education centres together with the schools of their network; / NA / 3 months / delivered to PIU / NA / Mimoza
Anastovska Jankulovska / Lucian Goagă / No training anticipated by ToR.
1.4* / assessment report on the results achieved by school that have applied distance and online alternative learning tools; / NA / After activity 1.3 / delivered to PIU / NA / Mimoza
Anastovska Jankulovska / Lucian Goagă / No training anticipated by ToR.
1.5* / update of the strategy for distance and e-learning in VET / NA / 12 months / delivered to PIU / NA / Mimoza
Anastovska Jankulovska / Lucian Goagă / No training anticipated by ToR.
Task 2 *
Development of e-learning portfolios / 2.1* / 50 electronic packages developed according the dynamics of qualifications and based on the training needs / NA / 1 month / delivered to PIU / NA / Mimoza
Anastovska Jankulovska / Lucian Goagă / No training anticipated by ToR.
2.2 / 82 teachers trained to apply the e-packages in the 50 pilot schools; assessment. / 1 training session / 2 days / 12-13 Feb 2008in the 8th regional centers / 100 teachers / Mimoza
Anastovska Jankulovska / Lucian Goagă
Task 3
Training for school staff in applying alternative learning distance and online tools / 3.1 / Training for school staff trained in applying alternative learning distance on online tools
(Training for Developers of on-line courses) / 2 training sessions / 2 days / Session 1:
08-09 Dec 2008
Session 2:
11-12 Dec2008 Sinaia / 16 teams of authors/developers for online courses for vocational training, composed of about 3 teachers (2 groups of 24) / Mimoza
Anastovska Jankulovska / Lucian Goagă
3.2 / Train of trainers in assisting the networked schools (TOT for Developers of on-line courses) / 2 training sessions / 2 days / Session 1:
26-27 Jan 2009Sinaia
Session 2:
29-30 Jan 2009Sinaia / 16 teams of authors/developers for online courses for vocational training, composed of about 3 teachers
(2 groups of 24) / Mimoza
Anastovska Jankulovska / Lucian Goagă
Task 4*
Training and advice for the staff of the 16 regional support centres / 4.1 / Management and monitoring training /Training in developing and using e-packages / 1 training session / 3 days / Session 1:
17-19 Nov2008
Sinaia / 32 directors and deputy directors of the 16 regional centres / Mimoza Anastovska
Jankulovska / Lucian Goagă
4.2* / Organization of monitoring for the activities carried out by the 16 regional support centers, and support in actual monitoring, / 1 training session / 1 day / Session 1:
28th of Jan 2009;
Sinaia / 16 responsible persons from regional centers / Mimoza
Anastovska Jankulovska / Lucian Goagă

Task 5

Training for TVET school staff in providing alternative learning tools

Use of the e-platforms and e-packages /



100 IT staff trained in carrying out online assessment (according to ToRs).


Due to objective reasons (it is impossible to gather so many IT persons from schools) the number is reduced to 50, the rest of 50 persons to be trained will be allocated to task 5.2, please see below.


2 training sessions


2 days


S 1:

23-24 Feb 2009; Sinaia

S 2:

26-27 Feb 2009; Sinaia

/ 50 IT staff divided in 2 groups / Mimoza
Anastovska Jankulovska / Lucian Goagă



100 staff trained to develop online and distance learning education (according to ToRs)

The number is increased with 50 persons and the number of training sessions as well, reaching 150 staff trained in 4 sessions.
Per total, task 5.1 and task 5.2 will reach the final number of people to be trained according to ToRs. /

4 training sessions


2 days


S 1: 16-17March 2009; Sinaia

S 2: 19-20 March 2009; Sinaia

S3: 22-23March 2009; Sinaia

S4: 25-26 March 2009;

Sinaia / 150 foremen and vocational teachers divided in 4 groups / Mimoza

Anastovska Jankulovska

/ Lucian Goagă



32 staff trained to manage internet and extranet connections for promoting e-packages


1 training session


2 days

/ 30-31 March 2009;
Sinaia / 32 persons coming from the regional support centres (app. 2 persons/centre) / Mimoza

Anastovska Jankulovska

/ Lucian Goagă
Task 6 *
Assistance in the use and development of QA instruments / 6.1* / Assessment of the impact of QA instruments and recommendations for improvement; / - / - / delivered to PIU / - / Patricia Georgieva / Dana Stroie
6.2* / Monitoring visits to the 150 TVET schools / - / - / delivered to PIU / - / Patricia Georgieva / Dana Stroie
6.3* / Develop benchmarking methodology for TVET schools / - / - / delivered to PIU / - / Patricia Georgieva / Dana Stroie

Task 7

Peer review and monitoring visits on the regional management of HRD


- 50 monitoring visits performed to the 8 regional consortia and the 42 LDCs;

- 166 peer learning visits for Regional Consortia staff performed to the TVET pilot schools and the regional support centres.


1 trainingsession for the local short term experts (trainers and responsible for monitoring visits, peer learning visits, updating)

/ 2 days /

25th -26th Nov. 2008

/ 8 local short term experts (1 for each region) / Eira Varis /

Florin Mărginean


For the 8 persons will be allocated the travel, meal and accommodation costs and fees.

8 training sessions for RC and LDC members involved in monitoring and updating REAP’s, LEAP’s and SAP’s / 1 day / S1- S8:12rd,14th,16th,19th,of January 2009
Training sessions will be organised at regional level
/ 360 persons (average 45 persons/training session) + 8 trainers (short term experts)+ 13 PIU / Eira Varis /

Florin Mărginean


The 381 persons will be allocated the travel, meals, and accommodations costs.

For the 8 trainers will there should be allocated the necessary costs.

8monitoring visits to the RC

/ 1 day / 2nd, 4th, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th February 2009 / 32 monitors(4 from each RC) + 236 persons from RC (all RC members, each RC will be host for 2 monitors from other RC, the 2 monitors are not members of RC host) / Eira Varis /

Florin Mărginean


For the 268 persons there will be allocated meal costs.

For the 32 monitors should be allocated the necessary costs.

42 monitoring visits to the LDC / 1 day / March 2009 / 126 monitors (3 from each LDC) + all LDC members
( Each LDC will be host for 3 monitors from RC, the 3 monitors are not members of LDC host ) / Eira Varis / Florin Mărginean /

For the 126 personsshould be allocated the necessary costs.

166 peer learning visits for Regional Consortia performed to the TVET pilot schools and the regional support centres organised in 42 sessions

(1 in each county)

/ 1 day /

March – April 2009

/ 420 persons members of RC and LDC (members of RC and LDC from each county will be visit and monitoring the schools from their county) /

Eira Varis

/ Florin Mărginean / No costs.
Task 8
Training and advice on quality assurance / 8.1 a / Training for 242 VET and HE teachers in QA related issues / 5 training sessions
VET / 2 days / Session 1:
02-03Feb 2009
Session 2:
09-10 Feb2009
Session 3:
12-13 Feb 2009Sinaia
Session 4:
16-17 Feb 2009Sinaia
Session 5:
Sinaia / 150 QA Committees Coordinators in VET
42 School Inspectorates
10 quality management national structures / Patricia Georgieva / Dana Stroie
8.1 b / 1 training session
HE / 3 days / 1st-3rd April 2009
Sinaia / 40 staff from universities and QA in Higher Education / Patricia Georgieva / Mihai Floroiu
8.2 / 2 strategic papers on QA and credit transfer / - / - / delivered to PIU / - / Patricia Georgieva / Dana Stroie - QA
G. Ciobanu Credit Transfer
Task 9
Training and assistance in relation to assessment procedures / 9.1* /

Revision/elaboration of documentation for curriculum development and elaboration of curriculum auxiliaries;

/ - / - / delivered to PIU / Mary Williams / Viorel Ţigănescu


/ 9.2 Assessment report on existing assessment methodologies procedures; /

delivered to PIU

/ Mary Williams /

Viorel Ţigănescu


/ 7 training sessions, of 2 days/session, for a total of 332 persons from the TVET schools and the 16 regional support centers (2 persons per school / center), on assessment procedures /

7 training sessions


2 days


Session 1:

07-08 Dec 2008 Sinaia

Session 2:

10-11 Dec 2008Sinaia

Session 3:

15-16Dec 2008 Sinaia

Session 4:

11-12 Jan 2009 Sinaia

Session 5:

13-14Jan 2009


Session 6:

26-27Jan 2009 Sinaia

Session 7:
29-30Jan 2009 Sinaia /

315persons from TVET schools and the 16 regional support centres (2 persons per school/centre

/ Mary Williams /



/ Methodology for certification mechanisms in HE /





delivered to PIU

/ Mary Williams /


Mihai Floroiu

Task 10
Awareness activities and dissemination of project results / 10.1* / Strategy for information and communication reviewed/updated / - / - /

delivered to PIU

/ Ann Justice / Zoica Vlăduţ
10.2* / Drafting position papers for promoting TVET reform / - / - /

delivered to PIU

/ Ann Justice / Zoica Vlăduţ
10.3* / Monthly media monitoring reports / - / - /

delivered to PIU

/ Ann Justice / Zoica Vlăduţ
10.4* / Dissemination of the project results
2 conference / 1 conference
1 conference / 2 days
4 days /

6-7 March 2009Bucharest

13-16May 2009


/ 200 participants
164 participants / George
Patricia Georgieva
Mary Williams
Eira Varis

Mimoza Anastovska

Yochka Anastasova
Ann Justice / VET:
Zoica Vlăduţ
Paula Posea
Cati Scrioşteanu
C. Călinescu
G. Ciobanu
M. Ştefănescu
Angela Popescu
Elena Cerkez
Dana Stroie
Lucian Goagă
V. Ţigănescu
Sorin Zaharia
Gina Borcilă
Mihai Floroiu
10.5* / 2 thematic newsletters to be issued in both English and Romanian / - / - /

delivered to PIU

/ Ann Justice
Emilian Burduşel / Zoica Vlăduţ
10.6* / TVET website to be constantly updated during the project. / - / - /



Mimoza Anastovska

Jankulovska / Zoica Vlăduţ
Lucian Goagă
Task 11
Revision and/or development of qualification in TVET and HE / 11.1 / 300 qualification developers trained for TVET;
Correlating the qualifications from TVET with labor market needs / 6 training sessions
1 training session / 2 days
2 days /

Session A1:

10-11Nov 2008Sinaia

Session A2:

13-14Nov 2008Sinaia

Session A3:

17-18Nov 2008Sinaia

Session B1:

16-17 March 2009


Session B2:

19-20March 2009


Session B3:

23-24 March 2009


25-26 May 2009


/ 300 teachers from VET equally distributed
42 participants / Yochka Anastasova / VET
Gabriela Ciobanu
Catinca Scrioşteanu
Claudia Călinescu
Andreea Crăciun
11.2 / 80 qualification developers trained for HE; / 3 training sessions
HE / 3 days / Session 11.2.1:
29-31Jan 2009; Sinaia
Session 11.2.2:
26-28 Feb 2009Sinaia
Session 11.2.3:
26-28 March 2009
Sinaia / 80 persons from HE equally distributed / Yochka Anastasova / ACPART
Gina Borcilă
11.3 / 16 qualifications elaborated for HE; / - / - /

delivered to PIU

/ Yochka Anastasova / ACPART
Gina Borcilă
11.4 / 150 training standards reviewed and/or developed; / - / - /

delivered to PIU

/ Yochka Anastasova / VET
Gabriela Ciobanu
11.5 / 150 learning packages elaborated for school to work transition
Assessment of learning packages for school to work transition / 4 training sessions
1 training session / 2 days
2 days /

Session 1:

16-17 March 2009


Session 2:

19-20March 2009


Session 3:

23-24 March 2009


Session 4:

25-26 March 2009


25-26 May 2009


/ Yochka Anastasova / VET
Gabriela Ciobanu
Catinca Scrioşteanu
Claudia Călinescu
Andreea Crăciun