A newsletter for support staff working in schools /
January 2011
The Haringey Information Sheet aims to keep support staff informed about what is happening locally and nationally. You can also visit our website: / If you would like to receive a copy of THIS sent directly via email, please contact:/ Content Page
Changes at the PDC 1
FREE literacy & numeracy training 1
Dates for the diary 1
CPD opportunities 2
Changes at the PDC
No doubt all of you will all be aware of the cuts being made to local authority budgets. One of the effects of this is that there will be a major restructure in the workforce development/CPD area of work at the PDC. At the present time there are no details of what this will mean in practice but it is likely that from April 2011there will be a significant reduction inthe CPD opportunities that will be offered centrally. For those of you whose schools buy into our service level agreement, we strongly recommend that you make as much use as possible of the courses offered in the spring term. To view all the details, log into our website (see above), go into the ‘Online Booking’ section and follow the links. We will keep you updated with what is going on but see page 2 for some key opportunities for staff working directly with pupils.
FREE Literacy and Numeracy training
If you don’t have literacy or numeracy qualifications, this may be your last chance to undertake some free training. The College of Haringey Enfield and North East London (formerly CONEL) will be offering 15 sessions at FerryLanePrimary School, Ferry LaneEstate, N17 9PP. The sessions will run from 3.30 – 5.30 on Wednesdays starting on 19 January. Please contact Angela Jackman NOW if you would like to book a place.
Dates for the diary
The next School Business Manager forum will be held on Tuesday 15 February from 2 – 4pm at AlexandraParkSchool, Bidwell Gardens, N11 2AZ. Guests speakers will be Steve Worth (re a Haringey budget update for 2011/12) and Bill Simmons (with information about Academy status).
Group Supervision sessions for Learning Mentors will be running once again from 3.00 – 4.30 at the PDC on: Wednesday 12 January
Wednesday 2 February
Wednesday 2 March
We had a very successful Site Managers’ Forum in November at Coldfall Primary. We will contact Site Managers when we have a date and venue for this term – probably at the end of February.
Highlighted CPD opportunities for staff working directly with pupils
- Are you working with children who have suffered some kind of trauma? If so, why not take up the opportunity of undertaking FREE on-line certificated training. It is available until July to EVERY STAFF MEMBER in your school. The easiest way to get full details is to log onto our CPD website ( and go to the CPD News section on the homepage. Alternatively, contact Ceri May tel: 8489 3160 or email:
- This is your last chance to attend the ever popular SENJIT special needs introduction (run for 5 afternoons starting on Tuesday 25 January). In addition, there are still spaces on the training session for TAs who support pupils with Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties on 9 February. Check the website for full details of these and other courses running this term.
- The excellent ‘Behaviour Management, Conflict and Related Issues’ led by Andy Arnett will run for the last time on Wednesday 6 April. This is part of the programme run for NQTs, but there will places available for schools who buy into the service level agreement. For more details, contact Sylvia Dobie email: tel: 8489 5020
- Enfield are running a Modern Foreign Language teaching skills course for TAs and HLTAs in the summer term. The cost is £800. There will be an information session on Tuesday 22 March from 4.30 – 5.30 at their PDC, Craddock Road, EN! 3SN. For more information, contact Angela Jackman tel: 8489 4683 or email:
- MiddlesexUniversity runs intensive courses to support staff teaching French or Spanish. For more information, contact Liz Luka:
- It is still possible for teaching assistants to gain HLTA status though funding is no longer available from the local authority. For more information, contact Angela Jackman (see above).
Review of the Elklan courseby Sharon Provencal and Christine Brown (Nursery Nurses at St. Michael’s CE School, N6)
The course changed our approach to children dramatically. We find it easier to identify speech and language difficulties now and have a good understanding of the strategies needed to support children with these difficulties. We have also managed to identify specific speech and language difficulties that we either wouldn’t have recognised before or misdiagnosed. The Elklan course was one of the best courses we have attended and would highly recommend it to anyone working with children.
Editor’s note: The Eklan courses running this term are fully booked. The situation post-Easter remains unclear.
News about the new QCF Level 2 and 3 qualifications
With all the changes and uncertainties about staffing levels here at the PDC, we are now working with the College of Haringey Enfield and North East London (formerly CONEL) with the hope of being able to offer something local and affordable. Watch this space!