Project Idea: What will you do and where?

Involving New People: What is your plan to get new people involved in your project?
Meeting the Priorities?Please tell us how …
Recording what you have done. How you plan to keep a record of your project and tell your community about it?
Your Contribution: Whatwill you and your community contribute to your project? Such as volunteer time, use of equipment or premises, donated goods or services?
Money: How much money are you applying for? Please give a breakdown of what the money will pay for:
Contact Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:

YES! I can finish my project by March 2016 and I am happy for you to tell other people about our project.

Signature / Name( if you are not the contact person )
Telephone / Email

Please email your form to or post it to Victoria Powell, Room 32 Civic Centre, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 8QH

BE Active in Wingrove

Be Active Grants Checklist

The Be Active Grant is aimed at the Wingrove Community and is about supporting people to develop their good ideas. The checklist below complete is to ensure that you are aware of your responsibilities in accepting a grant. If you have any concerns, questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact us or

We agree to comply with Newcastle City Council Equal Opportunities
We agree to comply with Newcastle City Councils Safeguarding policy
If the activity requires it we can confirm that staff/Volunteers have appropriate DBS checks

Risk and Insurance

If your idea is to hold a public event a risk assessment is required. Please don’t panic if you have never completed one before we can provide templates and guidance to help!

Please tick the category that best describes your event:

We are not holding a public event
We are holding a small indoor event such as a coffee morning, a meeting or a training session and enclose a risk assessment.
We are organising a trip which involves transporting people out of the area, for example an away day, theatre trip or residential event and enclose a risk assessment.
We are holding an outdoor event such as a sports day, barbecue or community festival and enclose an events checklist.

Please can you provide the name of the group who is applying for the grant?

Are you a formal constituted group? Y/N

(If so can you please provide us with your constitution).

If an application is made by an unconstituted group, or an individual on behalf of an informal group, a member of the group must agree that they will accept responsibility for the payment on behalf of the group and will be responsible for ensuring that the money is spent for the purpose it is allocated for, that receipts are kept to show how it is spent and that a monitoring form is completed and returned. That person will be legally responsible for this and may be required to repay the grant if the grant conditions are not complied with. If you are an informal group but are applying through a larger support group please put their name below.

If your application is successful we will talk to you about how we will pay the money to you however this is likely to be either;

  • payment to a group bank account (if already constituted),
  • payment to a support group or
  • pre-payment card issued to the group

Name of Grant Applicant.

Name of Responsible Person or Organisation


