Training Course: Administrative Law


The objectives of the course include as follows:

·  To study te concept of Administrative Law

·  To study the role of Administrative Law in controlling and correcting the abuse of power.

·  To study the landmark case decisions of Supreme Court of Nepal

Session / Main Topics / Sub Topics
Session-1 / Introduction / ·  Government, Law and Justice
·  Administrative Justice
·  Administrative Authority
·  Function of Government
Session-2 / Development of Quasi-Judicial Function in Nepal / ·  Lichhivi Period
·  Malla Period
·  Shah Period
·  Present Development (Especially after Promulgation of Constitution of kingdom of Nepal, 2047)
·  Reasons for the growth of Administrative Adjudication
·  Structure and Procedure of Adjudicatory Bodies
Session-3 / Quasi-Judicial Function and Judicial Function / ·  Meaning of Quasi-Judicial Function
·  Partly Administrative
·  Partly Judicial Function
·  Judicial Function vis-à-vis Quasi-judicial Function
·  Delegation of Quasi-Judicial Function
·  Power to Review of Quasi-Judicial Tribunal
·  Judicial Review of Quasi- Judicial Authority or Tribunal
Session-4 / Administrative Action of Judicial Review / ·  Categories of Administrative Action
·  Characteristics of Purely Administrative Action
·  Ground of Judicial Review of Administrative Action
·  Nature and Scope of Administrative Action
Session-5 / Delegated Legislation / ·  Delegated legislation distinguished from administrative power
·  Factors leading to the growth of delegated legislation
Session-6 / Control over Delegated Legislation / ·  Constitutionality of delegated legislation
·  Substantive ultra vires
·  Procedural ultra vires
·  Exclusion of judicial review
Session-7 / Principles of Natural Justice or Fairness / ·  Introduction
·  Bias
·  Audi Alteram Partem
·  Burden of Proof
·  Right to Council
·  Reasoned Decisions
·  Fair Hearings- General Aspects
·  Fair Hearings- Particular Situations
Session-8 / Power of Investigation and Inquiry / ·  Some sample of Statutory Provisions
·  Search and Seizure
·  Summoning of Persons to give Evidence
·  Interview and Inquiry
·  Suspend
Session-9 / Case Study / ·  Leading Judgments of the Supreme Court of Nepal
·  Krishna Prasad Lamsal vs. Nepal Government (writ no-2737-2048)
·  Thirtha Koirala vs. Nepal Government (writ no.2921-2050)
·  IGP Achyut Kharel vs. Nepal Government
·  Other Important Judgments


1.  Jain and Jain, Administrative Law

2.  Massay, I.P., Administrative Law

3.  Khanal, Shambhu Prasad (Dr.), Administrative Law(In Nepali)

4.  Ranakalin Nepalko Prasasanik Itihas, CNAS(TU)