Training Committee Meeting Minutes

February 12, 2014 at 10 a.m. at Thompson Library Room 150B (NOTE: There was no meeting in January 2014)

Attendees: Amy, Brian, Dan, Joanna, Kevlin, Lisa, Matthew, Misty, Quanetta

Introductions and Committee Charge

Because there are three new members on the committee (Brian, Joanna and Matthew), members first introduced themselves. Then, the committee reviewed its charge, which was revised last year. They also discussed the main focuses for the coming year, such as project management training. Lisa also said the committee’s training should be strategic in nature and in developing opportunities, members should determine whether the Libraries has the skills in-house to provide the training or must look elsewhere.

Collaborating with other committees

Amy reported that she has been approached by two other committees for possible collaborations on specific training needs:

  1. Web Governance. The committee would like to develop training on rules and other issues involved with Libraries web presence.
  2. Staff Advisory Council. This committee wants to explore the issues of staff travel and training opportunities

Amy will meet with both committees and report back on their requests so the Training Committee can determine whether there is a need for collaboration.

Media Production Space

Brian explained the history of and purpose of the Libraries’ media production space. Although it has not been promoted yet to Libraries personnel, the committee already saw two possibilities for its use of the space: the online New Student Orientation (NSO) and the New Employee Orientation (NEO). The NSO badly needs to be updated, so members decided to take a look at it at its March meeting to figure out how the media production space can be used to do that, how the updates should be made and by whom. Lisa said her only requirement is that students can take it online wherever they work in the Libraries and that there is a mechanism to show they completed it, since that is a requirement of student employment at the Libraries.

Project Management Training

  • Misty and Q showed the committee the outline of project management training modules they created for a possible one-day workshop. Lisa said she knows of a possible trainer to present them to Libraries staff. The trainer is making a presentation to University staff later in February; several committee members said they would attend the seminar to see if trainer would be the right fit. If so, Lisa will approach the trainer to see if there is interest in presenting a one-day workshop.

Training calendar

  • Members discussed individual training sessions that have been scheduled through May.


Lisa asked new members if they know of any training needs of which the committee might not be aware. Matthew said he gives a lot of one-on-one training on Excel to his co-worker; Lisa suggested a possible training session wheretips can be given all at once. Brian said he and others in Teaching and Learning receive a lot of questions about Carmen, even though there are training sessions given on a regular basis by the University. This prompted a discussion on how the Committee can better advertise training opportunities provided elsewhere.

Minutes taken by Kevlin Haire