The score with the lowest number is your most preferred or most often used style. The highest score is your least used or preferred style. A difference of more than 8 points between the highest and lowest scores indicates a lack of flexibility in using your least preferred style. Scores within 4 points of each other indicate flexibility in using different styles. Transfer your scores from the previous page to each training style given here.

Instructor Score: ______

The Instructor enjoys setting up and directing the learning activity (steps 1 and 2 in the Adult Learning Steps). The Instructor is most comfortable giving directions and taking charge of the learning activity. The Instructor prefers to tell the learners what to do, is well organized and self-confident, and concentrates on one item at a time. The Instructor provides examples, controls learner participation, and uses lectures effectively.

Explorer Score: ______

The Explorer is most comfortable helping learners to share and interpret their reactions to a learning activity (step 3 in the Adult Learning Steps). The Explorer is a good listener who creates an open learning environment, encourages free expression, and assures that everyone is involved in the discussion. The Explorer is alert to nonverbal cues and shows empathy for the feelings and emotions of the learners. The Explorer appears relaxed and unhurried. The Explorer is accepting of the learnerÕs reactions and encourages self-directed learning.

Thinker Score: ______

The Thinker is most comfortable helping the learner generalize concepts from the reactions to a learning experience (step 4 in the Adult Learning Steps). The Thinker helps learners to categorize, organize, and integrate their reactions into theories, principles, and generalizations. The Thinker focuses on ideas and thoughts, rather than feelings and emotions. The Thinker acknowledges different interpretations and theories. Independent thinking is encouraged based on objective information. The Thinker assists learners in making connections between the past and the present. The Thinker is often a practiced observer of the learning activity.

Guide Score: ______

The Guide is most comfortable helping learners to apply how to use new learning in their own situations (step 5 in the Adult Learning Steps). The Guide prefers to involve trainees in activities, problem solving, discussions, and evaluations of their own progress. Experimentation with practical application is encouraged. The Guide encourages trainees to draw on each other and the trainer as resources. The Guide acts as a facilitator to translate theory into practical action. The Guide focuses on meaningful and applicable solutions to real-life problems and encourages active participation.