Academic Mentoring Roles & Responsibilities

Dean of Students: Roles & Respon si bilities

· Promote Academic Mentoring through all relevant University channels,

· Establish a Academic Mentor Management Committee within their College, and outline its role and responsibilities around the recruitment, selection and development of Mentors

· Ensure the Academic Mentor Management Committee and other relevant staff and students are involved in monitoring and evaluating Academic Mentoring within the College, ensuring it is having a positive impact in the long term

Head of School: Roles & Responsibilities

· Liaising, when requested, with the Academic Mentoring Management Committee on issues relating to mentoring within the School

· Facilitating the Mentoring process within his/her school

· Encouraging Mentees to engage in the process within their School

Academic Mentor Management Committee : Roles & Responsibilities

· Agreeing the parameters of the mentoring role

· Allocate responsibilities within the Committee to certain work areas

· Recruit, interview and select (including taking up references) Academic Mentors in an equality conscious manner

· Make sure those selected have performed to an academically satisfactory standard and have a comprehensive understanding of the subject

· Inviting those identified to serve as Academic Mentors

· Ensure all those selected to be Academic Mentors completed a comprehensive training programme

· Ensuring there are relevant student representatives present to guarantee students views are being reflected

· Mentoring potential future Academic Mentors in order to sustain and grow the Mentoring population

· Dealing with any issues/problems arising from the mentoring process or relationship

· Ensuring continued support and development for Academic Mentors

· Ensuring all Mentees receive documentation and guidance on what the mentoring relationship involves and who to contact if there are problems

· Giving feedback to the Dean of Students, Head of School, Senior Tutors and Support Staff

School Office: Roles & Responsibilities

· Provide advice and support on practicalities such as timetabling, room bookings and contacts

· Support the mentoring process and deal with any other administrative responsibilities

· Keeping an up to date virtual list of matches and mentors available

· Act as a point of contact between the Committee of Professors and Academic Mentors when neccessary

· Keeping a record at school level and also informing the College Office of ‘live’ mentoring relationships so that the list of available Academic Mentors can be kept current.

Mentor: Roles & Responsibilities

· Support the mentee to make an ‘Action Plan’ outlining their motivation and goals

· Meet on a one to one or group basis to review the Mentee’s progress towards their desired goals

· Use questioning techniques to facilitate the Mentee's own thought processes in order to identify solutions and actions[1]

· Utilise active listening and communication skills to ensure the needs of the Mentee are being met within the mentoring relationship[2]

· Share relevant academic experiences/problems you have overcome (if appropriate)

· Facilitate and encourage autonomous and enquiry-based learning, providing the Mentee with the tools to find their own answers

· Sign-post the Mentee onto other support services should this be necessary

· Attend continuous training to ensure the you have the appropriate skills to support the Mentee in their journey

· Offer a ‘safe space’ for the Mentee to share their academic worries and concerns

· Build mutual trust and respect

Mentee: Roles & Responsibilities

· A desire and ability to engage in the mentoring process

· The time and commitment to pursue their goals

· An understanding of the role and boundaries of the Mentor

· Being punctual and prepared for meetings

· Must respect the confidentiality of the relationship

· Mentees must take ownership of the process and

This management model draws strongly on that used at the University College Dublin

