TRAILS Meeting April 12. 2011
attending members : Margaret Russell, David Ziegelman, Carlie Krolick, Josh Kowalski, Carol Clay, Lori Thompson; guests: Al Karnatz (VLT), Laura Crandall (CLT)
1. 3/8/11 minutes approved
2. VLT/CLT UPDATE: Al Karnatz, a regional director of VT Land Trust, and Laura Crandall, The Charlotte Land Trust, described a current project that each group is working on together. The Nichols Farm in East Charlotte is a 200+ acre property bordered by Guinea Rd, Bingham Brook Rd and Spear St. ext. Acreage not included in for conservation, sensitivity to house position, and possibility of trails easement is in discussion. Information is ONLY in discussion phase. Committee recommended that the East Charlotte planning group be consulted as well.
VLT holds trails easement on Knowles property and will be transferring this to the town. Bean Farm Project will close at the end of the month.
Questions about connectivity of trails vs destination (unlinked) trails; trails committee mission, and cost of maintenance for existing and new trails were brought up after land trust presentation.
3. PEASE MTN UPDATE: Josh and David finished marking the entry and bottom loop of trail. Will add a more noticeable, if perhaps out of character, exit sign. Folks still having trouble getting off trail. Carol checked in with Dan Senecal-Albrecht about the LCBP wayside exhibit. They are waiting for the state archeologist to sign off on a date to dig the exhibit post holes Once they have that signature, Dan will be able to put the sign fabrication out to bid. Hang on.--VTRANS moves slowly according to Dan.
4. TRAIL MAINTENANCE : Town has $2000. budgeted for on-going trail maintenance. M and T Mack Trail has drainage and run off problems. Will put drainage work out to bid. Charles Russell wants to be there as part of the process.
5. CHARLOTTE LINK UPDATE: Article in Charlotte news about the link trail. Thank you, Laurie. Laurie and David Spiedel ( designer) met to consider logo and design staging of the Path project. Development committee has been meeting together, and with consultants. Progress with a case statement, development lists and is considering the silent part of a campaign. Brooke has updated the map; it appears the Philo-Beach trail is 7 miles (3/4 mile is a finished portion.)
6. Misc: Committee decided not to feature a work day or walk for community engagement at this time(before Charlotte News article is printed.) Josh has started collecting known easements in the town vault. Beginning at start of path along State Park Rd. Carlie will work on this project as well.
a) Margaret to adddiscussion time into next meeting's agenda,reviewing the mission statement and discussing philosophical issues impacting committee's focus and work
b) Next meeting 5/10/11