March 22, 23, and March 24, 2013

Cost: $15.00 per family (includes a patch for the scout) or we will need to know if there is more than 1registered Cub Scout per family.

$5.00 per additional patch for adults, non registered Cub Scouts, family members and other participates.

Chairperson: Linda Veach, home 615-867-4596, cell 615-848-4848, Email: . Please let me know if anyone

in your pack have any special needs for camping. I need to know if you are planning on arriving early or late to the campout. Please

email or call Linda Veach with your registration.

To have the appropriate Restroom Facilities and Activities and Campsite assignments please register by March 19, 2013.

Registration: Friday night the 22 nd is from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm. in Camp Stahlman Dining Hall. Please make checks payable to BSA

Adult Meeting: Friday, March 22nd, at 10:00 p.m. to10:30 pm. in Camp Stahlman Dining Hall. There will be a cracker barrel at the meeting.

Please have at least one (1) or more adult from the pack at the meeting. Please share this information with your pack.

(Please do not leave your Scouts without adult supervision during this meeting)

Place: BOXWELL RESERVATION: Cub World area is reserved for Trail of Tears District. The Cub World Dining Hall will be used in the morning for the District Pinewood Derby; Camp Stahlman Athletic Field will be used for camping. Camp Stahlman dining hall outside area will be used for the scout activities. Webelos Crossover 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm and campfire 8:00 pm to 8:30 pm will be held at the Main Amphitheater across from Cripple Crab building.

Help is needed: Adults, Boy Scout Troops (Boy Scouts or siblings 11+) we need your help with activities Saturday morning and afternoon. Activities will be held on Saturday 9:00 am to Noon and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

BB & Archery- We need certified rangers for this activity. BB & Archery rangers need to sign up by March 19. I will need a copy of your training card. This is an age appropriate activity. Scouts in 1st grade and up may participate. Packs will have an assigned time to participate and there are safety rules for this activity. Your pack will receive the safety rules ahead of time so you can go over these safety rules with the scouts before attending the activity.

Saturday Cub Activities- We needs packs to volunteer to set up and run an activity. All Saturday Day Activities will be in the area around Stahlman Dining Hall. SEE MAP

Fishing- Bring your own poles & bait. Open times Friday and Saturday (you do not need a fishing license), catch and release.

Bike riding- bring your own bike- all bike riders in Boxwell must wear helmets!

Webelos Crossover & Campfire Program: Crossover will be held on Saturday at 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 pm. District campfire will follow the crossover and end about 8:30 pm. Packs please have one song or skit for the campfire program.

Leave No Trace- Pack’s service project is to pick up trash at Cub World and Camp Stahlman.

District Pinewood Derby- Cub World Dining Hall –Saturday Morning Activity Check in is 8:15am Race is at 10:00 am. (See Pinewood Derby Flier for details)

Health form: The Pack should have a health form for every camper.

Food & Camping: Food and Camping equipment is to be coordinated by each Pack, Den or Family. We will not have a Trader’s Post so please bring all you need. We will have ice available; you will need to bring a container for your ice.

Check in: Upon arrival at camp please have an 8 X 10 sign with Your Pack #, driver name and your cell number or the cell of someone in your pack. Please display in your driver side window and keep it in the window of your vehicle until you depart from camp. Friday 22nd we will start check in to camp sites at 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Camp Stahlman Athletic Field.

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Fill out & return your check made payable to: BSA/ Event #753

By March 19, 2013 Return form to: Linda Veach, 433 Brinkley RD, Murfreesboro, TN

Pack #______

Pack/Parent Contact Name ______Phone # ______


Email: ______

Total Cub-N-Partners attending: _____ @ $15.00 per family = $______Extra Registered Cub Scout in family_____

Total additional (patches only): ______@ $ 5.00 = $______Campsite assignment: How many tents space needed for camping ______How many siblings______

BB & Archery Rangers______Total Payment $______

Webelos I (BB & Archery Pin) How many Webelos I______Pre-Requirements Already earned BB & Archery Belt loop &

Webelos II (BB & Archery Pin) How many Webelos II______Pre-Requirements Already earned BB & Archery Belt loop &