London Borough of Hackney
Maurice Bishop House
17 Reading Lane
London E8 1HH
Our Ref: FOI16-0506-09565
Date: 26 May 2016
Dear Nick de Bunsen,
Traffic Speed And Volume Data For Lordship Park, N16
Thank you for your email of 6th May 2016. This has been treated as a Freedom of Information request.
The answers to your questions are set out below.
Please can you provide me with the summary findings of the road traffic speed and volume monitoring that you have carried out in Lordship Park during the years 2014-16. My particular interest is in the area between Green Lanes and Queen Elizabeth Walk.
Please find tabled below, summary data for speed / volume surveys undertaken on Lordship Park between Green Lanes and Queen Elizabeth Walk in June 2014 and February 2016.
Report ID / Site / Direction / Start Date / End Date / Posted Speed Limit (PSL) / Total Vehicles / Mean Speed / 85%ile Speed / (24 Hour) 5 Day Ave / (12 Hour) 7 Day Ave / (24 Hour) 7 Day AveSite / Lordship Park Location 1-5 / Eastbound / Tue 24 Jun 2014 / Mon 30 Jun 2014 / 30mph / 35902 / 23.7 / 28.2 / 5042 / 3326 / 5129
Site / Lordship Park Location 1-5 / Westbound / Tue 24 Jun 2014 / Mon 30 Jun 2014 / 30mph / 29170 / 22.3 / 27.3 / 4193 / 2815 / 4167
19835 / HACKNEY - AREA 1 / Posted Speed Limit (PSL) / Total Vehicles / 5 Day Ave. / 7 Day Ave.
Site / Location / Direction / Start Date / End Date / Average 85%ile Speed / Average Mean Speed
Site No: 19835015 / Site 1-5, Lordship Park, Hackney (LC 8) TQ 32515 86819 / Channel: Eastbound / Tue 02-Feb-16 / Mon 08-Feb-16 / 20 / 49458 / 7126 / 7065 / 29.4 / 24.3
Channel: Westbound / Tue 02-Feb-16 / Mon 08-Feb-16 / 33373 / 4868 / 4768 / 29.7 / 23.9
I hope that this information is helpful. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please note the information is still covered by copyright legislation. You are not authorised to re-use this information for commercial or research purposes as defined by the Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005. If you do wish to re-use this information please contact:
Information Governance Team
1st Floor, Florfield House
6-15 Florfield Road
LondonE8 1DT
If you are dissatisfied with this response and wish to appeal, please write to the Information Governance Team, Appeals,at the above address,and your complaint will be dealt with through our Internal Review procedure.
If you are still not satisfied following the Internal Review, you have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner. He can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone: 01625 545 700
Yours sincerely,
Andrew Cunningham
Head of Streetscene
Public Realm Directorate
Neighbourhoods and Housing
020 8356 6657