Proposal for ‘Task and Finish’ group on Mental Health Commissioning.
Background: The quality of mental health services depends upon those who provide them, those who commission them, and how effectively they work together. The College would like to help to make future commissioning as beneficial and effective as possible. This will depend upon the readiness of psychiatrists to participate in commissioning of their services and upon responsible commissioners enjoying the same command of relevant information and the same quality of working partnerships as those who commission other services. Although helpful guidance concerning some specialised areas of commissioning exists already, remaining needs include: how the general principles of ‘world class commissioning’ can be applied in mental health to ensure services are suitable, effective and sustainable; how ‘payment by results’ might support rather than undermine this goal; and how significant gaps in clinical provision between commissioned services can be minimised.
(i) To draw up principles for good practice in future commissioning of mental health services for adults and children for use by:
-Psychiatrists participating in commissioning
(ii)To outline a curriculum for future training of commissioners, with proposals for possible accreditation processes
(iii)To propose a strategic Implementation plan for adoption of agreed commissioning standards
(iv)To devise a simple pro-forma for appraisal of mental health commissioning compatible with WCC competencies.
Joint chairs: Appointees of Royal College of Psychiatrists and PCT network.
Representation from: PCT network
SH A/ Darzi mental health leads
Specialist commissioners
PBR for mental health project
NHS confederation
Faculty of public health
Proposed process:
3 London meetings (Agreement of task subgroups: review of draft report: launch)
Virtual meetings of eg 5 task groups drafting sections of main report (eg; current needs in relation to demographics and NICE guidelines; principles & standards for mental health commissioning in relation to WCC and existing specialist guidance; implementation of PBR for mental health; guidance for practice based commisioning in mental health; outline training curricula for commissioners and lead clinicians)
Electronic publication of main report with London launch and press releases
Budget (draft)
2 face to face large committees with travel @£600 £1200
Local administrative support for 2 chairs @£300 £600
Printing of 500 copies final report £1200
Launch event for 100 invitees @ £10 £1000
Total: £4000
Chris Mace
March 2010