Reference Section 11-2074


4-1 THROUGH 4-7


Traffic Schedule 4, Page 1



(Reference Section 11-2074)

Anderson Drive. *

Annapolis Drive. #402, 6/24/80

Athens Drive. *

Atlantic Avenue. *

Avent Ferry Road. *

Bartholomew Circle. #202, 6/1/93

Bashford Road. *

Blackhurst Drive. #34, 1/7/97

Bland Road. #402, 6/24/80

Blount Street. #402, 6/24/80

Blue Ridge Road. *

Bolo Trail. #999, 6/30/87

Boylan Avenue. #402, 6/24/80

Brentwood Road. *

Brier Creek Parkway. #880, 8/9/05

Bridgeport Drive. #999, 6/30/87

Brookhaven Drive. #402, 6/24/80

Brooks Avenue. *

Buck Jones Road. *

Buffaloe Road. #402, 6/24/80

Cabarrus Street. #402, 6/24/80

Capital Boulevard. *

CarolinaPines Avenue. *

Chapel Hill Road. #790, 6/30/91

Clark Avenue. *

Crabtree Boulevard. *

Creech Road. #339, 3/29/80

Creedmoor Road. *

Cross Link Road. *

Traffic Schedule 4, Page 2

Dandridge Drive. *

Dawson Street. #402, 6/24/80

Deblyn Avenue. #402, 6/24/80

Departure Drive. #602, 6/22/90

Dixie Trail. *

Dixon Drive. *

Dorothea Drive. #402, 6/24/80

Duraleigh Road. #245, 1/1/84

Durant Road. #542, 1/17/95

East Hampton Drive. #425, 6/21/94

East Street. #402, 6/24/80

Ebenezer Church Road. #937, 12/31/05

Edenton Street. #402, 6/24/80

Edwards Mill Road. #402, 6/24/80

Embleton Drive. *

Erinsbrook Drive. #34, 1/7/97

Fairbanks Drive. #652, 6/30/04

Faircloth Street. #402, 6/24/80

Fairhill Drive. *

Fairview Road. #402, 6/24/80

Fairway Drive. *

Falls Church Road. *

Falls of the Neuse Road. *

Falls River Avenue. #34, 1/7/97

Fox Road. #789, 6/30/86

Garner Road. *

Glen Burnie Drive. *

Glen Eden Drive. *

Glen Forest Road. *

Glendower Road. #391, 6/10/80

Glenwood Avenue. *

Gorman Street. *

Grand Traverse Drive. #904, 6/4/96

Grantland Drive. *

Green Road. *

Traffic Schedule 4, Page 3

Hammond Road. #31, 12/14/82.

Hammrick Drive. #999, 6/30/87.

Harps Mill Road. *

Hedingham Boulevard. #202, 6/1/93

High Holly Lane. #34, 1/7/97.

Highwoods Boulevard. #642, 12/23/84.

Hiking Trail. #999, 6/30/87.

Hillsborough Street. *

Hodges Street. #402, 6/24/80.

Holly Ridge Road. *

Hunting Ridge Road. *

Jones Franklin Road. *

Kaplan Drive. *

Kent Road. *

Kingsland Drive. #904, 6/4/96.

Knightsbridge Way. #625, 6/21/94.

Lake Boone Trail. *

Lake Dame Road. #402, 6/24/80.

Lake Wheeler Road. *

Lake Woodard Drive. #202, 06/01/93

Lancaster Drive. *

Lassiter Mill Road. *

Latimer Road. *

Laurel Mountain Road. #639, 9/11/90

Lawrence Drive in its entirety. #845, 9/9/86.

Lead Mine Road. *

Leesville Road. *

Lenoir Street. #402, 6/24/80.

Traffic Schedule 4, Page 4

Lineberry Road. #202, 06/01/93.

Litchford Road. #462, 12/23/84.

Liverpool Lane. #202, 06/01/93

Loadstar Drive. #999, 6/30/87.

Longstreet Drive. *

Louisburg Road. #402, 6/24/80.

Lumley Road. #617, 7/16/85.

Lynn Road. *

Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. from Rock Quarry Road to Poole Road. #472, 1/9/90

Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, from Rock Quarry Road to Wilmington Street. #944, 4/14/92

Maybrook Drive. #716, 1/28/86.

McDowell Street. #402, 6/24/80.

McGuire Drive. #790, 6/30/91

Method Road. *

Merwin Road. *

Middle Hillsborough Road. #617, 7/16/85.

Milburnie Road. *

Millbrook Road. *

Morehead Drive #402, 6/24/80.

Morgan Street. #402, 6/24/80.

Mountford Avenue. #402, 6/24/80.

Navaho Drive. #402, 6/24/80.

New Bern Avenue. *

New Falls of Neuse Road. #956, 10/18/11

New Hope Church Road. *

New Hope Road. #256, 1/1/84.

New Hope Road Extension. #602, 6/22/90

Newton Road. *

Northbrook Drive. *

Northclift Drive. *

North Hills Drive. *

Traffic Schedule 4, Page 5

Oak Forest Road. #602, 6/22/90

Oak Park Road. *

Oakboro Drive. #34, 1/7/97

Oberlin Road. *

Old Lead Mine Road. #789, 6/30/86

Old Wake Forest Road. #857, 6/28/05

Peace Street. *

Person Street. #402, 6/24/80

Peyton Street. *

Plaza Place. #789, 6/30/86

Pleasant Grove Church Road. #391, 6/10/80

Pleasant Pines Drive. #200, 6/30/88

Pleasant Valley Road. #789, 6/30/86

Poole Road. *

Quail Hollow Drive. *

Quail Ridge Road. *

Rain Water Road. *

Raleigh Boulevard. *

Range Crest. #999, 6/30/87

Ray Road. #391, 6/10/80

Rembert Drive. #402, 6/24/80

Ridge Road. *

Rock Quarry Road. *

Rush Street. *

Salisbury Street. #402, 6/24/80

Sanderford Road. *

SandyForks Road. *

Saunders Street. *

Sawmill Road. *

Shelley Road. *

Traffic Schedule 4, Page 6

Sierro Drive in its entirety. #845, 9/9/86

Sinclair Drive. #18, 7/28/87

Six Forks Road. *

Skycrest Drive. #319, 11/13/02

Snelling Road. #402, 6/24/80

Spring Forest Road. *

Southgate Drive in its entirety. #902, 12/5/00

Southhall Road. #202, 6/1/93

South Street. #402, 6/24/80

St. Mary's Street. *

Starmount Drive. #402, 6/24/80

State Street from Lenoir Street to Dandridge Drive. *

Strickland Road. #573, 6/30/85

Suffolk Boulevard from Fairway Drive to CarolinaPines Avenue. *

Sumner Boulevard. #319, 11/13/02

Sunnybrook Road. *

Sweetbriar Drive. *

Tarboro Road. *

Timber Ridge Drive in its entirety #308, 2/14/89

Timberlake Road. #402, 6/24/80

Trailwood Drive. #402, 6/24/80

Trawick Road. *

Tryon Road. *

Tylerton Drive. #639, 9/11/90

U.S. 70. #812, 12/31/81

U.S. 401. #812, 12/31/81

Valley Drive. #789, 6/30/86

Valley Estates Drive. #925, 6/30/82

Valley Lake Drive. #999, 6/30/87

Volant Drive from Falls Church Road to Spring Forest Road. #518, 3/26/85

Traffic Schedule 4, Page 7

Wade Avenue. *

Wake Forest Road. *

Weaver Drive. *

Western Boulevard. *

Westgate Road. #144, 6/17/97.

Whitaker Mill Road. *

Whittington Drive. #919, 6/18/96.

Willow Oak Road. #202, 6/1/93.

Wilmington Street. *

Winthrop Drive. #391, 6/10/80.

Winton Road. #462, 12/23/84.

Woodridge Drive. *

Yadkin Drive. *

Yonkers Road. #402, 6/24/80.