October 19,2017 Block 1 Pool 4PM

Attending: Board Members: Dave O’Hern, Lora McCormick, Barbara Matteson,Sara Grimm, Tom Nordstrum,Jan Sleeper. Committee Chairs: Wayne Murray, Richard Leon Home Owners: Durham McCormick, Linda Hitt, Glen Ponder, Carole Leon.

MINUTES: September 14, 2017 minutes approved by motion from Barbaraseconded Lora. Passed unanimously.

FINANCIAL: President Dave O’Hern gave the treasurers report and also reported our monies have now been transferred to Vantage West. Treasurers report was approved after a motion and second. Prior to the meeting Board member Frank Busemi submitted his resignation and in doing so also stepped down from the position of Treasurer. The board accepted his resignation. Lora made a motion that Pam Stuart fill Franks remaining term on the board. Barbara seconded and all approved. Barbara made a motion that Patake the treasurers position. Lora seconded also approved. Dave lead a discussion about ways to increase revenue and reduce expenses. In the September 14, 2017 board meeting there were four examples for the board to review. The two items which most thought would be helpful are to delete paying for Cox cable and cutting back on water. This would be in lieu of having to raise our dues. At the annual Village A meeting in November the residents will be included in the discussion about increasing revenue for the 2018 budget.

Master HOA Report: Linda Hitt shared that the post office has a web site which you can see exactly what mail will be delivered to your home that very day. Web site address is There will be a neighborhood social tonight at the club house. The police department encourages such events as we meet more ofour neighbors. They have found it cuts down on suspicion and crime.


Pools: Wayne says pools are being maintained well. Items in need of repair on hand rails and gates are being worked on. Lora thanked Wayne for taking on the task of trouble shooting and then repairing the solar system. It is now in perfect shape and doing its correct job.

Landscape: Lora once again stated that we all be diligent when out and about and report any leak in the irrigation around the common area. She said Land Tamers will come out promptly to repair the leak. The winter rye has taken hold and looks lovely. In our discussion of cutting back on water Lora suggested that the irrigation to the grass be turned off during the summer months. This would not affect the trees or plants as they are watered on a separate system.

CC&R: No report.

SOCIAL: Sara shared with us a web site to communicate with our neighbors. It is called Next Door Dorado and she encouraged us to look at it. Carole Leon said she has been using the site.

ROADS: No report.

ELECTION COMMITTEE: Dave reported the ballots are ready to be sent. Barbara made a motion that a question be included on the ballot. Number one: Raise Dues, Number two: Cut cable. Lora seconded the motion. Motion passed.

OTHER: A mailbox has been installed at Block 16 pool. The address is : 1135 N Dorado Vista Dr. Tucson Az. 85715. This address can be used to pay dues, send absentee ballots or other Village A correspondence.

Adjourned meeting at6:40 PM. Next meeting scheduled for November 12, 2017 at 2 PM. This will be our annual meeting and pot luck.

Respectfully submitted,

Jan Sleeper, Secretary