1.Purpose of the Report and Policy Context

1.1To consider the response to the advertisement of the proposed closure of Coy Pond Road.

  1. Recommendations

2.1It is recommended that:

i)Coy Pond Road be closed as advertised

ii)The effects of the closure be monitored for six months and the scheme be reviewed at a future meeting of the Transportation Advisory Group, and

iii)Officers liaise with Bournemouth Council over traffic flows along Branksome Wood Road and Surrey Road.


3.1The response to the advertisement of the proposed closure of Coy Pond Road was considered by this Group on 23 September 2004. The Group considered the attached report and heard from representatives of objectors and supporters of the proposal. The Group recommended that the closure be implemented for a temporary period and that Officers liaise with Bournemouth Council over traffic flows along Branksome Wood Road and Surrey Road.

3.2The Portfolio Holder felt that traffic calming options for Coy Pond Road should be investigated more fully before this recommendation was approved. A number of options have been discussed with Ward Councillors and it is clear that these will be more expensive than the road closure, and would not necessarily be supported by local residents; indeed the calming measures could be a source of objection themselves. He is now satisfied that the most appropriate action is to close the road to allow the effects of the closure to be monitored.

3.3The proposed closure has already been advertised, and objections considered, under the procedures for a permanent closure. A temporary closure can only be used for the protection of road users and the public while work is carried out on the Highway. Councils can make an Experimental Order to close the road, but another full advertisement and consultation process would be needed if the experimental closure is to be made permanent. It is suggested that the most appropriate process would be to confirm the permanent Order that has just been advertised. The Order can be subsequently revoked if the Council decides that the closure should be removed.


Head of Transportation Services

Name and Telephone Number of Officer Contact:

Stephen Dean (01202) 262071







1.Purpose of the Report and Policy Context

2.1To consider the response to the advertisement of the proposed closure of Coy Pond Road and the no entry restriction in Gordon Road.

  1. Recommendations

2.1It is recommended that:

i)The Order to close Coy Pond Road be made as advertised.

ii)The Alderney and Branksome East and Branksome West Area Committee be informed that this Group has no objection to the proposed no entry restriction in Gordon Road.

3.0Coy Pond Road

3.1In February/March 2001 Branksome Ward Councillors consulted residents in the Coy Pond Rd/Surrey Rd area on a number of local traffic and pedestrian issues. The consultation indicated support for, and led to, the extension of the cycle route through Coy Pond Gardens, and the improved cycle/pedestrian crossing facility across Branksome Wood Road. These facilities enabled the Bourne Valley Greenway to be completed, and opened this summer.

3.2The consultation also indicated support for a traffic restriction in Coy Pond Road, under the railway bridge. A restriction at this location would separate the residential area from the commercial area and would mean that there was no need to provide additional turning areas. A plan showing the road network around the Coy Pond Road is shown as Appendix A.

3.3On 4 September 2002, Planning Permission was granted for a small development at No 49 Coy Pond Rd. Concerns about the appropriateness of the site access were overcome by a £5,000 contribution from the developer towards the cost of a road closure or traffic restriction under the nearby railway bridge. Approval to progress schemes of this scale is delegated to The Head of Transportation Services, although this would normally be done in consultation with Ward Councillors

3.4The pedestrian/cycle crossing facility in Branksome Wood Road, and the associated, speed-reducing roundabout at the Coy Pond Road junction were completed in February 2004. Local residents have raised concerns that since the scheme was installed, through traffic has found it more convenient to use Coy Pond Road than the main route via Surrey Road. The Bourne Valley Greenway was opened in May 2004; cyclists and pedestrians have to use part of Coy Pond Road to link Coy Pond Gardens with Talbot Heath.

3.5In April/May 2004 Branksome East Ward Councillors re-consulted residents of Coy Pond Road, Thwaite Road, Wren Crescent and Havelock Road to establish if local people would support a closure under the railway bridge. The consultation letter explained that funds were available to allow a closure to go ahead, but more expensive options, like traffic calming or a width restriction, would need to wait for further allocation of funds. The response to the consultation is summarised below:

In favour of closure


Against Closure

Coy Pond Road

/ 34 / 11
Thwaite Road / 8 / 1
Havelock Road / 4 / 0
Wren Crescent / 25 / 13
96 responses / 71 / 25

3.6The Ward Councillors followed up the consultation explaining that the Orders would need to be formally advertised, and that any objections would be considered by a Council Committee. The proposals were advertised on street from 26 July 2004 to 26 August 2004, with a notice in the Advertiser on 26 August 2004.

4Coy Pond Road

4.1During the advertisement period a total of 39 Objections(multiple letters from one household have been counted as one letter) and 63 letters of support were received.

4.2The largest element of objections (17) came from residents of Surrey Road and Branksome Wood Road. The letters were primarily concerned that the closure would force more traffic to use Surrey Road, increasing congestion and traffic noise and introducing safety hazards. A number of objectors make reference to the proposal to introduce a “no entry” restriction in Gordon Road, which is to be considered by the Area Committee on 29 September. Some of the letters include objections to further yellow lines in Surrey Road; there are no current plans for yellow lines here.

4.3Eleven objections have been received from residents living outside the immediate area (ie. beyond Bourne Valley Road, Surrey Road and Branksome Wood Road). They feel that the closure would increase congestion and safety problems in Surrey Road. A number of them question the justification for closing this road.

4.4Six letters have been received from residents of Wren Crescent, and one from a resident of Coy Pond Road. These residents are concerned that there will only be one point of access to the area, and more traffic on Surrey Road. There are concerns about the extra distance that residents will have to travel and about the reasons for the new roundabout in Branksome Wood Rd.

4.5SSE Power Distribution have objected on the basis that the closure would effect the operational efficiency of their depot.

4.6Letters of support have been received from 63 local residents.

5.Gordon Road

5.1On 10 July 2002 the Alderney, Bourne Valley and Newtown Area Committee considered a consultation by the Bourne Valley Ward Councillors. The consultation indicated that there was support for traffic restraint measures in Gordon Road but it was unclear which measure was favoured by most people. The Ward Councillors were instructed to consult further to establish whether there was a consensus. Their further consultation was reported to the Alderney Branksome and Canford Cliffs Area Committee on 16 July 2003. The consultation showed that 79% of the respondents from Gordon Road and Gordon Road South supported a no entry restriction at the Surrey Road junction. The proposal was therefore approved and included in the Area Committee’s programme for 2004/05.

5.2Objections have been received from 11 households in Surrey Road (all of whom have also objected to the Coy Pond Road Closure and are included in the summary above). The objectors raise concerns that the no entry restriction and the Coy Pond Road closure will increase congestion, noise and safety problems in their road.


6.1It is clear that the previous consultations gave a good indication of the view of local people that Coy Pond Road should be closed. This will keep commercial and through traffic out of the residential section of the road. Preventing the use of Coy Pond Road by through traffic will also improve safety for users of the Bourne Valley Greenway, visitors to Coy Pond, and children walking to St Aldhelms School.

6.2It also appears that the previous consultations in Gordon Road are still valid as there have been no objections from the residents in the road. The No entry restriction would improve safety on the right angle bend in Gordon Road. This scheme is to be funded by the area committee, who will have to consider the objections at their next meeting. This Group’s views will included in the Area Committee’s considerations.

6.3There are understandable objections from residents of Surrey Road and Branksome Wood Road. These roads are currently unclassified roads, but they are designated as Local Distributors in the Adopted Local Plan. It is intended to apply to Government Office for the South West to have them classified as "C classified unnumbered roads" to reflect the fact that, together with Yarmouth Road, they form an important part of the main road network.


Head of Transportation Services

Name and Telephone Number of Officer Contact:

Stephen Dean (01202) 262071

Appendix A – Plan of Coy Pond Road area
