Traffic Impact Statement and ENDORSEMENT
PROJECT: Project name / location
DRAWINGS / ATTACHMENTS: List drawing reference numbers or attachments
COUNCIL: Enter the name of the Council where the proposed change is located. May be omitted if Council logo is included.
ROAD AUTHORITY: Enter the name of the road authority if different from Council
LOCATION: Identify the location of the proposal, e.g. street name(s), area, suburb / town, latitude / longitude
Provide all relevant information on the project, most importantly the reasons for initiating the changes
Description of what is planned and why it is proposed. If other traffic control options were considered, identify why the proposed option was chosen and others were rejected.
This proposal includes the following traffic control devices to be installed, altered or removed:
Devices included underCouncil’s Instrument of General Approval
- List the standard traffic control devices to be installed, altered and/or removed as part of the proposal, or delete if not applicable.
Installation, alteration or removal of these devices meets Council’s responsibilities under its Instrument of General Approval and Delegation from the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure (the ‘Instrument’).Separate approval from the Commissioner of Highways or authorised delegate is not required.
Devicesrequiring separate approval fromthe Commissioner of Highways
Listed traffic control devices in Appendix A of the Code
- List the traffic control devices to be installed, altered and/or removed as part of the proposal which are specified in Appendix A of the Code as requiring separate approval, or delete if not applicable.
Approval from the Commissioner of Highways or authorised delegate is required.
Non-standard traffic control devices
- List the non-standard traffic control devices to be installed, altered and/or removed as part of the proposal, or delete if all devices are standard.
Approval from the Commissioner of Highways or authorised delegate is required for devices that are non-standard, or are not used in accordance with the Australian Standards, Austroads Guides, DPTI’s Code of Technical Requirements and DPTI’s Operational Instructions.
Address the expected safety and traffic changes (+ve and -ve), and any direct and indirect impacts that the proposal may cause to the way road users interact with the existing facilities. Measures to mitigate negative impacts should also be outlined.
List the road safety and traffic management outcomes of the proposal.
Provide details of any consultation, and any agreed decisions on the proposal that have occurred, including when and with whom. Consultation may include:
DPTI – Traffic Operations
DPTI – Public Transport Operations and Planning
Adjacent Council: Enter name of Council(s) and details of consultation if applicable
Commercial business
Emergency services
any other stakeholders as required
In accordance with the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure’s Instrument of General Approval and Delegation to Council, this Traffic Impact Statement has been prepared by a person the Council deems to be an experienced traffic engineering practitioner, and endorsed by a person authorised by Council.
Prepared by:(Experienced Traffic Engineering Practitioner)
Signed: / Name: / Date:
(Person authorised by Council)
Signed: / Name: / Date:
NOTE: If this proposal only contains devices thatmeet Council’s Instrument, approval from the Commissioner of Highways is not required. Otherwise continue below.
Approval from the Commissioner of Highways or authorised delegate is required for devicesnot conforming to the requirements of, or used in accordance with, the Australian Standards orDPTI’s Code of Technical Requirements (‘the Code’), or for deviceslisted in AppendixA of the Code as requiring a separate approval.
Applications for approval shall be addressed to:
Commissioner of Highways
℅ Manager, Traffic Services
Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure
GPO Box 1533
Adelaide SA 5001
and must include this traffic impact statement, any plans and relevant supporting documentation.
APPROVAL FROM COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS (or authorised delegate) – DPTI USE ONLYTechnical endorsement
(Recognised Traffic Engineering Practitioner)
Signed: / Name: / Date:
(Authorised delegate in accordance with OI 18.3)
Signed: / Name: / Date:
File No: / KNet Ref:
(Additional conditions may be added to this list)
Approval to install, alter or remove those traffic control deviceslisted as requiring separate approval from the Commissioner of Highways that areproposed in this traffic impact statement and its attachments isgranted subject to the following:
- Devices shall be installed, altered or removed in accordance with the Manual of Legal Responsibilities and Technical Requirements for Traffic Control Deviceswhere there is no conflict with this traffic impact statement and its attachments, and the conditions of this approval, and
- Devices shall be installed by a council employee or contractor with experience in the placement of traffic control devices, and
- Council must keep records of the times and dates the devices are installed, altered or removed, and
- For speed limit and end speed limit signs, Council shall notify the Commissioner of Police before signs are installed, altered or removed.
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