March 21, 2017




Board President Frohbieter called the meeting to order at 7:01pm.


Members present: Mr. Eckelberry, Mr. Frohbieter, Mr. Hanks, and Mrs. Lee. Mrs. Mannering’s absence is excused.

  1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA-Community Input was cancelled. An Executive Session regarding student matter was added. Mrs.Lee made the motion to approve the Agenda as revised. Mr. Eckelberryseconded the motion. All Board Members present voted “aye”. The motion passed.
  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES-Mrs. Lee made the motion to approve the minutes. Mr. Eckelberry seconded the motion. All Board Members present voted “aye”. The motion passed.
  1. APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL ITEMS-Mr. Eckelberry made the motion to approve the Financial Items and Mrs.Lee seconded the motion. All Board Members present voted “aye”. The motion passed.
  2. School Safety/Notification to parents-Rebecca Hussey-cancelled.
  1. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT-Mr. Burnside will talk about the active shooter drill. Mrs. Mockerman preparation of the reunification box made everything well organized and reaction time less. HP donated a lot of furniture to the district. HP is helping rural schools to replenish their furniture.
  2. Building Reports-


Grade / Aug. / Sept. / Oct. / Nov. / Dec. / Jan. / Feb. / March
Pre K / 19 / 21 / 22 / 22 / 22 / 23 / 23 / 21
Kinder / 26 / 26 / 28 / 28 / 28 / 27 / 27 / 26
1st Grade / 27 / 28 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 28 / 27 / 26
2nd Grade / 25 / 26 / 29 / 29 / 31 / 29 / 30 / 29
3rd Grade / 43 / 42 / 43 / 43 / 44 / 48 / 48 / 48
4th Grade / 36 / 37 / 37 / 36 / 36 / 37 / 37 / 36
5th Grade / 36 / 36 / 36 / 35 / 36 / 38 / 38 / 39
6th Grade / 38 / 39 / 39 / 39 / 39 / 39 / 38 / 38
BOCES-SOE / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Total / 251 / 256 / 262 / 261 / 266 / 270 / 269 / 264
  • PES Emergency Drill - March Tornado Drill
  • On Wednesday, March 7th we had a 5th and 6th grade Concert w/ Band and Orchestra concert at 2:00 p.m. and again at 5:30. Mr. Bates did a great job organizing and conducting and students did an outstanding job performing.
  • March 15th, PES held Parent Teacher Conferences from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and they were well attended.
  • On March 16th, our teacher in-service day, teachers had vertical articulation discussions with grade levels ahead of them, as well as the grade levels behind them. Discussion items included: What is working well? What area(s) could improve? In addition to this, Jamie Justice or DAC completed state testing training with all staff.
  • Our next Friday Enrichment classes will be held on March 23rd. March classes include: Woods, Robotics, Archery, Fab Lab Science Experiments, Cooking, Rock Band, Intro to Dance, STEMsCO Art, and Fly Fishing.
  • State testing for 3rd through 6th graders starts Tuesday, April 3rd. 3rd through 6th grade students will take three ELA tests, as well as three math tests. In addition to this 5th grade will take three science tests.

High School-

7th / 8th / Jr. High Total / 9th / 10th / 11th / 12th / HS Total / School Total
Jan. Student Count / 43 / 48 / 91 / 64 / 57 / 61 / 63 / 245 / 336
Feb. Student Count / 43 / 46 / 89 / 64 / 57 / 61 / 62 / 244 / 333
March. Student Count / 43 / 46 / 89 / 66 / 57 / 62 / 62 / 247 / 336
  • On March 1st and 2nd, the Peyton High School Drama Department held their annual Spring Musical, Broadway After Dark, our thespians put on two excellent performances. Both nights were well attended, and the show definitely displayed the singing and acting talents of many of our PHS students. Also, congratulations to Mr. Lee and Ms. Neumann on their direction and guidance.
  • On March 12th and 13th, the Peyton High School Matchwits team traveled to the 2018 Colorado State Knowledge Bowl Championships at CSU in Fort Collins.

There are approximately 180 teams 1A-5A in the state of Colorado. The top 60 get invited to the State Championships. The teams have the opportunity to compete for a classification state championship, as well as for the Governor’s Cup, which is the final competition among the top three point totals. The Governor’s Cup is open to all 5 classifications.The Panthers finished with 190 total points, which was good enough for 6th overall! With the 190 points, they were crowned 2A State Champions! Please congratulate the following students on their achievement-

Seniors- Stephanie Mooty, Kyle Mooty, Andrew Hendricks, and Matthew Garnhart
Juniors- Anna Nast, Mikhala Miller, Leigh Kuster, and Catherine Hendricks
Freshmen- Gracie Carrelo

Thank you to sponsor Mr. Lee for all of his great work with the team!

  • The Peyton Jr.-Sr. High School Safety Committee met on Monday February 26th at 11:00 am. The committee discussed the upcoming March 15th Drill, discussed the roles of all parties for the drill, and the need for transportation for the reunification aspect of the drill. The committee will meet after Spring Break.
  • The Peyton Jr.-Sr. High School teaching staff and PARA’s met at 3:45 on March 7th to discuss the drill on March 15th, in addition a morning and afternoon supervision schedule was introduced. Lastly, the Spring testing schedule was presented and discussed.
  • The Peyton Jr.-Sr. Building Accountability Committee met the evening of March 7th at 5:30. The committee watched a presentation on Blended Learning and how technology can be utilized for student learning and achievement at Peyton Jr.-Sr. High School. Lastly, the committee went over the possibility of diploma options for Peyton students as they look to graduate. The minutes are attached below.
  • The Peyton Jr.-Sr. High School Parent Teacher conferences were held from 6:00-8:00 pm on the evening of March 15th. Overall, there was good attendance; still we would like to continue to push for more parents to attend.
  • On March 15th, Peyton Jr.-Sr. High School partnered with the El Paso County Sheriff’s office to perform a lockdown, evacuation, and reunification simulation and drill. Conversations and the need for adrill started taking place in November. The purpose of this drill was to provide training for not only the Staff and students, but the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office and other first responders. Staff and students were not aware of the simulation, thus reacting according to the Standard Response Protocol in place. Overall, 4 agencies responded to the “threat,” students and staff performed admirably as they reacted to the simulation, and followed the protocol in place.
  • Transportation shuttled 184 students and 25 staff members to the CTEF building during the drill, this was from approximately 10:00-11:20 a.m.
  • 300 lunches were provided by the kitchen staff
  • By the time of reunification all students were accounted for
  • 56 students were checked out by parents during reunification

During all phases of the drill, staff and students kept calm, and followed the training and protocol in place. The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office was very thankful that Peyton Jr.-Sr. High School was willing to take part in the training, and felt the training was of great benefit to the agencies involved. All staff involved did a great job.We held a debriefing meeting today at 3:50 with staff to review the drill. In addition, the SRO will hold a debrief with Peyton administration after spring break.

  • On Saturday March 17th the PJHS Wrestling Team won the CCAL Tournament, as well as the CCAL League Championship! Congratulations on a job well done!
  • The spring testing schedule is set, and will take place April 9, 10, 11, and 12. More information will be made available soon.
  • Upcoming Events-

3/20- PHS JV Baseball @ St. Mary’s- 5:00 pm

3/21- PHS JV Baseball vs. Elbert V- 4:00 pm

3/22- PHS Baseball vs. Simla- 4:30 pm

3/23-3/24- PHS Baseball @ Las Animas Tournament- check for schedule

3/23- PHS Track @ Lamar- 9:00 am

Good luck and GO PANTHERS!!!

  1. District Advisory Report-The Survey Monkey was sent to the staff. They have received 36 responses already. Only two people showed up for the DAC Meeting, Felipe and Janet, so the meeting was cancelled.
  2. BOCES Report-It was a short meeting. General questions were answered.
  1. ACTION ITEMS- 8:13pm entered Action Items

A. Approve Exterior Door, Windows, and Frames at the Elementary

Mr. Land discussed the need to replace exterior door, windows, and frames at the Elementary. The North East door is an example of what needs to be repaired. The new steel had a coating on it that will prevent the issue from occurring in the future. Mr. Land requested information from a few different companies. His recommendation would be to award the bid to Doorway Solutions who was awarded the bid for door knobs. Doorway Solutions came to the school and reviewed things with Mr. Land. A motion to approve the exterior door, windows and frames at the Elementary School was made by Mr. Hanks and seconded by Mr. Eckelberry. All Board Members present voted "aye". The motion passed.

B. Approve Bart Hanks as Vice President to Board of Education

The Board has discussed Mr. Hanks becoming Vice President during Work Sessions. Mr. Hanks is interested in becoming President after Mr. Frohbieter’s term is complete. A motion to approve Bart Hanks as the Vice President of Board of Education was made by Mr. Eckelberry and seconded by Mrs. Lee. All Board Members present voted "aye". The motion passed.

C. Approve Tracy Lee as Secretary to Board of Education

With the approval of Mr. Hanks becoming the Board of Education’s Vice Present, Mrs. Lee will become the Secretary of the Board of Education. A motion to approve Tracy Lee as the Secretary of the Board of Education was made by Mr. Hanks and seconded by Mr. Eckelberry. All Board Members present voted "aye". The motion passed.

D. Approve Tracy Lee as authorizer on Farmers State Bank

A motion to Approve Tracy Lee as an authorizer on Farmer State Bank Accounts since she will be the Secretary to the Board of Education was made by Mr. Eckelberry and seconded by Mr. Hanks. All Board Members present voted "aye". The motion passed.

E. Approve First Amendment to the Peyton/Widefield Agreement

A motion to re-table the approval of the First Amendment to the Peyton/Widefield Agreement was made by Mr. Eckelberry and seconded by Mrs. Lee. All Board Members voted "aye". The motion passed.

Action Items ended at8:24pm

  2. Resignation of Classified Staff-The Board accepted the resignation of a classified staff member. Interviews have been completed for the position. Mr. Kistler, Mr. Rea, Mrs. Krisko, and Mrs. Kirchner were the interview team.
  1. EXECUTIVE SESSION-24-6-402(4)(h)

Mrs. Lee made the motion to enter into Executive Session and Mr. Eckelberry seconded the motion. All Board Members voted “aye”. The motion passed.

The Board, Mr. Kistler, Mr. Rea, Mr. Burnside, and Mrs. Watts entered Executive Session at 8:30pm.

ADJOURN- A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Eckelberryand seconded by Mr.Hanks. All Board Members present voted “Aye”. The motion passed.

The meeting adjourned at8:57pm.

MINUTES APPROVED at the April 17, 2018 at Regular Board Meeting.


President Secretary