28th-30th August 2015
Trinity Park, Felixstowe Rd. Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 8UH
Trade Stand prices as follows:
Trade stand frontage up to 15 ft Inc. 2 persons = £115.00 including vat
Trade stand frontage up to 20 ft Inc. 3 persons = £140.00 including vat
Trade stand frontage up to 30 ft Inc. 4 persons = £190.00including vat
Each extra adult aged 17 and over (maximum of 2) = £36.00
(All traders and extra adults will be required to camp behind their units on the trade field. Traders extra adults will not be allowed to camp in the members camping area).
Any stand over 30ft frontage will be charged at the 30ft rate plus £7.50 per extra foot.
I wish to reserve a ………….foot stand and enclose a cheque made payable to NASC for £...... I also enclose a stamped addressed envelope for my receipt.(we must rec. cleared payment by 11thAug)
The full measurements of my stand are ………ft. By ………..ft.
My main line of stock carried is……………………………………………………………………………..
I will arrive at approximately…………am/pm on the …………August
Full name and company/trading name………………………………………………………………………
Contact address………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Telephone number/s…………………………………………………………E-mail…………………………
All the information you need regarding set up times, contact details, rules etc can be found on the attached information sheet. It is in your interests to read it and bring it with you to all the shows along with your receipt. Please pay particular attention to set-up times.
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions supplied with this booking form Signature………………………….
Please send completed form and payment to : Martin Howe, 5 Dallison Close, Market Harborough, Leicester LE16 9LA
Tel: 07918 624518 email:
VAT Reg Number 573 297 808
NASC terms and conditions attached
We aim to make your trading experience with the N.A.S.C as pleasurable and pain free as we can. Following are some rules and regulations, which are important and mutually beneficial. If there is anything that you do not understand or if you have any queries about any aspect of trading at N.A.S.C events please call between the hours of 10am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, and we will be happy to help.
We reserve the right to refuse an application from any person or persons, wishing to trade at N.A.S.C events, if we consider them to be unsuitable for any reason.
The N.A.S.C committee, its members, general public and other traders have the right to conduct their business without fear of violence, physical or verbal abuse and intimidation. We therefore reserve the right to eject from our sites any person or persons demonstrating such behaviour.
The practice of booking a stall with a small frontage and in effect turning it sideways on and running it back a disproportionate depth will not be tolerated. This practice is unfair to both the N.A.S.C and other traders. Your pitch size will be charged on the longest length no matter which way you erect your stall. It is important that you provide the exact measurements of your stand, as your pitch will be marked out and numbered. Please note that you will only be able to display your stock out of the front of your main stall, uncovered, to a maximum depth of 4ft. Any sandwich boards or other signs/rails etc.. must be kept within this 4ft.
The Trader MUST hold a suitable fire extinguisher suitable for purpose and showing a current in-date certificate. All electrical/generator equipment you bring/use must display up-to-date PAT certification and MUST be operated within the manufacturers safety guidelines at all times. Due to the smoking ban the Trader must be aware that it is illegal to smoke in any public space that is enclosed or undercover and MUST display the statutory A5 ‘no smoking’ sign at all times. Please note that any stall/trade stand may, at any time, be inspected by appointed officers of the N.A.S.C, event site owners, local authorities and fire and police services.
Pitches will be allocated on a first come first served basis. The only exceptions are the traders who generously support the N.A.S.C through sponsorship deals. If you are interested in becoming an N.A.S.C sponsor the packages start at very affordable prices. Please contact John Pryor at the N.A.S.C office 07904 034034 if you are interested.
It is important that you answer, honestly, the question regarding your main line of stock. Any change to the application form must be made in writing at least two weeks prior to the start of the event. Apart from anything else this will help us to help you. For example it is not in anyone’s interest to group a line of t-shirt sellers together.
Drayton Manor, in particular, has given us strict guidelines as to what we can and cannot allow to be sold on the trade field. They are not unreasonable and if a small percentage of your stock crosses over with theirs it would probably be acceptable. They have two huge gift shops on site and several food and drinks outlets. Most of our regular traders know the boundaries but please ask if you are unsure.
The sale of food including sweets and drinks, apart from our main show field catering outlets, is strictly forbidden at Drayton. The sale of drinks at Trinity Park is only allowed from catering units and the sale ofsweets etc, will only be allowed from a confectionary trader. At any of our events, alcohol can only be sold by our designated licensed bars.
We DO NOT allow the sale of any, knives or weapons real or imitation (this includes toys), go-peds, mini-motorbikes, scooters, fireworks, Chinese candle lanterns, flammable liquids, nitrous oxide canisters, lasers or laser devises, herbal or so called ‘legal’ highs, tobacco products, banned substances, pornographic, obscene or blasphemous material at any of our events. Solvents of any kind are not to be sold to under 18’s. DVD’s/videos - the laws regarding age appropriate recordings for persons under the age of 18 must be observed. Any permanent tattooist must hold all relevant licenses and must produce these on request.
At Drayton Manor traders will not be permitted onto the trade field BEFORE 8 AM FRIDAY MORNING. Traders arriving before this time will be asked to camp in the main campsite and pay the relevant Drayton Manor camping fees.
All traders must check in at the trade gate upon arrival and wait for direction.
Traders may arrive at Trinity Park from 9am on the Thursday prior to the show opening on the Friday. The gates to the showground will be locked at 10pm on the Thursday, primarily for security reasons and because it is unreasonable to expect anyone to have to stay up and man the gate all night on the eve of a busy show. In addition it is unreasonable to expect other traders to put up with the noise associated with people arriving and setting up at night. If you arrive after 10pm on the Thursday, please book into a local campsite or B&B. Arrival after 10pm on Friday will mean that you may be asked to camp temporarily and set up in the morning for reasons as above.
Any damage to the sites caused by the Trader, their children or their staff is to be paid before leaving the site. The Trader agrees to leave the site in a clean and tidy condition.
The N.A.S.C and any designated helpers/employees, Drayton Manor, Trinity Park and/or any event site owners are not responsible or hold any liability for any financial losses incurred by the trader, or for any loss or damage of equipment, goods or personal belongings, personal injury of employees working for or connected to them and also accept no responsibility for any losses incurred due to bad weather or adverse weather conditions or other reasons that are out of their control. It is the responsibility of the trader to ensure that all equipment etc… is secure and within their designated area day and night.
Traders will be required to give the trade co-ordinator sight of their Risk Assessment and Public Liability Insurance certificate upon arrival at any N.A.S.C events.
If you have any special requests could these please be made at the time of booking and we will do our very best to accommodate you. The N.A.S.C looks forward to welcoming our traders, both old and new, to what already looks like being on track for a very busy year.
Trade Co-ordinator:NASC office:
Martin HoweJohn Pryor
5 Dallison CloseTel: 07904 034034
Market HarboroughEmail:
LE16 9LA
Tel:07918 624518