Unit 1.1

Track 1 Test A– Listening – ex. 1

one – book; one – book

two – glue; two – glue

three – pencil; three – pencil

four – ruler; four – ruler

five – scissors; five – scissors

Track 2 Test A– Listening – ex. 2

MAN: Look at the picture. Can you seethe pen on the desk?

GIRL: Yes, I can see the pen on the desk.

MAN: Colour it red.

GIRL: OK, a red pen on the desk.

MAN: Can you see the book on the chair?

GIRL: Yes, I can see the book on the chair.

MAN: Colour it blue.

GIRL: Right. A blue book on the chair.

MAN: Can you see the pen under thedesk?

GIRL: Yes, I can see the pen under the desk.

MAN: Colour it pink.

GIRL: Right. A pink pen under the desk.

MAN: Can you see the pen in the pencilcase?

GIRL: Yes, I can see the pen in the pencilcase.

MAN: Colour it yellow.

GIRL: Right. A yellow pen in the pencilcase.

MAN: Can you see the pen on the chair?

GIRL: Yes, I can see the pen on the chair.

MAN: Colour it black.

GIRL: Right. A black pen on the chair.

Track 3 Test A– Listening – ex. 3


MAN: What’s your name?

GIRL: My name is Sue. That’s S-U-E.

MAN: Nice to meet you, Sue.


MAN: What’s your name?

GIRL: My name is Tony. That’s T-O-N-Y.

MAN: Nice to meet you, Tony.


MAN: What’s your name?

GIRL: My name is Lucy. That’s L-U-C-Y.

MAN: Nice to meet you, Lucy.


MAN: What’s your name?

GIRL: My name is Ted. That’s T-E-D.

MAN: Nice to meet you, Ted.


MAN: What’s your name?

GIRL: My name is David. That’s D-A-V-I-D.

MAN: Nice to meet you, David.

Track 4 Test B – Listening – ex. 1


BOY: What’s your name?

GIRL: It’s Sue. That’s S-U-E.

BOY: Thank you Sue! It’s nice to meetyou, Sue.


BOY: How are you today?

GIRL: I’m great.

BOY: Me too.


BOY: What’s your favourite colour?

GIRL: My favourite colour is grey.

BOY: Oh. I love grey too.


WOMAN: 7 + 2?

GIRL: Nine. 7 + 2 equals nine.

WOMAN: Correct!


GIRL: What’s this?

BOY: It’s a ruler.

GIRL: A ruler?

BOY: Yes. That’s right.

Track 5 Test B – Listening – ex. 2

MAN: Look at the picture. Can you seethe pen on the desk?

GIRL: Yes, I can see the pen on the desk.

MAN: Colour it red.

GIRL: OK, a red pen on the desk.

MAN: Can you see the book on the chair?

GIRL: Yes, I can see the book on the chair.

MAN: Colour it blue.

GIRL: Right. A blue book on the chair.

MAN: Can you see the pen under the desk?

GIRL: Yes, I can see the pen under the desk.

MAN: Colour it pink.

GIRL: Right. A pink pen under the desk.

MAN: Can you see the pen in the pencilcase?

GIRL: Yes, I can see the pen in the pencilcase.

MAN: Colour it yellow.

GIRL: Right. A yellow pen in the pencil case.

MAN: Can you see the pen on the chair?

GIRL: Yes, I can see the pen on the chair.

MAN: Colour it black.

GIRL: Right. A black pen on the chair.

Track 6 NEE Test – Listening – ex. 1


BOY: What’s your name?

GIRL: It’s Sue. That’s S-U-E.

BOY: Thank you Sue! It’s nice to meetyou, Sue.


BOY: How are you today?

GIRL: I’m great.

BOY: Me too.


BOY: What’s your favourite colour?

GIRL: My favourite colour is grey.

BOY: Oh. I love grey too.


BOY: What’s this?

GIRL: It’s a pencil case.

Track 7 NEE Test – Listening – ex. 2

The school bag is blue. Colour the schoolbag blue.

The book is red. Colour the book red.

The pencil is yellow. Colour the pencilyellow.

The sharpener is pink. Colour the

sharpener pink.

Unit 1.2

Track 8 Test A– Listening – ex. 1


BOY: What’s your name?

GIRL: It’s Ben. That’s B-E-N.

BOY: Nice to meet you Ben.


BOY: What day is today?

GIRL: It’s Wednesday.

BOY: Really? Wednesday!


BOY: When is your birthday?

GIRL: My birthday is in July.

BOY: Oh. Mine too.


MAN: Lucy, what’s your favourite colour?

GIRL: It’s red.

MAN: Red? Oh, Ok.


GIRL: How old is Peter?

BOY: Peter is six.

Track 9 Test B – Listening – ex. 1


WOMAN: Can you see the present?

BOY: Yes, I can.

WOMAN: Good! Put the present under thetable.

BOY: Right. The present under the table.


WOMAN: Now. Can you see the cake?

BOY: Yes, I can.

WOMAN: Good! Put the cake on the table.

BOY: Right. The cake on the table.


WOMAN: Now can you see the numberseven?

BOY: Yes, I can.

WOMAN: Good! Put the number seven onthe chair.

BOY: OK. The number seven on the chair.


WOMAN: Now can you see the numberthree?

BOY: Yes, I can.

WOMAN: Good! Put the number three inthe school bag.

BOY: OK, the number three in the schoolbag.


WOMAN: Now can you see the numberfour?

BOY: Yes, I can.

WOMAN: Good! Put the number fourunder the chair.

BOY: Ok. The number four under the chair.

Track 10 Test B – Listening – ex. 2

BOY: Hi. Are you the girl in my class?

GIRL: Yes, my name’s Susie.

BOY: Susie? Can you spell that?

GIRL: That’s S-U-S-I-E.

BOY: Hi, Susie. We are in class 3.

BOY: So Susie, how old are you?

GIRL: I’m eight.

BOY: Eight?

GIRL: Yes.

GIRL: So, what’s your name?

BOY: My name is Dan.

GIRL: Dan?

BOY: Yes, That’s D-A-N.

GIRL: Hi, Dan. And how old are you?

BOY: I’m nine.

GIRL: Nine?

BOY: Yes.

GIRL: Dan, what’s our teacher’s name?

BOY: It’s Mr Brown.

GIRL: Is that B-R-O-W-N?

BOY: Yes, that’s right. Mr Brown is ourteacher.

GIRL: My favourite number is one. What’syour favourite number, Dan?

BOY: It’s number four. My favourite

number is number four.

Track 11 NEE Test – Listening – ex. 1

MAN: Look at the numbers. Can you seethe number ten?

GIRL: Yes, there’s a number ten.

MAN: Colour it blue.

GIRL: OK, the number ten is blue.

MAN: Can you see the number one?

GIRL: Yes, there’s a number one.

MAN: Colour it yellow.

GIRL: OK, the number one is yellow.

MAN: Can you see the number five?

GIRL: Yes, there’s a number five.

MAN: Colour it purple.

GIRL: OK, the number five is purple.

MAN: Can you see the number nine?

GIRL: Yes, there’s a number nine.

MAN: Colour it brown.

GIRL: OK, the number nine is brown.

MAN: Can you see the number two?

GIRL: Yes, there’s a number two.

MAN: Colour it green.

GIRL: OK, the number two is green.

Track 12 NEE Test – Listening – ex. 2


BOY: What’s your name?

GIRL: It’s Lucy. That’s L-U-C-Y.

BOY: Thank you, Lucy! Nice to meetyou.


BOY: What day is today?

GIRL: It’s monday.

BOY: Thank you.


BOY: When is your birthday?

GIRL: My birthday is in July.

BOY: Oh. Mine too.


WOMAN: What’s your favourite colour?

GIRL: Red.

Unit 2.1

Track 13 Test A– Listening – ex. 1


BOY: Who is she?

GIRL: Oh, she’s my mother.


BOY: What’s her name?

GIRL: She’s Sue

BOY: Is that S-U-E?

GIRL: Yes, that’s right.


BOY: Have you got any brothers


GIRL: Yes. I’ve got two brothers.

BOY: Two brothers?

GIRL: Yes.


BOY: And how old are you?

GIRL: I’m fifteen years old.

BOY: Fifteen?

GIRL: That’s right.


BOY: How are you today?

GIRL: I’m sleepy.

BOY: Really, sleepy?(laugh) OK.

Track 14 Test B – Listening – ex. 1

MAN: Look at the numbers. Can you see

the number one?

GIRL: Yes, there is a number one.

MAN: Put the number one under the table.

GIRL: OK, the number one under the table.

MAN: Now, can you see the number five?

GIRL: Yes, there is one number five.

MAN: Put the number five on the book.

GIRL: OK, the number five on the book.

MAN: Now, can you see the number


GIRL: Yes, there is one number twelve.

MAN: Put the number twelve on thenotebook.

GIRL: OK, the number twelve on the


MAN: Can you see the number two?

GIRL: Yes, there is one number two.

MAN: Put the number two under the table.

GIRL: OK, the number two under the table.

MAN: Can you see the number nineteen?

GIRL: Yes, there is a number nineteen.

MAN: Put the number nineteen on theruler.

GIRL: OK, the number nineteen on theruler.

MAN: Can you see the number four?

GIRL: Yes, there is one number four.

MAN: Put the number four under the table.

GIRL: OK, the number four under the table.

Track 15 Test B – Listening – ex. 2

BOY: Hi, this is a picture of my family.

This is my sister.

GIRL: What’s her name?

BOY: She’s Anna.

GIRL: Anna? Can you spell that?

BOY: That’s A-N-N-A.

GIRL: And, how old is your sister?

BOY: She is fifteen.

GIRL: Fifteen?

BOY: Yes.

GIRL: Is that your brother?

BOY: Yes. His name is Nick.

GIRL: Nick? Can you spell that?

BOY: Yes, That’s N-I-C-K.

GIRL: And how old is your brother?

BOY: He is eleven.

GIRL: Eleven?

BOY: Yes.

GIRL: Is that your father?

BOY: Yes. His name is Paul.

GIRL: Is that P-A-U-L?

BOY: Yes, that’s right.

GIRL: And what’s your mother’s name?

BOY: It’s Mary.

GIRL: Is that M-A-R-Y?

BOY: Yes, that’s right.

GIRL: And how old are you?

BOY: I’m eight years old.

GIRL: Me too. We are both eight.

Track 16 NEE Test – Listening – ex. 1

MAN: Look at the numbers. Can you see anumber twelve?

GIRL: Yes, there’s a number twelve.

MAN: Colour it yellow.

GIRL: OK, number twelve is yellow.

MAN: Can you see a number five?

GIRL: Yes, there’s a number five.

MAN: Colour it green.

GIRL: OK, number five is green.

MAN: Can you see a number sixteen?

GIRL: Yes, there’s a number sixteen.

MAN: Colour it blue.

GIRL: OK, number sixteen is blue.

MAN: Can you see a number two?

GIRL: Yes, there’s a number two.

MAN: Colour it red.

GIRL: OK, number two is red.

MAN: Can you see a number nineteen?

GIRL: Yes, there’s a number nineteen.

MAN: Colour it purple.

GIRL: OK, number nineteen is purple.

Track 17 NEE Test – Listening – ex. 2

One: I’ve got two brothers.

Two: My name is Jane. That’s J-A-N-E.

Three: This is my sister.

Four: My name is Tom. That’s T-O-M.

Five: I’ve got a brother and a sister.

Unit 2.2

Track 18 Test A– Listening – ex. 1

One – rabbit; One – rabbit

Two – cat; Two – cat

Three – mouse; Three – mouse

Four – lizard; Four – lizard

Five – turtle; Five – turtle

Track 19 Test A– Listening – ex. 2

Colour the fish red. It’s a red fish.

Colour the rabbit yellow. It’s a yellowrabbit.

Colour the cat orange. It’s an orange cat.

Colour the dog brown. It’s a brown dog.

Colour the parrot green. It’s a greenparrot.

Track 20 Test B – Listening – ex. 1

MAN: Look at the cat on the tree.

GIRL: Pardon? Which cat?

MAN: The cat on the tree.

GIRL: Yes, I can see it.

MAN: Colour it yellow.

BOY: Right. I’m colouring a yellow cat inthe tree.

MAN: Now, can you see the cat near theboy?

GIRL: The cat near the boy, right.

MAN: Colour it red.

BOY: Ok. A red cat near the boy.

MAN: Now, is there a cat in the water?

GIRL: Yes, there is.

MAN: Colour the cat in the water pink.

BOY: Ok. The cat in the water is pink.

MAN: Now, there is a cat under the tree.

Can you see it?

GIRL: Yes, I can. A cat under the tree.

MAN: Yes, colour it green.

GIRL: OK. The cat under the tree is green.

MAN: Now. Can you see the cat on thechair?

GIRL: Yes, I can. A cat on the chair.

MAN: Colour it black.

GIRL: OK. A black cat on the chair.

Track 21 Test B – Listening – ex. 2


BOY: Oh, is that your cat?

GIRL: Yes, it is. It’s name is Puffy.

BOY: Puffy?

GIRL: Yes, that’s P-U-F-F-Y.


BOY: What’s your favourite pet? A cat? Abird?

GIRL: No, my favourite pet is a dog.


GIRL: Have you got a pet, Dan?

GIRL: Yes. I’ve got a pet spider.

GIRL: A spider!? Ugh!


GIRL: Look at that cat! He’s so cute… He’sblack and grey.

BOY: Yeah, what a cute cat!


GIRL: And you, Grace. Have you got a pet?

BOY: Yes. I’ve got many pets?

GIRL: Really? How many?

BOY: I’ve got twelve pets… eight cats andfour dogs.

Track 22 NEE Test – Listening – ex. 1

One – rabbit;One – rabbit

Two – cat;Two – cat

Three – mouse;Three – mouse

Four – lizard; Four – lizard

Five – turtle;Five – turtle

Unit 3.1

Track 23 Test A– Listening – ex. 1


GIRL: Where is Pat?

BOY: She’s over there, jumping rope.


GIRL: Is Peter in the playground?

BOY: Yes, he is playing blindfolded.


GIRL: Where is Carol?

BOY: She’s over there in the playgroundsinging a song, look!


BOY: Look, they are playing football.

GIRL: Yes, how many boys are playingfootball?

BOY: Hum… eight.

GIRL: Eight?!

BOY: Yes.


BOY: Who’s that playing tag?

GIRL: That’s Kim.

BOY: Kim?

GIRL: Yes, Kim.

Track 24 Test A– Listening – ex. 2

MAN: Look at the picture. Can you seethe ball on the tree?

GIRL: Yes, I can see the ball on the tree.

MAN: Colour it red.

GIRL: OK, a red ball on the tree.

MAN: Can you see the ball under thetable?

GIRL: Yes, I can see the ball under thetable.

MAN: Colour it blue.

GIRL: Right. A blue ball under the table.

MAN: Now, can you see the ball underthe tree?

GIRL: Yes, I can see the ball under the tree.

MAN: Colour it brown.

GIRL: Right. A brown ball under the tree.

MAN: Can you see a ball in the school bag?

GIRL: Yes, I can see a ball in the schoolbag.

MAN: Colour it yellow.

GIRL: Right. A yellow ball in the schoolbag.

MAN: Can you see the ball near the

school bag?

GIRL: Yes, I can see a ball near the schoolbag.

MAN: Colour it black.

GIRL: Right. A black ball near the schoolbag.

Track 25 Test B – Listening – ex. 1

GIRL: ALEX!!! What are you doing?

BOY: I’m playing hide and seek.

GIRL: Hide and seek?

BOY: Yes.

GIRL: TOM!!! What are you doing?

BOY: I’m playing hopscotch.

GIRL: Hopscotch?

BOY: Yes.

GIRL: NICK!!! What are you doing?

BOY: I’m jumping rope.

GIRL: Jumping rope?

BOY: Yes.

GIRL: TONY!!! What are you doing?

BOY: I’m playing football.

GIL: Playing football?

BOY: Yes.

GIRL: BILL!!! What are you doing?

BOY: I’m singing a song.

GIRL: Singing a song?

BOY: Yes.

Track 26 Test B – Listening – ex. 2

GIRL: Hello! Are you the boy in the


BOY: Yes, my name is Ben.

GIRL: And how do you spell your name?


GIRL: And how old are you, Ben?

BOY: I’m seven.

GIRL: Seven?

GIRL: Yes!


GIRL: Is this your family in the picturewith you?

BOY: Yes, it is. That’s my little brother.

GIRL: What’s his name?

BOY: His name is Tom.

GIRL: How do you spell that?



GIRL: And how old is your brother, Ben?

BOY: He is three years old.

GIRL: Three?! How cute!


GIRL: Is that your sister?

BOY: Yes. She’s May./Her name is May.

GIRL: Is that M-A-Y?

BOY: Yes, that’s right.


GIRL: And how old is your sister?

BOY: She’s 11.

GIRL: 11?! Wow.


GIRL: So. Is this your mother and yourfather?

BOY: Yes.

GIRL: And, have you got any pets, Ben?

BOY: Oh, yes. We’ve got three cats athome.

GIRL: Three cats?

BOY: Yes. That’s right.

Track 27 NEE Test – Listening – ex. 1

One: Hi. I’m Anne and I’m running.

Two: Hi. I’m Peter and I’m singing a song.

Three: I’m Sue and I’m jumping.

Four: Hi. My name is Grace and I’m

playing football.

Unit 3.2

Track 28 Test A– Listening – ex. 1

One: What a beautiful flower!

Two: Look, a bee. A beautiful bee!

Three: This is a leaf.

Four: What a beautiful butterfly!

Five: Look, a blue bird!

Track 29 Test A– Listening – ex. 2

MAN: Look at the butterfly under thetree!

GIRL: Pardon? Which butterfly?